PM 06-28-02

Special Instructions for Caseworkers
At this time, the State of Illinois is in the process of developing the system changes needed to implement the new guidelines for the Former Foster Care program. In the meantime, caseworkers must use the instructions below to ensure customers receive the coverage they are entitled.
Applications Received
If an applicant marks "Yes" to the question "Has anyone recently left Foster Care due to age?" caseworkers must establish in which state the applicant aged out of Foster Care using the steps below.
- Caseworkers should first check if the applicant aged out of Illinois foster care. Caseworkers can do this via MMIS or collaboration with the Department of Children and Family Services (staff should rely on their office's DCFS communication procedures). For instructions on how to verify Foster Care coverage via MMIS see: WAG 06-28-01 Program Eligibility.
- If caseworkers are unable to confirm the applicant aged out of IL foster care, caseworkers should call the applicant to ask in which state the applicant aged out of foster care. Caseworkers must document the attempt and response (if given) on the case comments page in the Integrated Eligibility System (IES).
- If unable to reach the applicant, caseworkers must send a manual VCL stating the following:
"Applicant [insert applicant's name] stated they had aged out of foster care. Please provide a written statement providing the state [insert applicant's name] aged out of foster care and send it back using the envelope provided."
Processing Applications in IES
NOTE: The question, "Did the individual lose Medicaid due to aging out of Illinois foster care at age 18 or later?" can be found on the "Living Arrangement/Domicile-Details" page in IES.
The following are temporary procedures until system updates are implemented:
- Applicant aged out of Illinois foster care: The caseworker must mark "Yes" to the question, "Did the individual lose Medicaid due to aging out of Illinois foster care at age 18 or later?"
- Applicant states they aged out of foster care outside of Illinois, and did not turn 18 until 01/01/2023 or after: The caseworker must mark "Yes" to the question, "Did the individual lose Medicaid due to aging out of Illinois foster care at age 18 or later?"
- Applicant states they aged out of foster care outside of Illinois and turned 18 prior to 01/01/2023: The caseworker must mark "No" to the question, "Did the individual lose Medicaid due to aging out of Illinois foster care at age 18 or later?" The caseworker must still process the application to determine other medical program eligibility.
- Applicant did not provide statement of which state they have aged out of foster care (failure to comply, or failure to return VCL): The caseworker must mark "No" to the question, "Did the individual lose Medicaid due to aging out of Illinois foster care at age 18 or later?" Caseworker must still process the application to determine other medical program eligibility.
REMINDER: If the applicant aged out of foster care outside of Illinois AND turned 18 prior to 01/01/2023, they are not eligible to receive Medicaid through the Former Foster Care Program in Illinois, but may still be considered for other medical programs.
Example 1: Mr. A, age 23, applies for medical benefits. He reports he received foster care through Illinois DCFS through age 18. DCFS ended his medical coverage at age 20. Staff review MMIS, and it shows Mr. A had MANGP code TA at age 18. Mr. A meets all of the other Former Foster Care requirements. On the IES Living Arrangement/Domicile page, answer 'YES' to question, "Did the individual lose Medicaid due to aging out of Illinois foster care at age 18 or later?" IES will show Mr. A as an ACA Adult EDG. Approve Mr. A for medical benefits. Confirm Former Foster Care by reviewing the Notice Reasons tab in the Wrap Up Eligibility Summary.
Example 2: Ms. B received adoption assistance through IL DCFS through age 18 as verified by MANGP code TE in MMIS. DCFS ended her medical coverage at age 19. Ms. B is not Former Foster Care eligible because she was not receiving foster care services at age 18. Review eligibility for ACA Adult and other medical programs.
Example 3: Mr. C received foster care from age 11-13 in Indiana and had not been in foster care since. Mr. C now lives in Illinois. Since Mr. C. did not age out of foster care. He is ineligible for the Former Foster Care program.
Example 4: Ms. D received foster care through Illinois DCFS through age 18 but is currently living in Iowa. Ms. D is not eligible for Former Foster Care in Illinois because she is not an Illinois resident.
Example 5: Mr. E aged out of foster care in Iowa. Mr. E now resides in Illinois and has applied for Medicaid. If Mr. E turned 18 on or after 01/01/2023, he is eligible for Former Foster Care in Illinois.