June 1, 2017 - EEOPD Approved Minutes

EEOPD Task Force Meeting-June 1, 2017

  1. Call to Order
  2. Quorum Established
  3. Introductions
    • Mark Schubel-introduction from ISBE
    • Sharon-resigning and moving to Arizona? introduction of Rory to group
    • Leanne Rider, division of Policy and Planning is replacing Katherine Burson
    • Mark Sherbeyn-Department of Veteran's Affairs
  4. Discussion of Replacement of Citizen's Co-Chair
    • Vacancy in citizen's co-chair
    • Homer-Nominations for members of veteran's groups-email names to Lauren to begin the process
    • Specifics of citizen's co-chair responsibilities-need to be complied and emailed out
    • July meeting to review new member responsibilities and tutorial of taskforce-end of July dates to be sent out
    • Internal delays for governor's office appointment-pushing through
    • Self-nominations: appoitments.illinois.gov
    • A description of positions to email out for interest
    • Walgreens meeting went very well (pull them in), and Autism group-Employer group membership is important
      • Home Depot
      • Look into Chicago BLM
    • Employment First update email (Tania)-send out description through that
    • Personal asks to these company representatives for membership on the task force
    • Groups to reach out to:
      • Business Community
      • PACE
      • Transportation
      • Higher education-teacher education/special education programs in colleges
        • Often that curriculum doesn't address adult disability issue
      • Career and technical education/community college
      • School Management Alliance-Sarah Johnson Rodriguez (?)
      • IBHE/ICCB
      • Veteran's organizations groups
      • Representative of Division of Developmental Disabilities
  5. Check-in with Taskforce Members
    • Meeting with Senator Morrison and Rep. Mussman, Rep. Hurley
      • Members of the special needs caucus
      • They acknowledged that they didn't have a depth of knowledge
      • Caucus' primary interest right now is employment-opportunity to highlight work
      • White Paper/Brief on the state of the state for people with disabilities in Illinois
        • People in legislature or even in some agency positions
        • Came searching for the information but couldn't get it from the state level
        • Subcommittee of people
        • Condense Barry's paper into a brief
        • Difference between white paper vs. blue print
    • Ask Senator Morrison to have subject matter hearing over the summer
      • Condense everything into 90 minute presentation
      • Not too long but a good overview of the issues
      • Is this summer the right time?
      • Special needs caucus is large group
      • Families and individuals in front of the them
    • Some kind of communication to the general assembly
    • Sarah, Phil, Kathy, Maria and Lore-subgroup to communicate to the general assembly
      • Barry (?)
    • Goals of the subcommittee
      • Strategy for how to communicate with general assembly members about the state of the employment in the State
      • White paper, hearing, meeting, etc.
      • What is the most effective way to inform the general assembly?
      • Informational presentation vs. a request from the general assembly
      • Open positions within the business enterprise council-putting someone with disability on the council
      • Communicate to legislators that a taskforce without resources can actually
    • Doug and Barry
    • Homer volunteers himself as veterans organization rep
    • Self-nominations on the website
    • Forward information to Marcos with resume/description of interest
    • Looking for someone who can be the voice on the council for persons with disability
    • Multiple spots open for this role
    • Networking events for
    • Working group recommendations-has anything been done with those recommendations?
      • Implementation problem
      • Barry-follow through with CMS and making sure that next steps
      • Feasibility of recommendations
      • Prioritization of what can be done/is already being done
      • What is working, what is not working and what needs to be done
      • Some of the recommendations require legislative action-part of discussion with the general assembly
      • Consensus-looking at the recommendations as a whole rather than just as working groups
        • Might be more effective to have a smaller group of folks look at the recommendations and then decide what is feasible/what can be done
        • Could working groups look at the recommendations themselves to do the prioritization
        • Some kind of position from the EEOPD about what is going to move forward
    • Another step between recommendations to implementation-what state agency would need to take the lead and who on the task force is following up with them?
    • Returning to the documents, reviewing materials and adding prioritization
    • Working Groups leads-set up meeting with working group, by the July meeting have recommendations for next steps
    • Translates weedy governmental language into layman's terms that is more accessible
  6. Employment First Achievements
    • Lore updates
      • IPS Supported Employment Services included within the submitted 1115 Medicaid Waiver for the Behavioral Health Population.
      • New Supported Employment definitions included in the Adults with DD Medicaid waiver renewal request.
      • Creation of the E1 Interagency Council to ensure communication and collaboration between departments and divisions of IDHA in order to leverage resources, help to drive system change and create solutions to provider challenges.
      • DDD Employment Services BIP grant funding implemented across 11 service providers
      • IDHS awarded third year of EFSLMP grant for 2017-
      • Developing MOU for DDD and DRS with SME support
      • Working with DCEO and DOIT to create an employer portal to help connect employers to job seekers who have disabilities
      • Transitions aged youth with the most significant disabilities toolkit and timeline
      • Continued creation of Community of Practice resources housed on the E1 webpage within the IDHS website
      • Created Provider attitudinal survey to assist in the identification of social service provider staff training needs
      • Organized E1 Summits for Community of Practice providers supporting trust building, sharing of best practice and problem solving
      • Created Employment First Update email that includes resource listings, additional funding- grant opportunities, and training to support Employment Staff
      • Created a collaboration with Cornell University Diversity Partners Curriculum that will allow social service provider staff, workforce staff and staffing firms to access online learning for free
      • Ongoing creation of Success Stories and provider tips-to provide inspiration accessible at the E1 webpage within the IDHS website
      • Continued expansion of awareness of E1 and building the community of practice via conference presentations and cross-system collaborations-APSE, Arc, Next Steps, etc.
    • Workforce development subgroup (Barry/Doug updates)
      • EO cited two groups that were not in line with Employment First
      • Business Enterprise Council work to make it more representative
      • Amending the statutes about sheltered workshops
      • House Government Administrative committee
      • Legislators were concerned with recommendations
      • State Use programming-non bid opportunities for folks
        • Transforms their state use programs to incentivize competitive, integrated employment
        • Told that if they went that route they would devastate the whole program
        • Next step-look at Kansas and other states to show how it can be done effectively
      • Do the work to get the information to see what is necessary to evaluate and then bring the work to CMS director-get the agency on board
      • Website updates-no response from DOIT
      • Need someone who's primary responsibility is to aid in the implementation in the strategy
      • Conversations about sheltered workshops
  7. Legislative Updates-Phil Milsk
    • Phil legislative updates
    • HB3899: Not-for-Profit Agencies for Persons with Significant Disabilities
      • State use advisory committee
      • Changes some of the terminology
        • Ex. Facility? not-for-profit agencies
      • Clean up of the language
      • Passed both houses
    • SB1453: Personnel Code
      • Senator McKahn
      • Creates a state employment program through CMS
      • Passed the senate last night
      • Currently in the House-doesn't have a house sponsor
      • Senate vote was unanimous
      • Make the ask for house bill sponsor
    • SB955: Community Disability Living Wage Act
      • Passed the Senate
      • Coming to the House (passed committee)
      • $317 million
    • SB1353: Personal
      • Raises person needs allowance from $30 to $60
      • Passed the house
    • No budget, no revenue bills
    • SB9: Tax Increase Bill
    • SB42: Budget Implementation Bill
    • Deadlines on all coming bills in the House that are still alive will be extended to June 30
    • Senate hopes that they won't have to come back during a summer session
    • SB1: Education
      • Evidence-based funding model
      • Argument-bill designed to give money to CPS
      • Partisan roll call
      • Not veto proof
    • K-12 Education currently does not have a budget
    • Legislative Sub-committee
      • Look at composition
      • Who wants to stay on and who wants to join
  8. Review of By-Laws
    • Purpose: to clarify responsibilities and participation
    • Comments on the draft by-laws
      • Useful tool for the taskforce
      • Take a look at concrete purpose of the group
      • By-laws reflect the statute
      • Role of more leadership positions
        • Communication with people
    • Adopting them as a taskforce
      • Today or in July Meeting
      • Motion to adopt the by-laws?
        • Kathy Carmody and Lore Baker
        • Unanimous adoption
        • No opposed
    • Lauren to send out a list of open positions
      • Next Steps: Gov. office person to communicate who has self-nominated
      • Make sure to fill 5 folks with disabilities positions
      • DMH Recovery-persons with lived experience list-servs


  1. Approval of Future Meeting Dates
    • Legal Advocates Conference (September 7-8)
    • Adding a date in July (20 is better than 27)
  2. New Business
    • HB2782
    • Changes the admin support from IDES to DHS
  3. Adjourn
    • Homer makes motion to adjourn