Last Revised 12/2023
All new instruments will be added to this list upon approval from Illinois Department of Healthcare and Family Services' (HFS). Any instruments HFS deems inappropriate will be removed. Notification of additions or removals to the list will continue to be preceded by a Provider Information Notice. Providers submitting requests to add new instruments must not begin to use any new tool until the provider receives notification from the Bureau of Early Intervention (EI) that the tool has been received and approved.
All instruments listed below may be used by any discipline/professional with training and credentials that meet the requirements specified within each of the particular test instruments.
New Instrument Approval Process
In order to submit a new instrument to be approved and added to the list, the provider must present proof of the criteria listed below to the IDHS-Bureau of EI for the HFS review and approval.
- The tool is listed in the Mental Measurement Yearbook Series;
- The tool is nationally distributed;
- The tool is age appropriate;
- The tool has been formally validated;
- The tool is individually administered; and
- The tool has been approved for use by the HFS
The Mental Measurement Yearbook Series can be found at the Early Intervention Clearinghouse, many local libraries and by visiting the EI Clearinghouse website. There is a cost to access some of the materials found on this website.
* Tools that do not provide age equivalents are only to be used for assessment or in conjunction with a tool that produces age equivalents.
** These tools are only used by audiologists as part of the diagnostic process for determining hearing levels.
Developmental Area/Test Name
Adaptive/Functional Skills
- Developmental Pre-Feeding Checklist*
- Functional Independence Measure (WeeFIM)*
- Pediatric Evaluation of Disability Inventory (PEDI)/PEDI-CAT*
- Scales of Independent Behavior-Revised
- Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scales, Third Edition (Vineland-3)
Must be used in conjunction with one of the approved communication tools for evaluation & assessment
- Hodson Assessment of Phonological Patterns-3 (HAPP-3) [criterion-referenced for under 3s]*
- Arizona Articulation and Phonology Scale, Fourth Revision (Arizona-4)*
- Goldman-Fristoe Test of Articulation, Third Edition
- Mac Arthur-Bates Communicative Development Inventories, Third Edition*
- Pre-School Language Scale (PLS 5)
- Receptive Expressive Emergent Language Scale, Fourth Edition (REEL)
- Receptive One Word Picture Vocabulary Test, 4th Edition
- Rosetti Infant Toddler Language Scale
- SKI-HI Language Development Scales, 3rd Edition (Hearing Impaired 0-5)
- Test of Early Communication and Emerging Language
Global and/or Cognitive
- Assessment Evaluation & Programming System, 3rd Edition (AEPS)*
- Battelle Developmental Inventory, 3rd Edition
- Bayley Scales of Infant Development-Fourth Edition
- Brigance Inventory of Early Development (IED)
- Carolina Curriculum for Infants and Toddlers, Third Edition*
- Developmental Assessment of Young Children-2 (DAYC-2)
- Developmental Profile 4
- Early Learning Accomplishment Profile, 3rd edition (ELAP)
- Hawaii Early Learning Profile (HELP)
- INSITE (for visually/multi-sensory impaired)*
- Infant-Toddler Developmental Assessment, 2nd Edition (IDA-2)
- Mullen Scales of Early Learning (MSEL)
- Transdisciplinary Play-Based Assessment-2 (TPBA-2)
- Conditioning Play Audiometry (CPA)
- ELF Early Listening Function
- Evoked Otoacoustic Emissions (OAE)
- Pure tone hearing test, air
- Select Picture audiometry
- Speech Awareness Thresholds (SAT)
- Speech Discrimination Test
- Tympanometry
- Visual Reinforcement Audiometry (VRA)
- Alberta Infant Motor Scale
- Erhardt Developmental Prehension Assessment*
- Gross Motor Function Measures*
- Peabody Developmental/Motor Scales-3
- Test of Infant Motor Performance (TIMP)
Assessments only; use only in conjunction with a tool that provides age equivalents
- Sensory Profile-2*
- Sensory Processing Measure-2nd Edition*
- Test of Sensory Functions in Infants*
Social Emotional
- Achenbach Child Behavior Checklist*
- Carey Temperament Scales*
- Devereux Early Childhood Assessment for Infants and Toddlers (DECA I/T)/Devereux Early Childhood Assessment - Clinical Form (DECA-C)*
- Early Coping Inventory*
- Functional Emotional Assessment Scale (FEAS)*
- Infant-Toddler Social and Emotional Assessment (ITSEA)*
- Parenting Stress Index - Short Form, 4th Edition (PSI-SF)*
- Scales of Independent Behavior-Revised
- Temperament & Atypical Behavior Scale (TABS)*
- Vineland Social Emotional Early Childhood Scale*
- Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scales, Third Edition Other
Medical/Behavior Diagnoses
- Autism Diagnostic Observation Scale, 2nd Edition
- The Oregon Project Global Assessment Tool, 6th Edition*
Last Revised: 12/2023