March 3, 2017 Redeploy Illinois Oversight Board Meeting


Redeploy Illinois Oversight Board Members and Staff. The public is welcome to attend.


March 3, 2017

9:30am to 11:30am


This meeting will be conducted via video conference with Chicago & Springfield Locations as follows:

  • Chicago: 401 Clinton Building, 7th Floor Executive video conference room
  • Springfield: Harris Building, 3rd Floor Executive video conference room


  1. Call to Order
  2. Roll Call
  3. Approval of Minutes
  4. Staff Updates
  5. FY17 Update - Contracts/Payments
  6. FY18 GATA - Redeploy
  7. Legislation
  8. All - Sites Meeting Update
  9. RIOB 2-Day Planning Meeting Update
  10. Next Meeting
  11. Adjourn


  1. Call to Order
    The meeting was called to order at 9:38 A.M.
  2. Roll Call
    Karrie Rueter, Kristen Marshall, Mary Reynolds, George Timberlake (appearing by phone), Janet Ahern, Scott Clark, Paula Wolff, Peter Parry, Anne Studzinski, Betsy Clarke, Jim McCarter, Tim Snowden, Pam Rodriguez, Heidi Mueller, and Rick Velasquez. Staff and Guests: Kristen Marshall, Angie Jimenez, John Payne, and Steve Sawyer.
  3. Staff Updates
    Karrie Rueter introduced the new Youth Intervention Services Specialist Kristen Marshall. Part of her responsibilities will include managing the Redeploy program. Karrie also informed the Board that DHS has hired a full-time staff Redeploy Program Coordinator, Erica Hughes.
  4. Approval of Minutes
    The Board discussed the minutes from the December 16, 2016 board meeting.
    Motion: Rick Velasquez motioned to approve the minutes from the December 16, 2016 board meeting. Pam Rodriguez seconded the motion.
    Decision: The Board approved the minutes from the December 16, 2016 board meeting.
  5. FY17 Update - Contracts/Payments
    Karrie Rueter reviewed a document with the Board that highlights spending for the first half of FY17. The amount sites have been spending is low. Winnebago County is reporting $0 in expenditures because the county is partially supporting its Redeploy program through United Way funds. The chart breaks out expenditures for each month. Karrie also shared a comparison chart of the number of commitments by site and the number of youth served in the Redeploy program over a three-year span.
    One member asked whether funds are going out to the counties and asked how DHS is in a position to hire staff. Karrie said that for FY17, Redeploy was included the budget for level funding. DHS issued contracts to grantees. Because the legislature passed the stopgap spending plan, they could obligate a little over 60% of the provider site contract amounts for the fiscal year. If the site reported expenditures for the first six months, DHS could and has issued payments for those expenditures, so long as they didn't exceed that percentage. The stopgap funding consisted of an entire year of funding intended to be expended over an 18 month period. Because providers did not fully expend their contract totals in FY16 and fewer sites applied in 17, DHS was able to fully reimburse all current sites for the first half of FY17. As of today, nothing has changed relative to the stopgap budget. Nothing has occurred that will allow DHS to extend the stopgap dollars through the rest of the fiscal year. There remain unallocated stopgap dollars. DHS and the state are in the exact situation as in FY16. There is currently no budget; providers will not be reimbursed for their expenditures after 12/31/16 until such time as spending authority is enacted.
    Karrie reminded the Board that this is the staff position that we have been trying to fill for more than 2 years and is finally being filled. Karrie said that Redeploy staff are paid out of general funds, not Redeploy program dollars.
    Members asked if we knew where the dollars are being spent. There are very few new youths enrolled in the program (around 54 for a 5-6 month period of time). St. Clair County has experienced an increase in its commitment numbers. The Board asked if the board can get DJJ population numbers to compare with the Redeploy data.
    Director Heidi Mueller said the DJJ population has dropped steadily. In FY16, the DJJ population decreased by 48%. She said that maybe 5-10% of the DJJ population included youth adjudicated of misdemeanor offenses. The reduction in the overall DJJ population has been impacted by the removal of youth from Aftercare that had pending charges as well as continued education and efforts to utilize the least restrictive means (SB1560 and SB2777) in reducing youths' length of stay in Aftercare (fewer youth are returning on violations). Currently, the overall DJJ population is approximately 380, and the Department is not seeing an increase. Heidi offered to brief the board on what is happening at DJJ and can do so at the next board meeting. If board members have specific questions, they were encouraged to ask Heidi in advance of the meeting. Janet Ahern said that the number of commitments to DCFS is greater than DJJ. CCBYS is also providing fewer services.
  6. FY18 GATA - Redeploy
    NOFO - Training, Technical Assistance & Support
    Karrie shared that the current procurement code contract expires at the end of June 2017. Redeploy is currently a component within the Juvenile Justice contract. The Illinois Juvenile Justice Commission is issuing a non-code NOFO for Training, Technical Assistance and support. Redeploy will become a part of Youth Services Training (YST) contract that will also be NOFO'd for FY18.
    The new Youth Services Training, Technical Assistance and Support contract will be competitively bid for FY18 and will result in a single provider being funded for one year with the possibility of two 1-year renewals based on performance. This will give DHS the ability to increase or decrease as necessary and it will makes it easier to amend contracts during the year as compared to code contracts.
    FY18 NOFO - Update
    The NOFO is expected to be released on or shortly after March 15. Karrie said they are still making changes to the NOFO template but sites who are currently or previously funded will be allowed to keep the same baseline for FY18. This will need to be revisited going forward.
    There is level funding in the governor's proposed FY18 budget for Redeploy that would provide the opportunity for Redeploy to issue planning grants. Karrie said she requested an exemption from the NOFO process for planning grants, but has not yet received a response. Members suggested that at the planning meeting, the board should will have ideas on addressing juvenile detention and Medicaid. If the Board asks sites to submit planning grants before this discussion occurs, that wouldn't be prudent. The Board will put a hold on planning grants until after the two-day planning meeting in May.
  7. Legislation
    New Bills Directly Impacting Redeploy
    The board members received copies of the pending legislation in their meeting packets.
    HJR0007 - Redeploy Cook County-Karrie informed the Board that Cook County would be eligible to submit an application under the soon-to-be released Redeploy NOFO and could apply to become a full Redeploy site.
    HB3297 - Redeploy 10% Violent-This measure was introduced in 2015. The bill would ensure that 10% of funding be allocated to counties that have the top 10 violent crime rates. Karrie reviewed the arguments against the bill noting that the measure was unnecessary. Macon County is behind the bill. Once concern is that, if passed, the bill would create greater funding instability.
  8. All - Sites Meeting Update
    Karrie announced that the All Sites meeting is scheduled for March 14 & March 15 in Bloomington. Angie Jimenez provided an update on the registrants that include sites that did not apply for funding in FY17 due to the ongoing instability in the state. During the All Sites Meeting, we will gather site feedback on issues they've encountered in program implementation and ways to improve and support the program going forward. At the conclusion of the All Sites Meeting, we plan to craft draft recommendations to distribute to members of the Redeploy Board for their review and consideration during the Board two-day planning meeting.
  9. RIOB 2-Day Planning Meeting Update
    The two-day planning meeting is scheduled for May 4 and 5. The planning meeting is an opportunity to reflect on the program, discuss the status of state budget impasse on the sites, learn more about what programs are experiencing without full funding, review state commitment rates and trends, and plan for the future of the program. The Board discussed the tentative planning meeting agenda and which items they wish to cover including focusing the conversation on gaps and addressing that population of who is not being served.
    In preparation of the planning meeting, the Board requested data on the following:
    • DJJ Commitments (The total number of youth who are detained compared with years' past)
    • DCFS commitments for the last 12 years
    • Detention Center Data
    • ISBE suspension/expulsion data
    • Relationship between ISBE
    • Feedback/input from the All Sites Meeting
    • Case specific information
    • Whether there are youth from Juvenile Redeploy that would have also participated in Adult Redeploy
    • JJC report information-some sites still have high rates of detention admissions and for youth of color (Peoria, Sangamon, Champaign)
    • Baseline data (data currently includes misdemeanor offenses and other offenses where youth are not eligible)
      Karrie suggested bringing together board members to review the data and interpret in advance of the Board retreat. Anne Studzinski, Janet Ahern, Rick Velasquez and Erica Hughes volunteered.
      If board members have any additional suggestions, they should contact Karrie.
  10. Next Meeting:
    The board agreed to cancel the normally scheduled May meeting and move that to the 2nd day of the planning meeting. The April meeting will be removed from the calendar.
    The next RIOB Full Board Meeting is scheduled: May 5, 2017 time to be determined.
  11. Adjourn
    Mary Reynolds made a motion to adjourn. Rick Velasquez seconded the motion.
    The meeting was adjourned at 11:38 a.m.