October 10, 2014 Redeploy Illinois Oversight Board


Redeploy Illinois Oversight Board Members and Staff. The public is welcome to attend.


October 10, 2014, 12:30 p.m. to 2:30 p.m.


  • The Hyatt Lodge
    2815 Jorie Blvd.
    Oakbrook, IL 60523


  1. Call to Order
  2. Roll Call
  3. Approval of Minutes
    September 19, 2014
  4. RIOB Executive Committee
    1. Decision to Create
    2. Role/Responsibility/Authority
    3. Membership
  5. New Site Evaluations
  6. FY15 Redeploy Funding Requests
    1. Sangamon County revised site application
  7. 1st Circuit Site Update
  8. Next Meeting:
    RIOB Meeting: November 21, 2014
  9. Adjourn


  1. Call to Order
    Meeting was called to order at 12:05 P.M.
  2. Roll Call
    Pamela Rodriguez, Betsy Clarke, Jim McCarter, Rick Velasquez, Mary Reynolds, Janet Ahren, Jim McCarter, Erica Hughes (representing Jack Cutrone), Scott Clark, Patricia Griffith, and Grace Hong Duffin. Staff and Guests: Karrie Rueter, John Payne, Steve Sawyer, Ashley Hooks-Williams and Angie Jimenez.
  3. Approval of Minutes
    The RIOB discussed the minutes for September 19, 2014 and made two revisions.Jim McCarter motioned to approve the August 15, 2014 meeting minutes. Mary Reynolds seconded the motion.The Board voted to approve the September 19, 2014 meeting minutes.
  4. RIOB Executive Committee
    Karrie Rueter explained that the rules and procedures regarding the formation of an Executive Committee of the RIOB has been circulated among all the board members, and members gave their feedback on proposed additional language and edits. Ms. Rueter made these changes based on the board members input and disseminated copies electronically prior to the meeting. She asked that the Board review the document with the revisions.George Timberlake motioned to approve the establishment of an Executive Committee and aforementioned rules and procedures. Pam Rodriguez seconded the motion.The Board voted to approve the establishment of an Executive Committee and to incorporate the written rules and procedures, motion passed.
  5. New Site evaluations
    Karrie Rueter explained that the 3 new Redeploy sites were due for their conditional review as well as one established site that did not undergo review previously. Ms. Rueter informed the board the evaluation was required of the new sites in order to evaluate their baseline and implementation progress. Ms. Rueter presented the Board with the need for evaluations and asked who they would recommend to conduct the reviews since the past years option were no longer available or not recommended.
    Ms. Rueter shared the name and resume for a possible researcher from the Jane Addams College of Social Work at University of Illinois at Chicago. The Board expressed the desire to gather more information about additional prospective candidates. The Board discussed other possible options and were allotted additional time to formulate names of prospective evaluators for consideration.Jim McCarter motioned to approve up to $200,000 ($50,000 per site) for an implementation and baseline evaluation of Winnebago, LaSalle, Kankakee and Iroquois Counties. Mary Reynolds seconded the motion.  Motion passed, the Board voted to approve up to $200,000 ($50,000 per site) for an implementation and baseline evaluation of Winnebago, LaSalle, Kankakee, and Iroquois Counties.
  6. FY15 Redeploy Funding Requests
    1. Sangamon County
      This matter was tabled for discussion as a revised request has not yet been submitted.
    2. 1st Circuit site update
      John Payne gave another update on the current situation in the 1st Circuit. Mr. Payne shared that a meeting of the Redeploy Advisory Committee of the 1st Judicial Circuit Juvenile Justice Council that occurred on Oct. 3. Attendees included Union County Juvenile Judge Cavaness, Court Services Director Ed Tolbert, Jackson County Probation Supervisor Joe Howerton, Jackson County Probation Officers Cindy Huckabee and Sherry Reichert, and Jackson County Assistant State's Attorney Neal Holley. John Payne and Steve Sawyer will continue to work with the 1st Circuit, but concerns remain regarding the number of youth who have been committed to Department of Juvenile Justice this year and danger of exceeding their limit. At this time a revised request for funding has not been submitted.
  7. Next Meeting
    RIOB Meeting: November 21, 2014
  8. Adjourn
    Rick Velasquez made a motion to adjourn. Jim McCarter seconded the motion.  Meeting was adjourned at 12:40 pm.