Ligas Class Members Enrolled on PUNS: Summary by Race & Hispanic/Latino Origin

Updated 11/8/2024

Summary by Race

Active Ligas
Class Members
% of Total Ligas
Class Members
White 6791 72.21%
African American 1562 16.61%
Indian/Eskimo 31 0.33%
Asian 518 5.51%
Pacific Islander 12 0.13%
Unknown 490 5.21%
Totals: 9404

Summary by Hispanic/Latino Origin

Ethnic Group
Active Ligas
Class Members
% of Total Ligas
 Class Members
Not Hispanic 7588 80.69%
Mexican 1232 13.10%
Puerto Rican 98 1.04%
Cuban 8 0.09%
Central or South American 34 0.36%
Other Hispanic 164 1.74%
Unknown 280 2.98%
Totals: 9404

Note:  Counts include active Ligas Class Members enrolled on PUNS, including those marked as fully served.  Some class members, especially those living in ICFs/DD, may not yet be enrolled on PUNS.  Therefore, the totals here may not exactly match the total Ligas Class Members reported in the Ligas Six-Month Data Reports. The Ligas Six-Month Data Reports use a separate data source.