July 8, 2015 Planning and Grants Committee & Illinois Juvenile Justice Commission Meeting


Illinois Juvenile Justice Commission Planning and Grants Members and Staff & Illinois Juvenile Justice Commission Members. The public is welcome to attend.


July 8, 2015, 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.


  • 401 S Clinton
    1st Floor Conference Room
    Chicago, IL
  • Call In:  888-494-4032 
    code:  5329547331#


  1. Agenda
  2. Call to Order
  3. Roll Call
  4. Approval of Minutes
    1. Planning and Grants May 13, 2015
    2. IJJC May 20, 2015
  5. Fiscal Update
  6. Funding Requests
    1. Illinois Association of Juvenile Justice Councils
    2. Illinois Balanced and Restorative Justice Project
    3. St. Clair County Juvenile Justice Council 
    4. DuPage County Juvenile Justice Council
  7. John Howard Association Update
  8. Committee Updates & Motions
    1. DMC/RED
    2. Executive Committee
    3. JDAI
    4. Planning & Grant
    5. Youth Advisory Board
  9. Probation Review Update 
  10. Legislative Updates
  11. Presentation regarding proposed Restorative Justice report
  12. Other Project Updates 
  13. New Business
  14. Public Comment
  15. Adjournment


  1. Call to Order
    Meeting was called to order at 9:12am.
  2. Roll Call
    Commissioners: Julie Biehl, Jacqueline Bullard, Esther Frano-Payne, George Hill, Toni Irving, Arnetra Jackson, Lisa Jacobs, Patrick Nelson, Ben Roe, George Timberlake, Rick Velasquez. Quorum present. Guests: Susan Witkin, Erica Hughes. Staff: Robert Vickery, Julie Stremlau, Jeff Bradley and Karima Douglas.
  3. Approval of Minutes
    Planning and Grants May 13, 2015
    IJJC May 20, 2015
    Commissioner Velasquez motioned to approve, Commissioner Hill Seconded. Minutes approved.
  4. Fiscal Update
    Contracts being finalized.
  5. Funding Requests
    1. Illinois Association of Juvenile Justice Councils
      The group discussed the proposal. Commissioner Hill believes we need to push the right model and say "use this", or 5 years down the road we will have the same issues/discussion. Vice Chairman Jacobs likes the technical assistance, but what is missing is "what does it mean to have a local plan and what and how does it get used?" She stated we need to know what a good JJC plan looks like. They discussed the current budget. The IJJC will need to have regular interaction with the IAJJC. Chairman Timberlake motioned, Commissioner Velasquez seconded. Commissioners added a request that IAJJC include a partnership with Cook County and add deliverables.
    2. Illinois Balanced and Restorative Justice Project (IBARJ)
      There has been discussion about this proposal before in Planning and Grants but does it really work the way we have meant and impact we want. IBARJ staff doesn't believe they are ready for policy change at this time. Their budget decreased by almost $30k due to the changes. It was noted start-up costs and expenses seems to be the focus. Vice Chairman Jacobs is interested in the evaluation and practices section where item 4 stands out (collection of about the use of restrains and restorative practices). If we had done this with IDJJ as we planned it might work better. Chairman Timberlake commented there was not a need to reinvent the wheel. There are existing policies and standards and to move forward. Chairman Timberlake motioned to approve, Commissioner Velasquez seconded. Motion approved.
    3. St. Clair County Juvenile Justice Council
      The group discussed and had concerns about the program. No motion, no funding.
    4. DuPage County Juvenile Justice Council
      Rob Vickery explained this proposal, which adds some funding to the SFY 2016 contract as DHS was slow issuing their SFY 2015 and the county was unable to fully implement their plan. The group discussed. Commissioner Biehl motioned, Commissioner Velasquez seconded. Motion approved.
  6. John Howard Association Update
  7. Committee Updates & Motions
    1. DMC/RED
      Chairman Franco-Payne noted for future funding, we will not give choices to sites, we will determine the areas of focus and strategies.
    2. Executive Committee
      Work continues on the bylaws. No other updates.
    3. JDAI
      Chairman Velasquez gave the update. Recently updated detention report 2013 to include data from 2014. Susan Witkin gave the overview and explained the report to the group. There was some data that stood out and the group discussed those areas. The group discussed the Domestic Battery program and the most recent Adolescent Domestic Battery (ADB) data.
    4. Planning & Grants
      Chairman Jacobs talked about the variety of reports the IJJC has completed. We will review our information and address the issues and determine focus areas moving forward.
    5. Youth Advisory Board
      No updates.
  8. Probation Review Project Update
    Work Continues.
  9. Other Project Updates
    None noted.
  10. New Business
    Chairman Timberlake talked about the Restorative Justice Report requested by House Resolution 396, which names the IBARJ project and Juvenile Justice Initiative as partners. Chairman Timberlake has met with these organizations, along with Adler University about working on the report with the IJJC. They have discussed including a literature review (Adler), summary of international law and practice (JJI), and best practices in Illinois across the country (IBARJ). Commissioners had a discussion about the IJJC's involvement in this report. Executive Director Vickery will summarize this discussion for the next meeting so we can set a plan for IJJC's involvement.
  11. Public Comment
    None noted.
  12. Adjournment
    Commissioner Velasquez motioned to adjourn. Commissioner Franco-Payne seconded the motion. Meeting adjourned at 1:00pm.