Personal Needs Allowance Increase


Public Act 100-0023 provides for the increase in the Personal Needs Allowance for individuals residing in Intermediate Care Facilities for Individuals with Intellectual Disabilities (ICF/ID) licensed under the Intellectual Disabilities/Developmental Disabilities Community Care Act, as well as individuals residing in Community Integrated Living Arrangement (CILA) settings. This Information Bulletin is issued to inform providers and other interested parties of this increase and the State's implementation activities.


When the proposed legislation was introduced, the Personal Needs Allowance for individuals residing in ICF/IDs was $30 per month. For individuals residing in CILA settings, the Allowance was $50 per month. With the passage of this Act, the Personal Needs Allowance for both populations is increased to $60 per month effective for service dates on or after July 1, 2017.


Proposed rules, in accordance with Public Act 100-0023, were published for public comment on August 4, 2017. The rule being amended is 89 Illinois Administrative Code 120.61. The amendatory language includes a retroactive effective date of July 1, 2017. The offsets applied to ICF/ID and CILA rates are being modified consistent with the new Act. Caseworkers in the Family Community Resource Centers are being informed of the change with regard to the offsets for individuals residing in ICFs/ID. The CILA rate adjustments are underway by the Division of Developmental Disabilities.

The information contained herein should not be considered a substitute for the appropriate official statutes, rules, regulations, or the advice of legal counsel.

Effective Date

The increase to $60 per month is effective for dates of service on or after July 1, 2017.