02.03.09 - Health Fair and Field Day

Health Fair and Field Day (02.03.09/05.16)


  1. Call Illinois Migrant Council to set up a date and time for the health fair that is convenient for the families. http://www.illinoismigrant.org/programs/health.htm
  2. At least one month in advance, invite area agencies to be a part of the health fair. Provide information and screenings (blood pressure, etc.) for adults.
    1. County Health Department
    2. Local disabilities services agencies
    3. Mental health consultant
    4. Nutrition consultant
    5. Community representative
    6. Community clinics
    7. Illinois Department of Public Health
  3. Find a place for the health fair & field day - either the center itself, or a park, campus, or other area with enough space for booths, lunch, and games.
  4. Plan a picnic lunch for all - either catered or prepared by staff. Follow MSHS nutrition policy closely.
  5. Plan games for parents and children such as 3-legged race, sack race, relay race, 50-yard dash, egg race, dunk the director, bubble gum-blowing contest. Appoint staff persons to lead games. Award little healthy prizes to winners.
  6. Pass out some kind of health favors to people before they go home.