October 19, 2016 Executive Committee Meeting


Illinois Juvenile Justice Commission Executive Committee Members and Staff. The public is welcome to attend.


October 19, 2016, 9:00a.m. to 11:00a.m.


  • 401 S Clinton
    1st Floor
    Chicago, IL
  • 823 E Monroe
    Springfield, IL
  • 888-494-4032  Code:  5329547331#


  1. Call to Order
  2. Roll Call
  3. Approval of Minutes
  4. Executive Director Welcome
  5. IJJC Overview and Updates
  6. FY17 Contracts/Fiscal Updates
  7. Project Updates
  8. New Business
  9. Next Meeting
    December 21, 2016
  10. Adjourn


  1. Call to Order
    Meeting was called to order at 9:06am. Quorum established at 9:37am.
  2. Roll Call
    IJJC and Executive Committee Chairperson George Timberlake, IJJC Vice Chairperson Lisa Jacobs, Rick Velasquez and Julie Biehl. Quorum present.  Staff:  Julie Stremlau, Karima Douglas and Wendy Nussbaum.
  3. Approval of Minutes
    Vice Chairperson Jacobs motioned to approve the February 17th minutes. Commissioner Biehl seconded the motion to approve with edits. Minutes approved.
  4. Executive Director Welcome
    The new IJJC Executive Director is Wendy Nussbaum. Wendy joins us after leaving as the Executive Director of Northeast DuPage Family and Youth Services.
  5. IJJC Plans, Goals and Updates
    The group discussed the current plans for the Commission in order to explain to the new Executive Director some of the projects the Commission has been working on.
    The DMC Coordinator explained her role with the Executive Director.  DMC Coordinator Karima Douglas explained that addressing DMC is a core requirement of the JJDP Act. She described many of the projects the DMC Committee has worked on over the past several years to address DMC. The results from these initiatives have been positive. One example is the Bridging the Divide initiative that the Commission funded alongside the YMCA. Bridging the Divide brings together Chicago police officers and young people to talk openly about the "divide" between the two groups, especially youth of color. Commissioner Jacobs added that a variety of organizations and city government have gotten involved due to the increased violence in Chicago but that many of the programs may have been initiated with little fidelity to the original goals and therefore have proven ineffective.  The group discussed the current spending amounts. Karima Douglas inquired about the ICOY $100,000 contract increase requested. The increase has been approved. The DMC Committee continues to work toward finalizing their workplan and noted the CJJ DMC Conference will be held in December in Baltimore, Maryland.
  6. Contract Fiscal Updates
    The Executive Committee meeting next week will focus on current and proposed goals of the Commission. The JDAI committee continues to work toward statewide expansion and fine tuning the risk screening instrument. The committee members discussed how to facilitate the increase with consideration of current funding amounts. DHS has been deobligating FY16 funds to establish and finalize FY17 contracts. The group also discussed the Juvenile Officers Association Conference scheduled for June 2017. One question considered was : What is it the IJJC wants to gain from our participation in or support of this event? The Committee brainstormed potential speaking topics like adolescent development or youth relationships with police. Perhaps invite Officer Westley from Bridging the Divide to discuss the initiative.There has been some payment adjustments needed due to JABG grant funds being expended. The Commission Chairman has approved Title II funding to address the difference in payments needed. 
  7. Project Updates
    Commissioner Biehl updated everyone on the Expungement Report rollout to date. She welcomed Wendy Nussbaum and thanked Lisa Jacobs, Karima Douglas and Julie Stremlau for their work in the absence of an Executive Director. The group discussed the various reports, how they are distributed, how we get others to read the reports and added that we need to work with councils to know where their concerns lie. It was noted that a small work group may need to dig deeper into the distribution and messaging of the Detention report. Commissioners suggested using the November Planning and Grants committee meeting to discuss that report in more detail and to discuss the Commission's work with JJ Councils. There may be a need for an additional meeting to address all these topics.
    Finally, the group discussed JDAI and the Commission's ongoing relationship with the Casey foundation. Although Illinois aims to be a statewide JDAI site, there is currently not enough money to fund individual sites and this has been an issue for some time. There are also many detention issues that need to be addressed that are not directly related to the JDAI brand. Commissioner Jacobs mentioned logistical support from IJJC on detention issues like facilities monitoring. With changing OJJDP regulations, the Commission will likely be asked to do more in this area and we should be prepared. They discussed IDOC and their current monitoring work.The focus is to improve JDAI statewide and to determine what methodology is the most effective.
    The Committee discussed the OJJDP Reauthorization Update.  There are proposed revised regulations and the programmatic changes that could come along with the JJDPA Reauthorization process. Illinois' letter was sent to OJJJDP as approved by the Commission. There are also concerns from many states on the proposed timeline changes of reports, applications, etc. At a recent Juvenile Justice Specialist meeting it was announced the timelines for submission of reports and FY17 applications has been altered. The Compliance Report is due at its regular time period but the FY17 Title II application deadline has been moved back to March 2017. The committee will be informed of any further updates.
  8. New Business
    Chairperson Jacobs announced that IJJC Chairman George Timberlake has been re-appointed as the Federal Advisory Committee on Juvenile Justice (FACJJ) Chairman. 
    It was noted that OJJDP has announced they are moving the FY17 Title II Solicitation back to March, a definitive date will be announced. The Annual Report and Compliance Report is still due in January.
  9. Next meeting 
    December 14, 2016
  10. Adjourn
    Chairperson Timberlake motioned to adjourn. Commissioner Jacobs seconded the motion. Meeting adjourned at 11:14am.