WAG 18-05-07-b
Per federal regulations, persons who receive
Medical Extension (ME) due to new or increased earned income are required to complete and return the ME review form (HFS 3361) to continue to qualify for ME after the initial 6 months.
The HFS 3361 is centrally generated in the 3rd and 6th months of the 12 month ME certification period, and is due back by cutoff of the 4th and 7th months respectively. The 3361 instructs the client to return the form to the Central Scan Unit. (See WAG 18-05-07-b)
IES allows the submission of a signed first quarterly report received after cutoff of the 4th month but prior to the end of the 5th month to meet the timely reporting requirement. Also, an adult may be added back to a ME case if a signed second quarterly report is received after cutoff of the 7th month but prior to the end of the 9th month. (See PM 18-05-07-a).
A 3361 - Redetermination Form (Medical Extension Cases) task is created and placed in the 'Changes/Misc' Queue when the second quarter HFS 3361 is received timely.

Requirements for an Additional Six Months
An adult continues to qualify for Medical Extension after the first 6 months, and for the remainder of the 12 month period, if they:
- still have a dependent child at home who was included in the first 6-month extension,
- have earnings that are less than 185% of the federal poverty level,
have returned the quarterly reports (HFS 3361) by the due dates or the report was bypassed, and
- have not quit work without good cause.
ME is closed during the 12 month period, any person under age 19 remains eligible under Continuous Eligibility policy per PM 18-05-01.
Adults may be added back to a
ME case when they cooperate and still qualify (see PM 18-05-07-a).
Bypassing of a Quarterly Report (HFS 3361)
When an increase in earned income is reported late (after the cutoff of the third month but before the cutoff of the fourth month), an individual may continue to receive ME (if otherwise eligible). Due to the late reporting, the first quarterly report will not be sent and is bypassed. When the first quarterly report is bypassed:
- IES populates the "4 Month Quarterly Report Date" on the REDE Received Details page with the date that ME is certified to prevent auto cancellation, and
- IES adds the following case comment: "Creation of the 1st 3361 was bypassed. IES systematically populated the receipt date in the "4 Month Quarterly Report Date" field to prevent auto cancellation. The caseworker is not required to generate the 3361 manually. Reference ILIES - 250407."
Example: Ralph is certified into medical extension on 01/10/2021 due to earnings that increased effective 09/05/2020. Since his 12 month certification period started in September, it is too late to generate the first 3361 which should have been issued on 11/15/2020 (cutoff of the 3rd month). IES enters 01/10/2021 as the receipt date in the "4 Month Quarterly Report Date" field to prevent an auto cancellation. The next quarterly report form will be generated in mid-February, which is the 6th month of the certification period
Income Change on Medical Extension with SNAP
For Medical Extension, verification is not required when the client reports an income change on the 3361 form.
If the case contains SNAP, a VCL for SNAP only may be required when reported income is different than what was being budgeted on the SNAP EDG. If the verified income is different from what the client reported on the HFS 3361, it will affect the Medical Extension only if it's over 185% of FPL. If it's under 185%, the adult continues to qualify for ME.