May 24, 2017 Illinois Juvenile Justice Commission


Illinois Juvenile Justice Commission Members and Staff. The public is welcome to attend.


May 24, 2017, 10:00am to 2:00pm


  • 401 S Clinton
    Chicago, IL
  • 823 E Monroe
    Springfield, IL
  • Call In: 888-4944032
    Code: 5329547331#


  1. Call to Order
  2. Roll Call
  3. Approval of Minutes
  4. Fiscal Update
    1. GATA/NOFO Application Review
    2. FY17 Contracts/Fiscal Updates
  5. Committee Updates & Motions
    1. DMC/RED
    2. Executive Committee
    3. JDAI/Compliance Update
    4. Planning & Grants
    5. Youth Advisory Board
  6. Project Updates
  7. Notable Legislation
  8. New Business
  9. Public Comment
  10. Next Meeting
    July 19, 2017
  11. Adjournment


  1. Call to Order
    Meeting was called to order at 10:24am.
  2. Roll Call
    Chairman George Timberlake, Vice Chairperson Lisa Jacobs, Ahitow, Julie Biehl, Jacqueline Bullard, Shelley Davis, Esther Franco-Payne, George Hill, Arnetra Jackson, Patrick Nelson, Angela Rudolph, Mary Reynolds,
    Ben Roe, Rick Velasquez and Dana Weiner. Quorum present. Staff: Wendy Nussbaum, Julie Stremlau, Karima Douglas and Dick Walsh. Guests: Susan Witkin, Lily Gleicher and Guests.
  3. Approval of Minutes
    Commissioner Biehl motioned to approve the minutes. Commissioner Ahitow seconded the motion. Minutes approved.
  4. Fiscal Update
    1. GATA/NOFO Application Review
    2. FY17 Contracts/Fiscal Updates
      Chairman Timberlake explained the amount of funding available for FY18. The group discussed the various applications and amounts. The Department of Corrections request was set aside for half the amount they requested. Committee motion to not fund at this time. All in favor, motion passed. ICJIA requesting $30,000 for data analysis, etc. Committee motion. All in favor, motion passed. IAJJC requested $45,000. Planning and Grants Committee voted not to fund. Chairman Timberlake made a motion to override the Committee's recommendation and call for a vote from the Commission. Second required. Commissioner Velazquez seconded the motion. The group discussed the various aspects of the application. Commission Roll Call was initiated for official vote. Vote did not meet requirements to fund IAJJC.  Lurie Committee motion to allot $20K. All in favor, no abstentions. It was noted that Youth Outreach Services is associated with Lure but receives no funding. Motion to approve CPRD for $200K. All in favor. Motion passed. (Time was a factor so all the remaining votes needed a motion and a second as Planning and Grants was unable to review and make recommendations for all plans submitted.)
      ICOY - The Commission recommends to fund ICOY $150,000 for systems, training and technical assistance, compliance and DMC. Commissioner Velasquez and Chairperson Jacobs abstained from this vote. There was a discussion to increase this amount.Commissioner Hill agrees with the increase. Chairperson Timberlake motioned to approved $170K, motioned to increase and approve for $170,000.  Commissioner Hill seconded the motion. ICOY approved for $170K.  DuPage: $100K - Commissioner Velasquez motioned, Commissioner Ahitow seconded. Motion passed. Wabash: $45,000- Commissioner Velasquez motioned to approve. Commissioner Hill seconded. All in favor.  DeKalb: $80,000. Commissioner Hill motioned and Commissioner Biehl seconded. Motion approved.  Midwest: $30,000 motion by Commissioner Velasquez and seconded by Commissioner Franco-Payne. Motion passed.  Effingham: $25,000. Motion by Commissioner Ahitow, seconded by Chairman Timberlake. Motion passed.  Sangamon: Commissioner Velasquez motioned not to approve Sangamon for funding.  Commissioner Ahitow seconded the motion. All in favor, not funded.  Saint Clair:
      $40,000. Commissioner Velasquez motioned and Commissioner Ahitow seconded. - motion passed.  Lake: Motion by Commissioner Biehl not to fund Lake. Seconded by Commissioner Ahitow. Passed. 
      Kane: $50,000. Commissioner Velasquez motioned to fund Kane. Commissioner Biehl seconded the motion. All in favor.  Union: Motion by Commissioner Velasquez to recommend not to fund. Seconded by
      Commissioner Biehl, motion passed.  Seven of the ten applicants were approved but at a reduced level of funding. Motion by Commissioner Franco-Payne and seconded by Commissioner Biehl to fund those providers listed and voted upon at the amounts defined by the Commission.  Approved.  JJ Specialist, Wendy Nussbaum, went over the current budget and funding amounts.
    3. OJJDP Compliance Review/Plan
      Wendy Nussbaum also explained some of the new rules on compliance as set out by OJJDP.  Compliance Monitor Dick Walsh gave the compliance report. He stated that the numbers are high in jail removal violations. They has some spike in the Chicago data this time.  He did note it increased all over though. There is a need for facility visits. Over 6 hour hold is a violation. Again, noted we need to get into these facilities to check the accuracy of the data and to ensure we can assist in decreasing the amount of violations through a thorough review process.
  5. Committee Updates & Motions
    1. DMC/RED
      Commissioner Franco-Payne gave the DMC update. The School to Prison Pipeline remains a focus and she explained their plans. It was noted there is a need for open discussion. Co-Chairperson Jacobs asked what we could do to assist, as a Commissioner and a Loyola faculty member. There is a need for Leaders and other grantees of Cook County to have onsite meetings. Need for open discussion on all topics, especially education.
    2. Executive Committee
      No update noted but Commissioner Biehl gave a brief update on the Expungement Report. It is moving forward with positive reaction and is headed for the Senate for a vote. This is great news.
    3. JDAI/Compliance Update
      None noted. 
    4. Planning & Grants
      Chairperson Jacobs updated on the Sex Offender study and talked about the recent tragedy of the youth suicide. The group believes we should be doing more on this subject. Progress continues with sharing the report and the findings. National experts agree with the findings in the Commission's report. Youth Outreach Services is bringing in sex offender experts to help kids with issues. They helped create a task force, recommendations were made in our state and others/using our report in cases.  Commission support to respond to issues.
    5. Youth Advisory Board
      No update noted.
  6. Project Updates
  7. Notable Legislation
  8. New Business
  9. Public Comment
  10. Next Meeting
    July 19, 2017
  11. Adjournment
    Commissioner Hill motioned to adjourn. Commissioner Velasquez seconded the motion.  Meeting ended at 12:16pm.