Signing Up for Services in PUNS

Updated February 2020

Registering in PUNS is the first and most important step you and your family can take to receive Home and Community Based Waiver services from the Illinois Department of Human Services/Division of Developmental Disabilities.

Table of Contents

  1. What is PUNS?
  2. How do I sign-up for placement in PUNS?
  3. What services can I receive if I am selected from PUNS?
  4. How do I find an Independent Service Coordination Agency in my area?

What is PUNS?

PUNS is a database of Illinois children, adolescents, and adults with developmental disabilities who want or need developmental disability services. The PUNS database helps the Division of Developmental Disabilities identify and plan for your services.

How do I sign-up for placement in PUNS?

Individuals, along with their primary care giver and/or guardian, must meet their local Independent Service Coordination (ISC) agency to fill out a PUNS form.  The individual must provide information on their medical condition, living arrangement and desire and/or need for community based services. This will allows the ISC agency, on behalf of the State, to determine whether an individual should the be placed in PUNS or whether they need other services/supports. 

Note: Completion of a PUNS form does not guarantee eligibility for services or that services will be provided. 

What services can I receive if I am selected from PUNS?

  • In-home Supports
  • Supported Employment with or without a Job Coach
  • Residential Living Arrangements
  • Self-Direction Assistance
  • Adaptive Equipment
  • Other Supports

How do I find an Independent Service Coordination Agency in my area?

To find an Independent Service Coordination agency in your area you can call the Division of Developmental Disabilities Hotline at 1-888-DD-PLANS and 1-866-376-8446 (TTY), or you can search the DHS Office Locator.