Addiction Treatment - GRF

FY16 Budget - Change by Line Item - General Revenue Fund

Staff (June 30th) - GRF

FY15 Request FY15 Adj. FY15 EOY FY16 Adj. FY16 Request
Staff (June 30th) 15.0 15.0 15.0

Appropriation - GRF

Appropriation Name FY15 Approp. FY15 Adj. FY15 Est. Exp. FY16 Adj. FY16 Request
Personal Services $668.5 ($32.0) $636.5 $82.4 $718.9
Social Security $49.6 ($2.8) $46.8 $8.2 $55.0
Subtotal $718.1 ($34.8) $683.3 $90.6 $773.9
Contractual $1.4 $1.4 $1.4
Travel $1.5 $1.5 $1.5
Equipment $1.1 $1.1 $1.1
Telecommunications $25.0 $25.0 $25.0
Subtotal $29.0 $29.0 $29.0
Addiction Treat/Medicaid Eligible $37,114.6 ($303.0) $36,811.6 $568.1 $37,379.7
Addiction Treat/Medicaid Eligible (Care Coordination) $17,033.8 $17,033.8 $170.4 $17,204.2
Addiction Treatment Services $53,888.5 $303.0 $54,191.5 ($24,471.0) $29,720.5
DCFS Clients $9,165.1 $9,165.1 ($1,800.0) $7,365.1
Addiction Treatment-Spec Pop $5,824.7 $5,824.7 $5,824.7
Pilot Program Opioid Dependents $500.0 $500.0 $500.0
Subtotal $123,526.7 $123,526.7 ($25,532.5) $97,994.2
Total Appropriation $124,273.8 ($34.8) $124,239.0 ($25,441.9) $98,797.1

FY15 Adjustments

Adjustments Description Amount
Personal Services Estimated revised liability ($32.0)
Social Security Estimated revised liability ($2.8)
Addiction Treat/Medicaid Eligible Cost neutral realignment for implementation of the 3% COLA ($303.0)
Addiction Treatment Services Cost neutral realignment for implementation of the 3% COLA $303.0

FY16 Adjustments

 Adjustments Description Amount
Personal Services Personal Services Annualization of Staff, COLA, and Bargaining Steps $82.4
Social Security Social Security Annualization of Staff, COLA, and Bargaining Steps $8.2
Addiction Treat/Medicaid Eligible Annualization of 3% COLA implemented in FY15 $568.1
Addiction Treat/Medicaid Eligible (Care Coordination) Annualization of 3% COLA implemented in FY15 $170.4
Addiction Treatment Services Includes 20% reduction in Child Domiciliary Services ($191.0) and Global Treatment Services ($23,400.0), 10% reduction in Recovery Home ($290.0) and Heroin Addiction Treatment Services ($1,900.0). Also includes $1,310.0K for annualization of 3% COLA implemented in FY15. ($24,471.0)
DCFS Clients 20% reduction in services for DCFS clients ($1,800.0)