PM 02-09-03

The applicant/family with the help of their worker must establish goals and steps that will help them reach maximum independence. Discuss with the applicant their strengths, weaknesses, and what barriers they face which may hinder them. Work with the applicant in deciding upon goals and steps which best meet their specific situation. The worker has the last say about what goals and steps are decided upon.

When setting goals and steps, consider the following:
- Does the applicant need to first resolve barriers?
If an applicant faces barriers or problems such as alcohol/substance abuse, domestic violence, homelessness, family problems, etc., they may need to resolve one or more of these issues before they can move to the next step.
- Does the applicant have basic educational needs that must be met prior to their being job-ready?
Educational services may be a good first step for an applicant. This could include an applicant:
- with limited English language skills;
- under age 20 without a high school diploma or GED;
- age 20 or over who reads below a 9.9 grade level.
- Does the applicant have basic essentials that are needed to keep and hold a job?
A job-ready person must have:
- transportation (ability to get to the work site);
- clothes (suitable and proper to the type of work);
- suitable child care arrangements and necessary funds to pay for it, if needed;
- tools (if required and not supplied by employer);
- any required certificate, license, and/or degree;
- medical release (where needed, such as the worker recently on disability);
- mental and emotional ability to keep employment;
- freedom from dependency on drugs or alcohol; and
- motivation to find and hold a job.
The job-ready person must also have one or more of the following:
Help the applicant develop activities for each goal which, when achieved, help them reach their goal. An activity must reflect specific accomplishment on the way to achieving the goal.
For example, if the goal is full-time employment as a computer operator, activities might include registering for a training course, attending classes, completing a Job Skills workshop, and making employer contacts.

When a TANF client needs child care to complete an activity approved in their RSP, refer them to the CCR&R. Use Referral Form (Form 2151) to make the referrals. Attach a copy of the RSP to each Form 2151.
When making the referral, make sure to include the number of hours of care that will be needed. In addition, when known, include the following information:
- the activity schedule;
- the beginning and end dates for which child care will be needed; and
- the times of day in which the child care will be needed.
Document the necessary information for each activity for which it is needed. Provide the information
on Form 2151.