MR #16.11: Additional FCRC's Added to Central C Code Project

Department of Human Services


Additional FCRC's Added to Central C Code Project


  • The Central C Code Project was developed to increase DHS collection of SNAP overpayments and reduce the number of overpayments referred by the FCRC.  Macon, Peoria, and Kankakee counties were added to the Central C Code Project effective with the November 2015 PAL. The Mid-South office was added effective with the February 2016 PAL. Effective 07/2016, the project will expand to include Mid-Illinois, Jackson, Winnebago and Humboldt Park FCRCs.
  • A SNAP case that selects as a C code on the PAL or batch action in these offices is centrally referred for an overpayment if no earnings were budgeted for the earnings quarter.  If a SNAP case has AABD or TANF cash benefits overpaid, Bureau of Collections (BOC) also files an overpayment on those benefits.
  • BOC sends client notices, including Form 2555DO, Form 2555ES and Form 266, calculates earnings and notifies the customer of the overpayment.
  • The BOC DESOPS unit can now be reached at the following email address,  The FCRC can use either the phone number (217) 524-1339 or email address to alert BOC of any central overpayment related issue.
  • In IES Phase 2, BOC workers will use IES to process and manage overpayments on active and legacy cases.
  • In addition to reporting when their household's gross income exceeds the gross income standard and reporting changes on the Mid-Point Report Form, a household in Mid-Point Reporting must comply with New Hire procedures.

Macon, Peoria, and Kankakee counties were added to the Central C Code Project effective with the November 2015 PAL.The Mid-South office was added effective with the February 2016 PAL. Effective 07/2016, this project will again be expanding to include Mid-Illinois, Jackson, Winnebago and Humboldt Park FCRCs. 

The project centrally refers an overpayment to BOC for cases that received SNAP benefits for at least one month during the PAL C code quarter, and no earnings were budgeted for the reported quarter.

FCRC staff continue to be responsible for budgeting current income and canceling cases based on information provided by BOC. 

Referral of PAL C Codes or Batch Actions to BOC

Cases receiving SNAP with C codes in the above mentioned FCRCs are centrally referred to BOC if no earnings were budgeted for the earnings quarter.  This process occurs once a quarter for the C code PAL months, February, May, August, and November.

For each case referred to BOC, a message is printed on the PAL that states, CENTRAL OVERPAYMENT PROJECT - C CODE OVERPAYMENT WILL BE COMPLETED CENTRALLY. The FCRC remains responsible for reviewing and clearing all other C codes that do not have the project message. For those cases selected for the project, the system clears the C code.

Until IES Phase 2, if FCRC staff know that a client stopped working, enter Item 80 code 651 EE. This prevents a case from being incorrectly selected for a C code. After IES Phase 2, staff will indicate in IES that employment has stopped.  If staff know that a client selected on the PAL for the project has stopped working during the quarter, notify BOC of the stopped income by calling (217) 524-1339 or the BOC DESOPS unit can now be reached at The FCRC can use the same phone number or email address to alert BOC of any central overpayment related issue.

Bureau of Collections (BOC) Actions

For each case identified, BOC sends Form 2555DO, Form 2555ES and Form 266. The customer has 30 days to respond and provide proof of the earnings to BOC.  BOC calculates and notifies the customer of the overpayment.  A copy of the overpayment packet is sent to the FCRC and if the customer's income is ongoing, the proof of earnings is sent to FCRC for budgeting.

If the customer does not provide proof of their earnings within 30 days, BOC notifies the FCRC via e-mail that the customer has not cooperated.

FCRC Action in Response to Non-Cooperation

When a SNAP customer does not cooperate with BOC, based on the case situation, the FCRC takes one of the following actions outlined in WAG 19-06-05 to cancel SNAP benefits.

NOTE: If the customer contacts the FCRC in response to Form 2555DO, files an appeal on the overpayment or requests any needed copies of the overpayment information, tell them to call BOC at the number on the form (217) 524-1339 or email the DESOPS unit at

New Business Processes - Batch Actions and PAL Codes in IES

Under IES Phase 2, most PAL codes are replaced by batch actions in IES. Through batch action triggers, IES automatically reruns eligibility, processes and certifies changes, or generates tasks in the Changes/Misc EDM queue. See PM 19-08-00 for information about batch actions in IES.  In Phase 2, BOC workers will use IES to process and manage overpayments on active and legacy cases.  A chart that shows how PAL codes are handled in IES Phase 2 is contained in PM 19-06-00.

New Hire

In addition to reporting when their household's gross income exceeds the gross income standard and reporting changes on the Mid-Point Report Form, a household in Mid-Point Reporting must comply with New Hire procedures outlined in WAG 22-14-02.  If the customer does not respond to the central notice within 10 days, cancel. 

Manual Revisions

WAG 19-06-01-d

WAG 19-06-02-a

WAG 19-06-05

WAG 19-07-00

WAG 23-03-00

[signed copy on file]

James T. Dimas

Secretary, Illinois Department of Human Services

Forms referenced:

  • Form 2555DO
  • Form 2555ES
  • Form 266