Chapter 4 - Child and Family Connections (CFC) Support Services

4.1 Overview of CFC Support Services

CFC Support Services consist of four subgroups: (1) Social Emotional (SE) Component, (2) Developmental Pediatric Consultant Services, (3) Parent Liaison Activities and (4) Local Interagency Council (LIC) Coordination. Each CFC office will be responsible to perform the duties outlined in this manual under each subgroup. Staff responsibilities for these subgroups can be merged and/or performed separately as determined by each CFC office. Prior to each fiscal year, the CFC Program Manager will submit an Annual Support Services Plan to the assigned DHS EI Program staff who will review the plan for that fiscal year. Midway through the fiscal year (approximately January-February) the assigned DHS EI Program staff will follow up on the plan with the CFC Program Manager to see if the activities and procedures are being implemented as planned.

4.2 Social Emotional Component Policy

The SE component supports SE development for all children in EI and more effectively identifies and serves children with SE concerns and their families. The SE component provides SE screening as a part of intake and when needed, specialized assessment and intervention to address SE/behavioral/mental health concerns. The comprehensive approach allows for the provision of relationship-based training, in addition to a SE Consultant to the EI entry points, reflective consultation for managers, reflective supervision and case consultation for Service Coordinators, and professional development and networking for providers, as needed.

4.3 Social Emotional Component Procedure

The CFC is responsible for ensuring that the following 6 elements of the SE component are fully implemented. Examples of activities are identified in each element.

  • 4.3.1 SE Consultant - The SE Consultant provides professional development, clinical consultation, and systems support to infuse relationship-based, reflective practice throughout the EI process. Primary responsibilities of the SE Consultant include reflective consultation to the CFC Program Manager, individual and group case consultation, and coordination of components including overseeing the implementation of SE screening and specialized assessment.
  • Staff selected to serve as a SE Consultant must have the educational, professional, and clinical skill to support the implementation of the elements listed here. The primary work of the SE Consultant is consultative in nature. The SE Consultant should not provide direct clinical services to clients that he/she is not licensed to perform.
  • DHS recommends that the SE Consultant have all or most of the following skills and education/work experiences in order to perform the duties of the position.
    • Master's degree in child development, special education, psychology, social work, counseling or a related field;
    • Supervised clinical experience with children and families;
    • Knowledge of and training in infant development: typical and atypical; attachment theory; family systems theory; psychopathology in infancy and toddler hood; diagnosis of mental health disorders in infancy (DC: Zero to Three R and/or DSM 5); impact of stress and trauma in infancy; assessment of parent/child relationship; intervention to support parent/child relationship; assessment of adult mental health disorders;
    • Deep understanding of philosophy and practice of relationship-based EI;
    • Knowledge of consultation process and experience in providing consultation regarding parenting and child development and team process;
    • Knowledge about and skill in providing reflective supervision and consultation;
    • Capacity to plan and provide in-service education to service providers and practitioners;
    • Compatibility with the CFC Program Manager predictive of the formation of a trusting relationship between the SE Consultant and the CFC Program Manager and staff, and
    • Experience in the EI system providing direct services to infant and toddlers and their families.
  • 4.3.2 Relationship-Based Training in EI
    EI providers who wish to take an active role in the SE component and CFC Program Managers, SE Consultants, Service Coordinators, and Parent Liaisons are directed to complete relationship-based training provided or approved by the Illinois EI Training Program. Locally, the CFC offices will embed relationship-based philosophy, on a daily basis, into every day service delivery.
  • 4.3.3 Reflective Consultation for the CFC Program Manager
    The SE Consultant meets as agreed upon with the CFC Program Manager for the following purposes:
    • To offer support around the difficult demands of the manager's role;
    • To provide the CFC Program Manager with the first-hand experience of reflective supervision to prepare them to provide reflective supervision for staff; and
    • To jointly plan and monitor all SE components.
  • 4.3.4 Integrated Assessment and Intervention Planning
    As needed after intake, the SE Consultant consults with the Service Coordinators regarding the intake interviews and the Ages & Stages Questionnaire: Social Emotional (ASQ: SE) findings.
  • 4.3.5 Case Consultation
    Case consultation sessions offer Service Coordinators another opportunity to develop understanding and skills in relationship-based EI. The SE Consultants and CFC Program Managers and/or Assistant CFC Program Managers lead small group sessions using a guided process that helps Service Coordinators, Parent Liaisons and, in some settings, providers to consider their work with each child and family from multiple perspectives. This includes consideration of the child's social-emotional development in the context of family relationships, a family's readiness and needs, and felt experience of Service Coordinators working with children and families.
  • 4.3.6 SE Consultant Network
    SE Consultants participate with other SE Consultants in consultation and support activities and network with local providers of counseling services to talk about best practices in EI and the appropriateness of services/referrals.
  • 4.3.7 Parent to Parent Grants
    To expand support for families, each CFC was provided with a mini grant to support activities that may include but are not limited to: development of a parent newsletter, creation of parent-to-parent linkages through a parent liaison, holding a family day, attendance at a parent-to-parent support seminar, and holding parent support meetings where families could safely process feelings and build supportive relationships with other families.
  • Additionally, the CFC may choose to have the following elements implemented as well:
  • 4.3.8 Reflective Supervision for Staff
    To support staff in working from a relationship perspective, the CFC Program Manager provides reflective supervision either in individual or group sessions.

  • 4.3.9 Integrated Provider Work Groups
    As determined by the CFC Program Manager, providers are given the opportunity to meet with the SE Consultant and the CFC Program Manager for mini trainings, case consultation, and informal peer consultation. The providers are also encouraged to call the SE Consultant for consultation and support on an individual basis.

4.4 Developmental Pediatric Consultation Services Policy

  • 4.4.1 Each CFC office will have a contract in place for the provision of developmental pediatric consultation services that must include, at a minimum, a clinical developmental pediatric professional to provide the services and support listed below. Clinical developmental pediatric professionals include the following: Pediatrician, Nurse Practitioner, Developmental Pediatrician, or EI Therapist with strong developmental background that can provide a global perspective.
  • 4.4.2 Each CFC office will contract with a Developmental Pediatric Consultant to ensure quality assurance activities such as periodic (as needed) participation in IFSP meetings, consultation on requests for IFSP service changes, technical assistance and training to EI providers to address local and system needs and Service Coordinator training tailored to needs identified pursuant to reviews or by the CFC Program Manager and assist CFCs with Child Find with the medical community.

4.5 Developmental Pediatric Consultation Services Procedure

4.5.1 The Developmental Pediatric Consultant will assist the CFC by ensuring quality IFSP development to meet the policies and procedures of the EI principles and best practices.

4.5.2 Other quality assurance activities, including:

    • On request by the CFC or through periodic involvement, review medical records, which may provide an explanation for a child's problems and thus avoid unnecessary medical diagnostic evaluations;
    • Review evaluations/assessments and listen to the Service Coordinator's discussions of their observations of the child in order to assist in identifying signs of Pervasive Developmental Disorder (PDD), Autism, Verbal and Motor Apraxia, Sensory Regulatory Disorder or other diagnoses that have not been previously addressed in either Evaluation/Assessment or treatment activities;
    • Discuss the specific medical diagnosis with the Service Coordinator and the impact that a disease or syndrome may have on a child and family. Make suggestions for a better approach to the family and/or,
    • Assist with post-IFSP development for consistency with EI principles and best practices and the expressed EI philosophy, principles, best practices, and procedures.
  • 4.5.3 Participate in IFSP meetings, as needed.
  • 4.5.4 Provide consultation regarding requests for IFSP service changes.
  • 4.5.5 Provide technical assistance and training to EI providers to address local and system needs.
  • 4.5.6 Service Coordinator training tailored to needs identified pursuant to reviews or by the CFC Program Manager.
  • 4.5.7 Assist CFCs with Child Find with the medical community.

4.6 Parent Liaison Activities Policy

  • 4.6.1 The CFC must ensure the availability of Parent Liaison services to interested families. The Parent Liaison's role is to bring to the delivery of services the unique experience of parenting a child with special needs. All staff employed as Parent Liaisons by a CFC are required to obtain an EI credential prior to providing services to families.
  • 4.6.2 Two main functions of Parent Liaisons are:
    • Development and provision of direct support services to families, and
    • Provision of consultation/resources to team members and other service providers regarding family perspectives on practices and policies for services and system development.
  • 4.6.3 Parent Liaisons must be employed by the CFC.
  • 4.6.4 Family preferences, team needs, and local concerns are considered in each CFC area when determining Parent Liaison responsibilities.
  • 4.6.5 A Parent Liaison must have a high school diploma or equivalent and be the parent or guardian of a child with special needs.
  • 4.6.6 In order to be employed as a Parent Liaison, the individual must obtain a Parent Liaison credential from Provider Connections and enroll with the CBO as a Parent Liaison prior to providing services to families.

4.7 Parent Liaison Activities Procedure

  • 4.7.1 Complete credentialing and enrollment process. Within 90 days of receipt of a temporary credential, the Parent Liaison must attend the Systems Overview and Service Coordination/Parent Liaison training sessions. In order to qualify for full credential status, the Parent Liaison must complete and document 240 hours of supervised professional experience providing direct EI services.
  • 4.7.2 Complete activities identified in the annual CFC Support Services Plan to provide the two main functions of Parent Liaisons listed in Policy 4.6.2, above.

4.8 LIC Coordination Policy

  • 4.8.1 LICs are components of the statewide infrastructure of the EI Services System and emphasize planning at the local level to identify and coordinate all resources and services available within each CFC local service area. Each CFC will be responsible for the coordination of their LIC(s).
  • 4.8.2 Members of each LIC shall include, but are not limited to, the following:
    • parents;
    • representatives from coordination and advocacy service providers;
    • local education agencies (LEA);
    • other local public and private service providers;
    • representatives from State agencies at the local level; and
    • others deemed necessary by the LIC.
  • 4.8.3 The LIC is responsible for coordination, design, and implementation of Child Find and public awareness activities for their geographic region. Such efforts shall take into consideration the region's cultural, communication, geographical, and socio-economic make-up. The CFC shall be responsible for staffing the LIC, carrying out Child Find and public awareness activities.
  • 4.8.4 The CFC and LIC will ensure that Child Find and public awareness activities are coordinated with comprehensive local and statewide efforts and shall provide information to DHS to monitor the effectiveness of the efforts and determine possible gaps in public awareness and child find. If gaps are determined, the CFC and the LIC will increase efforts as required.
  • 4.8.5 LICs will assist the CFC with:
    • Development of collaborative agreements between local service providers, diagnostic and other agencies providing additional services to the child and family;
    • Agreements related to transition and integration of eligible children and families into the community;
    • Local needs assessments, planning, and evaluation efforts;
    • Identifying and resolving local access issues;
    • Provider recruitment; and
    • Development of an annual report to the IICEI regarding Child Find and public awareness via an annual report.
  • 4.8.6 The LIC meeting schedule should include meeting times and locations that are conducive to parent participation.
  • 4.8.7 CFC must fulfill all LIC responsibilities and identify a contact person(s) responsible for ensuring that LIC activities are carried out.

4.9 LIC Coordination Procedure

  • 4.9.1 Providing staff and/or support for LIC meetings;
  • 4.9.2 Conducting local needs assessments;
  • 4.9.3 Developing strategies to address gaps in service delivery identified in local needs assessments, including identification of additional funding sources and provider recruitment;
  • 4.9.4 Facilitating the development of coordination agreements among local service providers, and other agencies providing services to children and families;
  • 4.9.5 Coordinating public awareness initiatives and activities in the CFC area;
  • 4.9.6 Submitting biannual child find screening calendars of upcoming screening events in the local service area to the Bureau;
  • 4.9.7 Coordinating Child Find activities in the CFC local service area, including the development of agreements with the local school districts and other entities that also conduct child find activities;
  • 4.9.8 Submitting monthly 0-5 Child Find Screening Data Collection Forms for data collection purposes;
  • 4.9.9 Developing plans and local interagency agreements for facilitating transition and integration of eligible children and families from the EI Services System into the community and/or public school system at the age of three;
  • 4.9.10 Facilitating local system conflict resolutions related to LIC activities, and
  • 4.9.11 Facilitating completion of an annual report to the IICEI.

4.10 Provider Recruitment Policy

  • 4.10.1 CFCs and LICs are responsible for provider recruitment within their local service areas.
  • 4.10.2 Identified gaps in service delivery require that provider recruitment efforts begin immediately. Service delivery gaps may be identified when:
  • Service Coordinators have identified lack of enrolled providers within the CFC local service area to provide services to eligible children, or
  • The LIC has completed a needs assessment which has identified a lack of enrolled providers within the CFC local service area.
  • 4.10.3 Each individual provider of care must be officially credentialed with Provider Connections and/or enrolled with the CBO in order to receive authorization to provide EI services.
  • 4.10.4 Evaluation/Assessment services for the purpose of determining initial eligibility, participating in the development of an initial comprehensive IFSP, and adding new types of services to existing IFSPs must be provided by an EI provider with a credential for Evaluation/Assessment in addition to an EI Specialist credential in the discipline required by the service being evaluated.

4.11 Provider Recruitment Procedure

  • 4.11.1 The LIC identifies all existing services and resources in the CFC local service area, including services that may be provided by independent providers.
  • 4.11.2 The LIC Coordinator and/or the CFC Program Manager should identify and recruit qualified credentialed providers to apply for the Evaluation/Assessment credential to ensure that a sufficient number of individuals from across disciplines have this credential to meet the Evaluation/Assessment needs of the families in the CFC service area. The qualified provider should submit the Evaluation/ Assessment Portfolio Application (see 4.11.4, below), including evaluation reports in the required format and documentation of attendance at an Evaluation/Assessment Workshop (day 2 of the Systems Overview), and a complete Agreement for Authorization to Provide Early Intervention Evaluations/Assessments (see 4.11.4, below).
  • 4.11.3 The LIC Coordinator and/or the CFC Program Manager should meet with identified providers of services to explain EI and the credential/enrollment process.
  • 4.11.4 Provider(s) agreeing to enroll may download the application and obtain information from the Provider Connections website at: If providers have questions about the credential/enrollment process, they may contact Provider Connections directly at 1-800-701-0995.
  • 4.11.5 Providers required to obtain a credential must follow the credential/enrollment application processes outlined on the Provider Connections website. A credential will not be granted unless EI (including Provider Connections, CBO and HFS) enrollment processes are completed.
  • 4.11.6 Providers who have completed Systems Overview Training may apply for an EI "temporary" credential and enroll to bill for authorized services for eligible children. Documentation of 240 hours of consultation while providing direct EI services is required either prior to or during the temporary credential process, full-credential status and continued enrollment.
  • 4.11.7 Providers are required to comply with all enrollment processes including enrollment with HFS as an EI provider, as HFS is a funder for EI fee-for-service provision. EI Providers never bill HFS directly for EI services rendered.
  • 4.11.8 All providers enrolling with EI through Provider Connections will also be enrolled with the CBO prior to authorization for services. All providers must comply by completing the CBO Enrollment portion of the application.
  • 4.11.9 If an available enrolled EI provider is not identified within seven (7) business days of the IFSP meeting, the CFC shall locate an available qualified provider who is not enrolled and shall request a DHS Provisional service authorization, contact the provider within two (2) days, and immediately inform the provisional provider on how to enroll. (See Chapter 12-Individualized Family Service Plan (IFSP) - 12.7 & 12.8 - Provider Selection & Provisional Authorizations for information on the authorization process.)
  • 4.11.10 Providers submit completed application packets to Provider Connections at the following address. Faxed copies will not be accepted.


Provider Connections
Western Illinois University
27 Horrabin Hall
Macomb, IL 61455

Contact Information:

Phone #: 1-800-701-0995


Rev. 11/01/2015