Common Budget Issues and Solutions

Issue Solution
Screens are not available when I go back. Use the navigation buttons within the CSA Application to move through the budget. Do not use your web browser's navigation buttons.
The budget keeps becoming unavailable. Do not idle in the CSA Application without saving your work. Some users experience a server error for idling for over 10 minutes. Once this error occurs, you'll need to exit your Internet browser and open it again to continue.
I can't see how the budget looks before asking my Executives to sign. You can view the PDF version of your budget by selecting the "Print Budget" option in the CSA Tracking System. This feature is not available during the review of the budget by your  Executive Director. Once you submit your budget to IDHS, then you will have the ability to print a version of the budget again.
My direct costs are much higher than what I entered. OR, your budget is unexpectedly too many pages. It's likely your indirect cost category page is the issue. The indirect cost totals may have saved to the tables multiple times and this causes issues in the database. The fix has been to delete the Indirect Cost category (not the individual line items) and add it back. You will need to delete the Indirect Cost category by clicking the "Delete Category" in the indirect cost category page and add that category over. No need to delete the entire budget. Deleting each individual indirect cost line does not solve the problem. Please use the "Delete Category" button. This will eliminate all duplicated entries and leave you with just the one good list of entries. If this doesn't work, then select "Delete Category" on the page cost category page that is the issue and reenter that cost category.
My executives cannot access the budget. Your executives may have been approved for the incorrect Provider Resource ID.  Go to the My Info tab and check the Resource ID.  If it is different than the Resource ID of the user who entered the budget, email and provide your External ID, FEIN and the Resource ID.
My budget summary total is close but not exactly equal to the amount requested from IDHS. You may have to click "Certify Budget Total Rounding" on the summary page to acknowledge the discrepancy before submitting to your Executives for signature.
My indirect costs category page was limiting my indirect cost base to less than the appropriate amount. Delete the indirect cost category page and reenter the information. This was fixed in the 6.9.17 release.
I used to be able to approve the budget. Now I cannot. If you re-registered for CSA rather than migrating, your Budget Signoff Authority did not transfer. You will need to resubmit your request for Budget Signoff Authority. Please follow the instructions here: Process for adding GATA Budget Signoff Authority
The "Executive Director or Equivalent Sign" button is not available Check the status of your budget. If it says "Work in Progress," you need to click on the "Submit to Executives" button.
My Executive Director has not received an email saying the budget is ready to approve. An email is not sent to the executives. You will need to let them know the budget is ready for approval.