May 20, 2016 Redeploy Illinois Oversight Board Meeting


Redeploy Illinois Oversight Board Members and Staff. The public is welcome to attend.


May 20, 2016

9:30am to 11:30am 


This meeting will be conducted via video conference with Chicago & Springfield Locations as follows:

  • Chicago: 401 Clinton Building, 7th Floor Executive video conference room
  • Springfield: Harris Building, 3rd Floor Executive video conference room


  1. Call to Order
  2. Roll Call
  3. Approval of Minutes
    Full Board - April 15, 2016
  4. GATA - 30 ILCS 708 & CFR 200
  5. Redeploy FY17 Application & Review Process (NOFO)
  6. FY17 Grant Awards
  7. SB2038 Update
  8. FY16 Site Monthly Expenditures/Commitments - Comparison
  9. eCornerstone Issues
  10. Ethics Training
  11. Next Meeting: 
    RIOB Full Board Meeting: June 17, 2016 9:30-11:30 a.m.
  12. Adjourn


  1. Call to Order
    The meeting was called to order at 9:37 A.M.
  2. Roll Call
    Karrie Reuter, Pam Rodriguez, Tim Snowden, Scott Clark, Mary Reynolds, Lynne Mock (on behalf of John Maki), Paula Wolff and Rick Velasquez. Staff and Guests: John Payne (by phone), Bredina Coale and Ashley Ketcham and Angie Jimenez.
    Karrie introduced and welcomed a new Redeploy Illinois Oversight Board member, Lynne Mock. Lynne is a research analyst at the Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority (ICJIA).
  3. Approval of Minutes
    The Board discussed the meeting minutes for April 15, 2016.
    Motion: Rick Velasquez motioned to approve the minutes from the April 15, 2016 Board meeting. Mary Reynolds seconded the motion.
    Decision: The Board approved the minutes from the April 15, 2016 RIOB meeting.
  4. GATA
    Karrie Rueter provided details on the roll out of the Government Accountability and Transparency Act (GATA). The new rules are impacting programs that have not received payment since July 1, 2015, including Redeploy. Karrie has been instrumental in affecting some changes in how this is being implemented, but this process is still required for most state funded grant applications. There were some exceptions outlined it the statute-block grant and formula funds-but everything else had to be bid. If any general revenue funds flows through a grant, the entire program would have to be bid.
    Redeploy Illinois falls within the category of programs that need to be bid. Rick Reynolds asked whether these new requirements are disproportionately applied to DHS. Mary shared that this is impacting all state agencies. The federal regulations are the new rules and standards. There is a uniform budget everyone will need to complete. Redeploy grantees will have to enter into Inter-Governmental Agreements rather than Community Service Agreements (CSA). Redeploy Illinois sites have previously entered into CSAs. Rick Reynolds asked if this was the case for Adult Redeploy, and Karrie said she will check into that.
  5. Redeploy FY17 Application & Review Process (NOFO)
    Karrie discussed the FY17 application and review process with the Board. The Notice of Funding Opportunities (NOFO) are only open to existing Redeploy service areas. Applicants must have received a contract in FY16. There are Questions & Answers available on the application site. The Board will then be able to know if there are inquiries from interested providers and counties who are not currently sites. The Board has the ability to put a select county out to bid if we choose to. Board members voiced concern regarding the sites' lack of capacity to complete application within designated time frame. A member noted that this a difficult time due to the fiscal uncertainty.
    Karrie reassured the Board that this process is very similar to what sites have previously gone through. Once DHS and applicants get through the transition, things will be much smoother going forward. This year, all the applications will be reviewed in four days by DHS. A member asked whether there would be any new restrictions. Karrie said that before DHS issues a contract, DHS will have to review the program application and budget. Applicants will undergo a programmatic risk assessment and financial risk assessment, and DHS can build conditions into their contract.
    A member asked about Managed Care carve out and discussions at DHS. Karrie noted that Health and Human Services transformation plan began rolling out over the past week. There will be more discussions to ensure that are resources are directed to reduce the need for higher-end services and the understanding that it will be necessary to help build capacity of organizations that remain operational.
    Karrie Rueter reminded the Board that this is competitive process and to refrain from discussions regarding applications. Board members can direct questions to Karrie Rueter and go on to the website that contains FAQs.
  6. FY17 Grant Awards
    Karrie Rueter shared that FY17 awards are expected to be level per the governor's introduced budget.
  7. SB2038 Update
    Karrie said that if the governor signs the funding bill and that amount is allocated to Redeploy sites, it would essentially make all of the current providers whole through March. The providers have reduced their spending costs. The bill funds services at 46% of the level providers would had received if the governor did not veto the General Assembly's approved budget in May 2015.
  8. FY16 Site Monthly Expenditures/Commitments - Comparison
    Karrie reviewed a report that outlines the number of commitments and number of youth served for the time period from July 2015 through April 2016. The number of commitments this year is higher than the same time period last year. Approximately 20 of those commitments are from Sangamon County, who did not enter into a contract until April 2015. Between July and March 2015, 112 youth were committed to the Illinois Department of Juvenile Justice. Between July and March 2016, 161 youth were committed to the Illinois Department of Juvenile Justice.
  9. eCornerstone Issues
    Karrie shared an update on changes to the eCornerstone data reporting system. There is a new platform, and existing user ids are no longer valid. All users need an external user id, and there have been challenges in executing the new procedures. Some of the procedures require additional steps, for example, for system users who reside outside of Illinois. The developers and DHS staff is currently working through those issues. All sites are required to have one or more individuals with security access. Ashley Ketchum is working with providers to identify the needs and gaps.
  10. Ethics Training
    Karrie reminded members to complete and submit a statement of completion of their ethics training. The due date is fast approaching. The verification should be sent to Karrie. Karrie will look into Open Meetings Act training to see if that is a requirement and will let Board members know
  11. Next Meeting:
    The next RIOB Full Board Meeting is scheduled: June 17, 2016 from 9:30-11:30 a.m.
    Karrie Rueter also distributed an updated directory of the Redeploy Illinois Oversight Board and Redeploy staff.
  12. Adjourn
    Mary Reynolds made a motion to adjourn. Pam Rodriguez seconded the motion.  The meeting was adjourned at 10:55 a.m.