Chapter 14 - Early Intervention Transfer and Case Closure

14.1 Transfer and Case Closure Policy

  • 14.1.1 CFC offices will work collaboratively to ensure that in-state transfers from one CFC to another CFC and out-of-state transfers from the Illinois' EI Services System to another state's Part C EI program are conducted in a manner which ensures minimal disruption to the child and family's services and/or supports.
  • 14.1.2 When a child exits the EI Program, the CFC shall update and close the child's permanent and electronic record and shall maintain the child's CFC permanent record as a closed file.

14.2 In-State Transfers

  • 14.2.1 If a family makes the current Service Coordinator aware of an upcoming move, the Service Coordinator shall:
    • Notify the family of how to contact the receiving (new) CFC;
    • Notify the new CFC of the child's name, Cornerstone Participant ID and CBO/EI number;
    • Print the Cornerstone Service Coordinator case notes (HSPR0205, Participant Case Notes Report), Individualized Family Service Plan (IFSP), IFSP attachments and Participant Enrollment Information screen from the PA03 screen in Cornerstone and file in the child's CFC permanent record;
    • Route the child's CFC permanent record to the CFC Program Manager for review and approval to transfer; and
    • After approval, forward a copy of the child's CFC permanent record (including copies of the Cornerstone Service Coordinator case notes, IFSP, IFSP attachments and Participant Enrollment Information screen from PA03 screen in Cornerstone to the new CFC Program Manager and maintain the original CFC permanent record as a closed file.

NOTE: DO NOT close the electronic record in Cornerstone. The record will be automatically inactivated when the new CFC requests the transfer in Cornerstone.

    • If the child's case has been closed at one CFC (old) and the family refers to a different CFC (new), the consents are no longer valid. Therefore, new consents must be completed with the new CFC to begin services and to transfer any file that was created at the old CFC.
  • 14.2.2 If a family presents to a new CFC and the transferring (old) CFC has not been made aware of the move (transfer).
    • Contact the transferring (old) CFC to request the record. If the file is already closed, a release will be needed.
    • Submit the transfer request in Cornerstone.
  • 14.2.3 Upon receipt of the child's CFC permanent record, if not previously done, the new CFC must request the transfer of the case in Cornerstone and assign a new Service Coordinator.
  • NOTE: The following screens transfer to the new CFC: Enrollment/Address, Birth Data Screen, EI Program Data Screen, EI Service Authorization Entry, EI Service Authorization Inquiry, Initial Referral Assessment, Pregnancy and Birth Information Assessment, Developmental Assessment, Participant All Kids/ Insurance Screen and Family Fee.
  • 14.2.4 The new Service Coordinator initiates contact with the family as soon as possible to determine if a new benefits verification process must occur and arrange new providers for the services on the child's IFSP if the original providers are not able to continue serving the child and family in the new region.
    • Adjust the end date on service authorizations that are no longer effective and generate new authorizations as needed for providers in the local area.

NOTE: New authorizations will not be needed if the original providers are able to continue to service the child and family in the new CFC region.

    • Review with the family any persons, in addition to the EI providers listed in the IFSP, they wish to receive a copy of the IFSP and add those names to the current (signed) Implementation and Distribution Authorization page of the IFSP.
    • Print, copy and distribute the IFSP to the family, the EI providers listed in the IFSP and anyone else the family has consented to receive a copy.
  • NOTE: Language on the IFSP document permits service provider changes without written consent. Therefore, it is not necessary to obtain written consent before implementing services with new providers as long as the service types, frequencies, durations and locations are maintained.

12.3 Out-of-State Transfers

  • 12.3.1 When notified by the family of an upcoming move to another state, obtain parent signature on the CFC Consent for Release of Information form allowing transfer of information to the Part C EI program in the state that the child will be moving to.
  • 14.3.2 With appropriate consent, contact the EI program in the state the family is moving to and share/obtain information necessary to facilitate a smooth transition from the Illinois' EI Services System to the new state's Part C EI program.
  • 14.3.3 Give the family contact information for the Part C EI Program in the new state and make the family aware of any steps necessary for them to complete prior to the move to aid the transfer process.
  • 14.3.4 Notify all providers who have authorizations that the child/family will be moving and the tentative date that EI services will be terminated.
  • 14.3.5 Request any written information required to complete the case closure and transfer process such as results of any recent evaluations/ assessments and/or discharge reports.
  • 14.3.6 If the parent agrees, coordinate an IFSP review meeting to review the results of any recent evaluations/assessments and/or discharge reports and to discuss and document progress toward IFSP functional outcomes, EI levels of development and child outcomes. The team will discuss the child's performance in the three outcome areas across settings and situations. The IFSP team will compare each child's functioning to the developmental expectations for same-age peers related to the three outcomes.
  • 14.3.7 Upon confirmation of the family's out of state move the Service Coordinator shall complete the following activities:
    • Send a termination letter to the family documenting the reason EI services are being terminated (Sample Letter 8: Discontinuation of One or More Services - Child No Longer an Illinois Resident);
    • Notify the child's providers of authorization discontinuation and case closure;
    • Document provider notification of authorization discontinuation and case closure in Cornerstone Service Coordination case notes;
    • Edit the child's Cornerstone program status on the Program Information screen via the PA15 screen in Cornerstone to indicate closure reason.
  • NOTE: Do not complete case closure until this step is complete. In order to ensure accurate federal reporting data, it is very important to manually close all cases in Cornerstone in a timely manner and to document accurate termination reasons. Cases that are not manually terminated in Cornerstone will automatically terminate approximately 30 days after the child's third birthday and could negatively impact the CFC's performance contracting statistical data;
    • Print a hard copy of Cornerstone Service Coordinator case notes (HSPR0205, Participant Case Notes Report) and file in the child's CFC permanent record;
    • Terminate Service Coordinator assignment on the Case Manager Assignment History screen;
    • Close the hard copy record following local office procedures that comply with Chapter 5 - Recordkeeping.
  • NOTE: Closing the electronic case record automatically adjusts all authorization end dates to one day before the case closure date (unless authorizations have been adjusted to end earlier). Be considerate of service providers and final service dates when closing the Cornerstone case records; and
    • Transfer the information that the parents have agreed to transfer to the new states Part C EI program.

14.4 Aging Out or Exiting Prior to Age Three

  • 14.4.1 When a child exits EI due to aging out or prior to reaching three years of age the Service Coordinator shall complete the following activities:
    • Convene a meeting of the child's IFSP team no more than 120 days prior to the child's third birthday or prior to closing the child's case if the child is exiting prior to age three, to discuss and document progress toward IFSP functional outcomes and EI levels of development/child outcomes. The team will discuss the child's performance in the three outcome areas across setting and situations. This meeting may also be combined with the Transition Planning IFSP meeting.
    • Request any written information required to complete the case closure process such as results of any recent evaluations/ assessments and/or discharge reports.
    • Send a termination letter to the family documenting the reason EI services are being terminated (See Samples Letters 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 or 13 for examples);
    • If the child is exiting prior to age three, immediately notify providers of case closure and authorization discontinuation.
    • Document provider notification of case closure and authorization discontinuation in Cornerstone case notes.
    • Notify the LEA/School District if a transition referral has already been made.
  • NOTE: If the notification is not made prior to closing the case, the Service Coordinator can still notify the LEA/School District up to the end date identified on the CFC Consent for Release of Information form to make transition referrals and to share information with the LEA/School District. After the end date identified on the form, either the Service Coordinator or the LEA/School District representative will have to obtain written consent from the family to allow release of information from the CFC to the LEA/School District.
    • As appropriate, refer the family to other community resources to assist the child and family.
    • Document LEA/School District notification in Cornerstone case notes.
    • Edit the child's Cornerstone program status on the Program Information screen to indicate closure reason.
  • NOTE: Do not complete case closure until this step is complete. In order to ensure accurate federal reporting data, it is very important to manually close all cases in Cornerstone in a timely manner and to document accurate termination reasons. Cases that are not manually terminated in Cornerstone will automatically terminate approximately 30 days after the child's third birthday and could negatively impact the CFC's performance contracting statistical data.
    • Print a hard copy of Cornerstone Service Coordinator case notes (HSPR0205, Participant Case Notes Report) and file in the child's CFC permanent record;
    • Terminate Service Coordinator assignment on the Case Manager Assignment History screen; and
    • Close the hard copy record following local office procedures that comply with Chapter 5 - Recordkeeping.
  • NOTE: Closing the electronic case record automatically adjusts all authorization end dates to one day before the case closure date (unless authorizations have been adjusted to end earlier). Be considerate of service providers and final service dates when closing the Cornerstone record.

Rev. 11/01/2015