Team 3: PUNS and HCBS Enrollment Meeting (1-20-16)

Members Participating

LeAnndra Keltner, CISA

David Ogunbode, CSO

Jane Nesbit, DDSME

Reta Hoskin, DHS

Teresa Positano, Options & Advocacy

Cindy Sullivan, Options & Advocacy

Carolyn Racki, PACT

Mary Kaye Speidel, SICCS

Michelle Tibbs, WISC

DHS staff participating

Andrea Medley

Troy Markert

Members Unable to Participate

Terry Cremer, Association for Individual Development

Celia Feinstein, CFA, Inc.

Leslie Hart, Day One Network -comments submitted & discussed

Betty Jackson, Envision Unlimited

Alisha O'Boyle, Livingston County MHB

Missy Kichline, Parent

For Team 3 Celia Feinstein is the facilitator and is unable to participate today, Jane Nesbit is the chairperson, and Michelle Tibbs is the communicator.

Jane Nesbit welcomed and thanked everyone for participating in the meeting and contributing to the changes to improve the PUNS process.


  1. PUNS draft bulletin with proposed changes
  2. PUNS tool proposed changes
  3. PUNS integrity report as of 1/1/16

Recommendations for draft bulletin, proposed manual & tool revisions (referred to as page 1-8 below)

  • Delete the word "service coordinator" throughout all documentation anytime it states "ISC service coordinator".
  • Page 4, paragraph 3- change it to state "The date of the update will be the date of the face-to-face meeting or phone interview." (delete "The date of the update will be the date of the last signature required on the form").
  • Page 5- change the first to lines to state "and send a copy of the Annual Update PUNS form to the individual/guardian for signature. (add the words "for signature").
  • Page 6, first dot point- delete the words "in 30 days" so it states: "If there is no response, the ISC completes and sends a second letter or e-mail two weeks after the previous letter stating the enrollment will be closed if there is no response by the date specified in the two letters."
  • Page 6- add "Individual/guardian signature is not required on a PUNS closing in the event of a death, move out of state, or unable to locate." The individual/guardian will receive a letter from DHS stating the PUNS was closed.
  • DHS will work on matching the PUNS tool to ROCS to contain the same reasons for PUNS or PUNS update and to list them in the same order on the PUNS tool and in ROCS.
  • On the PUNS tool delete the statement "the individual participated in the completion of this form. The individual will sign the PUNS tool when participating.
  • Page 8-The PUNS tool will contain the statements listed on page 8 in paragraph form. Once the ISC reviews each paragraph with the individual/guardian, the ISC will initial each paragraph in the designated box that will be added to the PUNS tool.
  • Page 8-Replace the word "should" with "can" so the sentence states "Individuals interested in receiving services through Intermediate Care Facilities for Persons with Developmental Disabilities (ICFs/DD) can work with their Independent Service Coordination agency to explore potential ICF/DD providers."
  • Page 8-Add the sentence "If your contact information changes, please notify your ISC agency."
  • Mary Kaye & Michelle will develop an example to accompany the closing PUNS section.
  • Michelle & Jane will send to Team 3 a sample of letters or memos sent to individuals/guardians for PUNS updates/closings.

Future Work

  • PUNS tool revision (more in-depth revisions) -2/24/16 agenda item
  • PUNS manual revision (more in-depth revisions) -2/24/16 agenda item
  • Outreach Plan-use the DHS memo that went out to ISC/PAS executive directors on 7/1/14. There needs to be a strong relationship between the local school districts and the local ISC agencies. Cultural issues and special populations including autism need to be included in the outreach plan. -Future agenda item carried over from previous meeting minutes.

Next meeting

* Conference Call 2/24/16 1:30pm-3pm (same call in# and passcode#)

Minutes written and prepared by Michelle Tibbs