Management Information Services - GRF

FY16 Budget - Change by Line Item - General Revenue Fund

Staff (June 30th)

FY15 Request FY15 Adj. FY15 EOY FY16 Adj. FY16 Request
Staff (June 30th) 107.0 107.0 107.0

Appropriations - GRF

Appropriation Name FY15 Approp. FY15 Adj. FY15 Est. Exp. FY16 Adj. FY16 Request
Personal Services $9,421.8 ($1,296.7) $8,125.1 $1,570.9 $9,696.0
Social Security $702.4 ($107.2) $595.2 $146.5 $741.7
Subtotal $10,124.2 ($1,403.9) $8,720.3 $1,717.4 $10,437.7
Contractual $17,745.9 ($7,000.0) $10,745.9 $5,059.9 $15,805.8
Contractual - Information Technology Mgmt. $35,422.6 $35,422.6 $44.4 $35,467.0
Travel $24.0 $24.0 $24.0
Commodities $9.5 $9.5 $9.5
Equipment $43.3 $43.3 $43.3
Telecommunications $2,989.7 $2,989.7 $4,000.0 $6,989.7
Non PS&F Subtotal $56,235.0 ($7,000.0) $49,235.0 $9,104.3 $58,339.3
Total Appropriation $66,359.2 ($8,403.9) $57,955.3 $10,821.7 $68,777.0

FY15 Adjustments

Adjustments Description Amount
Personal Services Revised estimated liability ($1,296.7)
Social Security Revised estimated liability ($107.2)
Contractual One time delay in start of IT Portfolio projects ($7,000.0)

FY16 Adjustments

Adjustments Description Amount
Personal Services Personal Services Annualization of Staff, COLA, and Bargaining Steps $1,570.9
Social Security Social Security Annualization of Staff, COLA, and Bargaining Steps $146.5
Contractual Restore funding from One Time delay of IT Portfolio projects - $7,000.0; Delay in start of FY16 IT Portfolio projects - ($1,940.1) $5,059.9
Contractual - Information Technology Mgmt. Increase related to projected shortfall in funding for Statistical Services Revolving Fund payments to CMS $44.4
Telecommunications Increase for costs related to CMS initiated upgrade to Voice Over IP System $4,000.0