December 14, 2017 @ 2 p.m.
Michael J. McCotter, Inspector General; William J. Diggins, Deputy Inspector General; Susan Keegan, Chairperson; Thayne Dykstra, Board Member; and Pamela S. Oller. OIG Admin.Asst. - NO QUORUM
Called to Order
Meeting called to order at 2:01 p.m.
Approval of Minutes
Chairperson Keegan suggested posting (to website) meeting minutes as provisional subject to final board approval. Thane Dykstra in agreement with this suggestion.
Motion to Provisionally Approve September 25, 2017, minutes - Thane Dykstra
Motion Seconded - Chairperson Keegan
Chairperson Keegan states without a quorum the minutes have been provisionally approved by the members in attendance.
Inspector General's Report
Inspector General McCotter reported on the posting of case reports to the website. The office received feedback regarding appropriate information to post; the reports have since been removed from the website due to refining appropriate information to post on substantiated cases. Currently discussing how to link the OIG substantiated reports to the DHS transparency scorecard; this process would access the scorecard first that will provide an insight of the agencies ratios, context, and the services provided by that specific entity before reading the reports attached to that agency.
Chairperson Keegan questioned the protocol of case redaction. Inspector General McCotter stated the office is working to resolve the issue with redaction, being transparent and confidential information. Thane Dykstra will send a link of other States transparency format for review and possible adoption of their practices.
Deputy Inspector General Diggins reported that in calendar year 2017 the OIG opened 4028 investigations, which was an increase of 450 from the previous year (possibly due to the consent decree, closing of the ICF's, and increased population residing in CILA's). The establishment of sites is increasing OIG's jurisdiction. This results in an increase of cases received and requires more travel because they are not centrally located. Cases completed was 3,436, which is a decrease of 464 cases from the previous year. The average days to complete a case in CY2017 was 98, an improvement from previous year which was 105 days per case. There was an increase of 51 substantiated cases in CY2017; an increase of 52 unsubstantiated cases over last year; and a decrease of 586 unfounded cases in CY2017 compared to previous year.
Inspector General McCotter reported the office is in discussion with Central Management Services regarding having required "specialized skills" (i.e., law enforcement, legal and/or investigative background) for Internal Security Investigator II positions.
Auditor General's Report
Inspector General McCotter reported the office answered all of the questions raised and OIG had one disagreement. Quality Care Board appointments was one finding and the office replied this is work in progress.
Deputy Inspector General Diggins reported the overall tone of the report was very good. Their recommendations were based on small samples and the overall issues raised were not large and are simple to correct. Most of the issues raised was in relation to data entry/documentation and the office goal is to minimize this issue.
Thane Dykstra inquired about the issue found regarding time frames of completing investigations. Deputy Inspector General Diggins reported the 60-day requirement has since came out of the Rule and currently the Rule doesn't list a timeframe. However, a timeframe remains in the OIG Directives. This audit was done for FY2017 and comparing to FY2015 the timeliness of an investigation has improved. This reiterates the importance of having qualified investigators that will be able to perform the duties and complete cases within a timely manner; which prompted the need to make revisions and/or add an option to the position descriptions for Internal Security Investigator II's. Chairperson Keegan is in agreement with the need of having investigators with prior investigative experience.
On-Line Reporting of Substantiated OIG Cases
This was discussed during the Inspector General's report. Thane Dykstra applauds the OIG for the efforts of consulting with Stakeholders and being systematic with the transparency procedure. Chairperson Keegan agrees there should be protocol established for reporting.
Thane Dykstra foresees the on-line reporting system will increase reported and open cases. This system requires community agencies to report DHS.
Review of Monthly Investigative Reports
Chairperson Keegan stated the reports are very well written (fact based, concise and clear). Thane Dykstra states he tends to look for trends (trends he has noticed are medication related issues and staffing issues). If there is a staffing crisis it causes a crisis for care of individuals. He believes the funding for providers needs to be improved and hopeful with the hourly wage increase of $.75 that was passed by the legislature, should improve the quality of care and staff being hired.
Board Members Appointments/Status of Appointments
Chairperson Keegan will send a letter to the Governor with a copy to DHS General Counsel requesting a legislative liaison and appointment of Quality Care Board members with a broader spectrum.
New Business
Chairperson Keegan proposed the next Quality Care Board meeting be held on March 15, 2018, at 2:00 p.m. via teleconference. She asked Thane Dykstra if he would be willing to remain on the board until his position has been replaced; with the understanding of his new position as the CEO may play into the role. Thane Dykstra asked Inspector General McCotter and Deputy Inspector General Diggins for approval of him remaining on the board until he is replaced. Inspector General McCotter and Deputy Inspector Diggins agree he should stay until he is replaced; unless his position prevents him from doing so. Thane Dykstra agreed he will continue as a board member unless told otherwise. Inspector General McCotter has been in touch with Secretary Dimas for the need of appointments and has not heard anything as of yet.
Outstanding Issues
There were none.
Outstanding FOIA Requests
There were none.
Thane Dykstra left board meeting.
Proposed Board Meeting Dates for 2018
Chairperson Keegan proposed the following meeting dates:
June 14, 2018, 2:00 p.m.
September 13, 2018, 2:00 p.m.
December 13, 2018, 2:00 p.m.
Chairperson Keegan adjourned meeting at 2:35 p.m.