Ligas Class Members Enrolled on PUNS: Summary by Language Breakdown

Updated 12/6/2024

Summary by Primary Language

Total Active
Class Members
Arabic 7
Asian 4
Bosnian 1
Chinese 7
Eastern European 1
English 8620
Indian/Asian 1
Korean 5
Other Western European 0
Other 46
Polish 7
Russian 2
Sign Language 3
Spanish 681
Vietnamese 0
Unknown 12
Totals: 9397

Note:  Counts include active Ligas Class Members enrolled on PUNS, including those marked as fully served.  Some class members, especially those living in ICFs/DD, may not yet be enrolled on PUNS.  Therefore, the totals here may not exactly match the total Ligas Class Members reported in the Ligas Six-Month Data Reports.The Ligas Six-Month Data Reports use a separate data source.