MR #17.04: Supportive Living Program (SLP) 2017 Standard Increase

Illinois Department of Healthcare and Family ServicesIllinois Department of Human Services



This release provides the 2017 SSI Federal Payment Standard Increase for the Supportive Living Program (SLP) Room and Board Amount.

The SLP Room and Board Amount depends on whether the person shares a room. Effective 01/01/17, the SLP Room and Board Amount:

  • Increases from $733 to $735 for SLP residents who do not share a room; and
  • Increases from $550 to $551.50 for SLP residents who share a room with another person.


[signed copy on file]

James T. Dimas

Secretary, Illinois Department of Human Services 

Felicia F. Norwood

Director, Illinois Department of Healthcare and Family Services