2015 SSA and SSI Benefit Increase - Cash and SNAP

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Action Memo


We are providing information about the January 2015 increase in Social Security and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits. Family Community Resource Center (FCRC) staff are responsible for budgeting the increase for Cash and SNAP clients specifically excluded from central budgeting.

The 1.7% increase will be received starting with the SSA and SSI checks received in January 2015. Clients receiving both SSA and SSI will receive a total increase of 1.7% for both benefits. In some cases, the amount of SSI may decrease due to the amount of the SSA increase. The $30 SSI benefit for clients in long term care facilities will remain the same.

The maximum SSI amount increases from $721.00 to $733.00 for an individual, and from $1,082.00 to $1,100.00 for a couple.  A separate memorandum regarding central budgeting of the SSA increases for Medical only cases is being provided by HFS.

Central Action

The 2015 SSA and SSI benefit amount will be centrally budgeted for March 2015 for the following categories with clients included in the central budgeting process:

AABD Cash cases (Categories 01, 02, 03);

SNAP under any category;

TANF cases (Categories 04 & 06); and

RRA Cash cases (Category 00).

Central budgeting takes place towards the end of every month.  The SSI/SSA increase will be centrally budgeted for March 2015 cash and SNAP benefits on or about 01/27/2015.

When a case includes more than one person and the information on BENDEX does not match the information in the Client Database (CDB) for all persons, central budgeting will occur for those persons in the case with matched information.

FCRC Action

Local office staff are responsible for budgeting the actual amount of the January 2015 SSA and/or SSI income for

  • all new cases put on regular rolls after 11/17/2014.
  • persons excluded from central budgeting. 

The following are the valid exclusion codes and appear in the REMARKS section of Form 552, or ACID Screen 2. (See WAG 22-14-03-a for BENDEX and WAG 22-14-03-b for SDX): 

  • 1 -No valid SSN on CDB (includes situations when no SSN is reflected on the CDB)
  • 2 -SSA/PCU is working on the case
  • 3 -No usable SDX or BENDEX information received from SSA
  • 4 - Dual/Triple SSA benefit entitlement discrepancy. Department has not received enough information on all the client's claim number
  • 5 - Client no longer receiving SSI
  • 9 -Cash case centrally budgeted, but SNAP is not centrally budgeted because of exclusion code.

Upon receipt of the monthly list of cases not budgeted centrally (Mobius Report 50473651), take the following action:

  • Determine the reason for the exclusion.
  • Correctly budget SSA and SSI for the person(s) excluded from central budgeting:
  • Correct the problem causing the exclusion, when possible.

If the FCRC cannot correct the problem causing the exclusion, complete and submit Discrepancy Referral (Form 1925) to the SSA Programs Control Unit. Attach the verification supporting the correct client information or benefit amount.

[signed copy on file]

Michelle R.B. Saddler

Secretary, Illinois Department of Human Services

Forms referenced:

Form 1925