- With implementation of IES Phase 2, many notices will be generated out of IES. This manual release introduces the Correspondence Module to staff.
- The Correspondence Module is accessed through left navigation in IES. This module allows you to view pending and historical correspondence, generate manual correspondence and access the DHS/HFS Forms Library.
- There are three ways to generate correspondence in IES; system generated correspondence, manually generated correspondence and outbound faxes. The outbound fax functionality cannot be used for TANF or SNAP EDG related faxes. The functionality can only be used for medical EDG related faxes.
- There are two ways to view correspondence in IES. Prior to mailing, staff can view pending correspondence through the View Pending Correspondence page. After mailing, the FCRC can view correspondence that has been printed either locally or centrally through the View History Correspondence Page.
- Workers can print correspondence both centrally and locally. If IES generates a notice for a customer and a worker does not print it locally during the day, it is centrally printed overnight by the Central Mail and Print Center.
- Many IES forms have a barcode in the bottom right hand corner of the document. The barcode contains a unique ID that, when scanned into IES with software called DataCap, determines what form it is and which case it belongs to.
- Every document that contains a barcode also contains a fingerprint. The fingerprint allows the scanning software to identify the document, even if the barcode is not readable.
- The Central Scanning Unit (CSU) is created to reduce the paper handling at local offices and support the efficient, automated transfer of documents to a customer's Electronic Case Record. Many documents previously mailed to the local offices or dropped-off by customers are now mailed to the CSU for processing.
- The CSU will scan documents into IES, create a task which routes the document to the appropriate local office and place the document in the correct IES queue.
- Multi-Functional Devices in the local office are equipped with the DataCap software. This enables the local office to scan documents they receive. The office can choose to create a task (thereby routing the document to the correct IES queue) or not create a task and use the Phase I scanning and uploading business process.
- Some IES generated forms are highly customized and display data entered in Data Collection into the form going to the customer.
- Some correspondence has been consolidated and new correspondence has been developed for Phase II Go Live.
- IL444-1893 Redetermination Notice for SNAP, Cash and Medical has been revised. This form is systematically generated for all programs by IES when a redetermination of benefits is due.
- IL444-0267T Appointment Notice is new. It is systematically generated when an appointment is scheduled for an applicant or recipient in IES.
- IL444-1120 Verification Document Coversheet is new. This is included with each IL444-0267VCL Verification Check List. This coversheet is used by the applicant or recipient when returning information to the office and will assist in the process of scanning documents into IES.
- IL444-0267 VCL Verification Check List is new. This form may be generated during data collection/case change modes, by using the "Hard Pend" feature or when there is questionable information. The questionable information VCL should only be used when information cannot be requested during data collection/case change mode or by using the "Hard Pend" feature.
- IL444-360C Notice of Decision is revised. This form notifies the customer of the approval, denial, cancellation or change in benefits.
- The DHS and HFS forms library can be accessed in IES. These forms will be completed and mailed to the customer manually, and uploaded to the Electronic Case Record.
- IES Notice reasons and corresponding policy references are provided.
- Navigating the Correspondence Module in IES
- Generating Correspondence in IES
- Viewing Correspondence in IES
- Printing and Reprinting Correspondence in IES
- Fingerprinting and Barcodes
- Central Scanning Unit
- Local Office Scanning
- Dynamic Properties of IES Generated Forms
- Forms Consolidation/New and Revised Forms
- IL444-1893 Redetermination Notice for SNAP, Cash and Medical (Revised)
- IL444-0267T Appointment Notice (New)
- IL444-1120 Verification Document Coversheet (New)
- IL444-0267 VCL Verification Check List (New)
- IL444-360C Notice of Decision (Revised)
- Generating Correspondence from the DHS/HFS Forms Library
- IES Notice Reasons
- Manual Release Revisions
Navigating the Correspondence Module in IES
The Correspondence Module is accessed through left navigation in IES. The Module allows you to:
- View pending correspondence;
- View history of correspondence;
- Generate manual correspondence; and
- Access the DHS/HFS Forms Libraries.
See Attachment A (pdf) for a Word version of the Correspondence Wizards in IES. See Attachment B (pdf) for a Word version of the Desk Aid for Correspondence in IES.
Generating Correspondence in IES
There are three ways to generate correspondence in IES.
- System Generated Correspondence - Some correspondence is systematically generated by IES based on triggers such as certification, denials and case changes. All system generated notices are defaulted to print centrally at night, unless the caseworker chooses to locally print the correspondence. If the caseworker chooses to print the correspondence at their office prior to the overnight batch mailing, the centrally generated notice is suppressed.
- Manually Generated Correspondence - Some correspondence is generated manually by FCRC staff. Staff have the option to print and mail most manually generated correspondence from their local Multi-Functional Device (MFD) or choose it to be mailed centrally by the Central Mail and Print Center based in Springfield.
- Outbound Fax - The Outbound Fax functionality cannot be used for a TANF or SNAP EDG related faxes. The functionality can only be used for Medical EDG faxes. Staff have two methods to send faxes through IES. The first method is by uploading a PDF to IES on the Fax Correspondence Details page. The second method is by selecting fax through the Generate Manual page.
Viewing Correspondence in IES
- Prior to Mailing: Staff can view pending correspondence on the View Pending Correspondence page. Unprinted correspondence shows as pending for the batch job that runs nightly. The pending correspondence includes systematically triggered notices, manually generated notices for central print or manually generated notices that are saved as a draft. Notices saved as drafts at the end of the day are not sent to central print in the nightly batch job. Another way staff can view pending correspondence is through (PC) icons on the Case - Search/Summary page.
- Historical Correspondence: The FCRC can view correspondence that has been printed either locally or centrally through the View History Correspondence Page. Staff can view past notices exactly as they were printed on the print date with the historical information such as address. Another way staff can view correspondence history is through (CH) icon on the Case - Search/Summary page.
Printing and Reprinting Correspondence in IES
Workers can print correspondence both centrally and locally. If IES generates a notice for a customer and a worker does not print it locally during the day, it is centrally printed overnight by the Central Mail and Print Center. A notice can be reprinted from the View Correspondence History page in IES. Notices can be reprinted and mailed either centrally or locally. If the FCRC is reprinting a notice, the address information is updated to the current case information. All other information stays the same.
Fingerprinting and Barcodes
Fingerprinting and barcodes are both related to scanning. They are each a way to help speed up the process of scanning documents into IES. Many IES forms have a barcode in the bottom right hand corner of the document. The barcode contains a unique ID that, when scanned into IES with software called DataCap, determines what form it is and which case it belongs to. The document is then routed to the correct local office and Queue in IES. As a backup, in case the barcode is not readable, each document is also "fingerprinted". The fingerprint allows the scanning software to identify the document, even if the barcode is not readable. A scanning operator, either at the Central Scan Unit (CSU) or local office, can manually select the form number and case number if the software fails to identify either. Information on scanning documents into IES can be found in Attachment C (pdf).
Central Scanning Unit
The Central Scanning Unit (CSU), which is located in Springfield, is created to reduce the paper handling at local offices and support the efficient, automated transfer of documents to a customer's Electronic Case Record (ECR). Many documents previously mailed to the local offices or dropped-off by customers are now mailed to the CSU for processing. CSU scans the document(s) into IES using the DataCap software. When the document has a fingerprint or a bar code, a task is created for the worker. The document is routed to the appropriate local office and placed in the correct IES queue. It is claimed by the local office through the EDM inbox and processed by the worker. The CSU will work to scan documents into IES the date they are received to allow for timely processing by the worker.
Local Office Scanning
Multi-Functional Devices (MFD) in the local office are equipped with the DataCap software. This enables the local office to scan documents they receive. When the document has a fingerprint or a bar code, a task is created. The document is routed to the correct EDM inbox queue in IES for claiming and processing. Additionally, if the worker does not want to create a task for a document in the EDM Inbox, they can use the Phase 1 scanning and uploading business process, the Upload Documents/Create EDM Tasks page and the Upload IES Document-DO NOT Create an Inbox Task.
Dynamic Properties of IES Generated Forms
Some IES generated forms are highly customized and display data entered in Data Collection into the form going to the customer. One such example is the 643 Medical Redetermination form. In the income section of the form, the following statement appears: "According to our records, you told us your household had income from _______________. Tell us below if you still have this income and the new amount." The source of the income is pulled directly from the IES Employment-Employer screen in the 'Name of Employer' field. Use care when entering the name of the employer and other data in Data Collection. Do not enter unrecognizable abbreviations, nicknames or misspelled words in the Data Collection fields. The customer will see this on their redetermination form.
Example 1: Ms. A receives her 643 Medical Redetermination form. Last year, she reported earnings from Starlight Cleaners. The statement on her redetermination form will say: "According to our records, you told us your household had income from Starlight Cleaners. Tell us below if you still have this income and the new amount."
Example 2: Mr. B receives his 643 Medical Redetermination form. Last year, he reported earnings from Shopmart Discounters, Inc. His caseworker, entered the nickname "SMD" in the Employer Name field in Data Collection. Mr. B's REDE form will say: "According to our records, you told us your household had income from SMD. Tell us below if you still have this income and the new amount." The worker should have entered Shopmart Discounters.
For the first year after conversion and implementation of Phase 2, some data in the IES income screens are defaulted to a generic description of the income type. Also, a customer may receive their check through a payroll company and the actual name of the employer is unknown. Whenever a case is touched after Phase 2 Go Live, review and correct the Employer Name in IES.
Forms Consolidation/New and Revised Forms
Some correspondence has been consolidated and new correspondence has been developed for Phase 2 Go Live. Information on consolidated and new forms can be found in WAG 25-13-00 including the forms' purposes, print modes and triggers. The asterisk next to the form number indicates that the form is fingerprinted and barcoded. References to outdated, revised and new forms in the Policy Manual and Workers' Action Guide will be updated at a later date.
IL444-1893 Redetermination Notice for SNAP, Cash and Medical (Revised)
This form is systematically generated by IES when a redetermination of benefits is due. Only questions pertaining to the type of assistance under redetermination will appear on the form. All SNAP and TANF redeterminations require a face-to-face interview. If medical assistance is received on the case, IES will determine if there is documentation from electronic sources to complete an automatic medical redetermination. See Manual Release 16.08 Auto-REDE for policy and procedures of this process.
IL444-0267T Appointment Notice (New)
This form replaces the appointment scheduling sections of IL444-1721 Instructions to Client and IL444-0267 Instructions to Customer. It is systematically generated in IES when an appointment is scheduled for an applicant or recipient in IES. There is a statement on IL444-0267T Appointment Notice that the customer has the option to come into the office or call the office prior to the scheduled appointment time and be interviewed on a walk-in basis.
IL444-1120 Verification Document Coversheet (New)
This form is included with each IL444-0267 VCL Verification Check List. This coversheet is used by the applicant or recipient when returning information to the office and will assist in scanning documents into IES.
IL444-0267 VCL Verification Check List (New)
This form replaces in part, legacy forms IL444-1721 Instructions to Client and IL444-0267 Instructions to Customer. The IL444-0267 VCL Verification Check List is not used to schedule appointments. See section on IL444-0267T Appointment Notice for more information on this new scheduling notice. The IL444-0267 VCL Verification Checklist is formatted to tell the client when requested information is due, the name of the person from whom information is needed, what is needed, examples that can be used as verification, and the program for which proof is required. There are three ways to generate a IL444-0267 VCL Verification Checklist:
- Generating IL 444-0267 VCL Verification Checklist During Data Collection and Case Change Modes: IES determines which verifications are required before the case is certified, based on entries in Data Collection. As the worker enters or updates information in data collection, IES reviews the verification source used for this information. When the worker runs Eligibility, if the verification source is not an acceptable one (such as not verified), IES will generate Form IL444-0267 VCL Verification Checklist and pend the appropriate EDG.
- Example: Ms. L is pregnant and applying for TANF, SNAP and Medical assistance. She provides all proofs needed except verification of her pregnancy for the TANF program. IL444-0267 VCL Verification Check List and IL444-1120 Verification Document Cover Sheet is systematically generated in IES when eligibility is run. The IL444-0267 VCL Verification Check List, lists Ms. L as the person from whom proof is needed, requests proof of pregnancy, provides examples of what can be used to verify pregnancy, and identifies proof that is needed for the TANF program.
- Example: Mr. T receives TANF for himself and his two minor children. He contacts the local office and reports that he has gotten married. He reports his spouse is not related to the minor children. Mr. T provides all the needed information on his spouse. When the worker begins to add the spouse to the case, automated clearances verify all the information, except verification of their marriage. When eligibility is run, IES pends the TANF EDG and systematically generates IL444-0267 VCL Verification Check List and IL444-1120 Verification Cover Sheet. The IL444-0267 VCL Verification Checklist indicates that proof of marriage is needed from Mr. T for the TANF program. IES will allow the addition of the spouse for SNAP and Medical, even though the TANF is pending verification. Since the IL444-0243 Request For Additional Family Member must be generated and locally printed, the worker must locally print the IL444-0267 VCL Verification Check List and IL444-1120 Verification Cover Sheet. The IL444-0243 Request for Additional Family Member should be mailed in the same envelope as the IL444-0267 VCL Verification Check List and the IL444-1120 VCL Verification Cover Sheet.
- Generating a IL444-0267 VCL Verification Checklist Using the "HARD PEND" Feature: Gatepost questions in Data Collection have a "PEND" choice in the drop down box. If a worker selects PEND, when eligibility is ran, IES will generate a generic VCL requesting proof of an eligibility factor, however it does not specify who in the household the information pertains to.
- Example: An HFS 2378H Mail-In Application for Medical Benefits is received at the office. The application reports someone applying has health insurance, but provided no information on who had the insurance. In data collection, on the Non-Financial Questions page, choose "PEND" in the drop down box next to the question, "Has anyone in the household been covered by health insurance now or any time in the last 12 months?". IL444-0267 VCL Verification Check List is systematically generated asking "Information on health insurance coverage". It will not specify the person who has the health insurance.
- Generating a IL444-0267 VCL Verification Check List for Questionable Information: Casework staff can generate a IL444-0267 VCL Verification Checklist by going to the Program Verification Tab on the Eligibility Summary page. Attachment D (pdf) provides step-by-step instructions on generating this type of VCL. This way of generating the IL444-0267 VCL Verification Checklist should only be used when information cannot be requested using the Data Collection/Cash Change Mode or HARD PEND feature.
- Example: The local office becomes aware that Ms. C. received TANF benefits in Arizona. You are unable to contact her by phone. The worker generates form IL444-267 VCL Verification Checklist for this questionable information.
IL444-360C Notice of Decision (Revised)
This form notifies the customer of the approval, denial, cancellation or a change in benefits. There are five sections to the IL444-0360C Notice of Decision.
- IL444-360C Summary Section provides the client a one page snapshot of their current benefit status for all programs.
- IL444-360C Notice of Decision - SNAP Section describes the SNAP decision in detail at an individual level and provides budgets as justification for the decision and benefit amount. It also provides details and reasons for denials and ineligible individuals.
- IL444-360 Notice of Decision - Cash Section describes the TANF, AABD or RRP cash decision in detail at an individual level and provides budgets as justification for the decision and benefit amount. It also provides details and reasons for denials and ineligible individuals.
- IL444-360 Notice of Decision - Medical section describes the Medical decision in detail at an individual level and provides budgets as justification for the decision and benefit amount. It also provides details and reasons for denials and ineligible individuals.
- IL444-360C Notice of Decision - Additional Information Section appears after the Cash, Medical and SNAP benefit summary sections. It tells the customer his or her reporting requirements, how to report changes, how to use "Manage My Case" and provides appeal and approved representative information.
Example 1: Ms. A receives TANF, SNAP, and Medical Assistance for herself and her three minor children. Her adult brother, Mr. C, is a SNAP component member on her SNAP EDG. Mr. C's earned income is budgeted for SNAP. On the IL444-2890 Mid-Point Report, Ms. A reports an increase in her brother's earned income and provides verification of the increase. After running eligibility and certifying the EDGs, the following sections of the IL444-0360 Client Notice are systematically generated and mailed to the customer.
- The Summary Section notifies the customer:
- The effective month of the change (SNAP);
- That SNAP benefits are reduced and the new SNAP amount;
- The reason for the SNAP change and the policy citation;
- The effective month of the decreased SNAP;
- That Cash benefits are not affected by this change;
- That Medical benefits are not changed by this action;
- How to Use Your Benefits; and
- Information on Manage My Case on ABE.
- The SNAP Section provides the customer with the following:
- The people on the case effected by the change;
- The new benefit amount; and
- The computation used to determine their SNAP benefits decrease.
- The Additional Information Section notifies the customer of:
- SNAP Mid-Point Reporting requirements;
- How to report changes;
- How to set up and use the customer portal "Manage My Case";
- Their right to a fair hearing (appeal); and
- Information on their approved representative (if applicable).
Example 2: Mr. X and his spouse, Mr. K received TANF, SNAP and medical assistance for themselves and their 2 minor children. At the annual redetermination, Mr. X reports that both he and his spouse are now employed. The new income results in the family being ineligible for TANF. After running eligibility and certifying the EDGs, the following sections of Form IL444-0360 Client Notice are systematically generated and centrally mailed to the customer.
- The Summary Section notifies the customer:
- TANF benefits are stopped, displaying the appropriate reason and policy citation;
- Transitional SNAP is approved and for what months they will receive TSNAP;
- Medical benefits are not changed by this action;
- How to Use Your Benefits; and
- Information on Manage My Case on ABE.
- The Cash Section notifies the customer of the computation for the first month of ineligibility.
- The SNAP Section notifies the customer:
- Who will receive benefits on the TSNAP case;
- What months the TSNAP unit will receive TSNAP benefits;
- The amount of the TSNAP benefits; and
- When they will be notified to reapply for regular SNAP benefits.
- The Additional Information Section notifies the customer:
- SNAP Mid-Point Reporting requirements;
- How to report changes;
- How to set up and use the customer portal "Manage My Case";
- Their right to a fair hearing (appeal); and
- Information on their approved representative (if applicable).
Example 3: Ms. D receives cash under the cash assistance through the Refugee Resettlement Program (RRP) and medical assistance under the Affordable Care Act (ACA). In the month prior to her last month of cash eligibility (month 7), IES performs an update that ends RRP cash assistance for the 9th month. The following sections of Form IL444-0360 Client Notice are systematically generated and centrally mailed to the customer:
- The Summary Section notifies the customer:
- RRP cash benefits are stopped;
- The effective date; and
- Medical benefits are not changed by this action.
- The Additional Information Section notifies the customer:
- Medical Assistance Reporting requirements;
- How to report changes;
- How to access and use "Manage My Case";
- Their right to a fair hearing (appeal); and
- Approved Representative notification (if applicable).
Generating Correspondence from the DHS/HFS Forms Library
Forms not listed in WAG 25-13-00 are accessed through DHS and HFS Forms Library page of the Correspondence Module. To access the forms libraries from IES, the caseworker selects the appropriate hyperlink under the Correspondence tab in the left navigation. The hyperlink will open a new window to the appropriate department Search Forms page. Staff completes the correspondence manually and mails to the customer and uploads a copy of the correspondence to the Electronic Case Record.
IES Notice Reasons
For a list of IES notice reasons and corresponding policy references, see WAG 25-14-00.
Manual Release Revisions
[signed copy on file]
James T. Dimas
Secretary, Illinois Department of Human Services
Felicia F. Norwood
Director, Illinois Department of HealthCare and Family Services