Monday, September 25, 2017 @ 2 p.m.
Michael J. McCotter, Inspector General; Susan Keegan, Chairperson; Thane Dykstra; and Pamela S. Oller; - NO QUORUM
Called to Order
Meeting called to order at 2:03 p.m.
Approval of Minutes
May 11, 2017, minutes were provisional approved with no corrections needed.
Motion to Approval Minutes - Thane Dykstra
Chairperson Keegan stated the minutes are provisional approved until the board has a quorum to hold a formal vote.
Chairperson Keegan expressed the importance of the appointments of individuals to the Quality Care Board.
Chairperson Keegan would like all minutes be in the status of provisional instead of draft until there is a quorum to hold a formal vote.
Inspector General's Report
Inspector General McCotter reported the office will be sending thirteen investigators for an extensive training in testifying and investigative procedure; scheduled for December 2017. The training is being provided by John E. Reid & Associates DN; they provide training across the US to various law enforcement agencies and such entities. The goal is to intensify the internal security investigator II requirements that will result in maximum investigations.
The office is also planning an agency statewide meeting to take place during the Spring of 2018; over a period of approximately three days.
The office will provide training specifically related to redaction of case reports.
Chairperson Keegan agrees with the OIG's training agenda.
Program Revisions:
- In the process of reviewing and revising operational directives. One goal is for the Intake Bureau to focus on "live" calls during regular business hours; instead of being routed through an answering machine and/or service. The answering service currently used during staff "off" hours will remain. Inspector General McCotter explained the current process of the Intake Bureau.
- Considering the creation of an internal audit team; the sole responsibility of this team will review random cases.
- The goal is to have the positions of a Bureau Chief, two Investigative Team Leaders per investigative bureau, and eight investigators assigned to each bureau.
Agency Transparency:
The OIG in conjunction with Secretary Dimas, case reports were posted to DHS website. Redaction issues were found and the reports were removed until the issue is resolved. The OIG/DHS will self-report their errors as it pertains to HIPPA. There is discussion on the appropriate process to post OIG investigation findings to the website that will be both in compliance with HIPPA and provide agency transparency. Thane Dykstra - agrees with specific names of employees should not be listed in reports as part of the transparency.
Office Coordinator position located in Springfield office will be filled middle of October.
Board Member Appointments
Chairperson Keegan expressed the importance of the appointments of individuals to the Quality Care Board. Neil Posner has officially resigned from the Quality Care Board.
Thane Dykstra - will be resigning from the Quality Care Board effective December 31, 2017. He has accepted a new role at Trinity effective January 1, 2018. Stated in the capacity of his new role it would cause a conflict of interest to remain on the Board.
Inspector General McCotter reported there are two individuals listed as appointees of the Quality Care Board (on the Illinois.gov website). The OIG was not made aware of such individuals being appointed to the Board and looking into the possibility of this information being posted in error.
Inspector General McCotter believes if he was to recommend an appointee to the board that would be considered a conflict of interest and would like to see movement with this issue. Chairperson Keegan stated she will attempt contacting the Governor's Office regarding Board appointments. As the terms are as follows:
- Susan Keegan term expired 11/23/2015;
- Thane Dykstra term expired in 2013;
- Untress Quinn term expired in 2013; and
- Neil Posner term expired 3/18/2017
Chairperson Keegan stated the 2018 meeting schedule will be discussed at a later date with hopes of having board appointments.
Thane Dykstra and Chairperson Keegan would like the term "oversight" clarified in the by-laws.
Outstanding Issues
Inspector General McCotter reported the Auditor General has been auditing the OIG for approximately 6 months and the Quality Care Board was one of the items mentioned. Stated when there is not a quorum at the Quality Care Board meetings, this is an audit finding against the OIG. Inspector General McCotter explained to the auditors that appointments and attendance at Board meetings is out of the OIG's control. However, the OIG/QCB continues conducting the meetings. The member's whose terms have expired, remain and continue to perform their responsibilities as a Quality Care Board member.
Outstanding FOIA Requests- Status and Information Requested
Thane Dykstra mentioned the increase in the FOIA's and questioned if this prompted any discussion of the increase. Inspector General McCotter stated he hasn't noticed an increase in the requests, believes what the board is seeing is status quo; however, will check with legal to ensure he is conveying accurately.
Chairperson Keegan stated she appreciates receiving the FOIA's as soon as we receive them. Explained the importance of keeping comprised of FOIA's. Inspector General McCotter assured all FOIA's are up-to-date at this point.
Thane Dykstra inquired whether there have been additional lawsuits since the Tribune series. Inspector General McCotter reported none as of today.
Inspector General McCotter reported the training for investigators in December, 2017, and the statewide training meeting will each be three days in duration.
Inspector General McCotter plans to invite outside sources to the statewide meeting with a goal of providing a well-rounded training session. When the Statewide meeting is scheduled OIG will inform the Board. Opened the floor for remarks from Board members regarding the Statewide training. Thane Dykstra stated he attended one in the past and feels this is a great team building endeavor.
Other Business
Thane Dykstra stated in reviewing the report card he noticed one agency is inundating the OIG with complaints. Inspector General McCotter stated the OIG reviews every call/complaint received.
Motion to adjourn - Thane Dykstra
Chairperson Keegan moved to adjourn
Meeting adjourned at 2:52 p.m.