Team 4: Profile & Provider Selection Meeting Minutes (5-19-14)

Members Present

  • Lisa Humke, CSA
  • Don Henzlik, Parent
  • Wanda Sumler, CSO, Inc.
  • Gregory Fenton, DDD
  • Kevin Byrd, DDD
  • Jim Eddings, DDD
  • Jennifer Elders, DDD
  • Chris Meyers, ACMHB
  • Marissa Kirby, IARF
  • Sheila Lullo, Clearbrook
  • Ann Yaunches, SICCS
  • Vicki Stillman-Toomey, Facilitator, NASDDDS

Meeting Notes

  • Today's goal: finalize around the profile.
  • Previous meeting's minutes: everyone comfortable.
  • Do we feel the profile does/does not bring out priorities?
  • Chris- definitely a gap.
  • Nationally "non-negotiables" is no longer used.
  • What do people want to see:
    • Chris- should be in the first person. Include open ended questions.
    • Should be a foundation, a breathing document.
  • For the most part, all agree that priorities need to be identified.
  • Lisa- have to get to what the individual wants before you can prioritize.
  • Vicki-should we work off Ligas?
    • Marissa: yes.
    • Jim- my impression is that the ultimate profile would replace the Ligas plan.
    • Could put instructions that ask to prioritize things as you write down.
  • Vicki- should be the question "what do you need to be successful?" Most important question is why.
    • Lisa- start with dream and then break down why that is.
    • Jennifer- profile seems to be a bit more person-centered.
  • Demographic history-
    • Vicki-people felt the person's history was missing. Sheila mentioned "life book"
    • Lisa-history needs to be after plan.
  • How do other plans maintain respect and dignity (refer to sheet shared)
    • Strengths and weaknesses needs to be incorporated where it can be. It has to be person-centered.  Language is key.
    • Wanda-include existing natural supports that can be tapped into.
    • Don- need support in "knocking on doors." Support finding natural supports.
  • Vicki-we've agreed to leave the crisis plan in place.
  • How do you assure direct care staff know the plan?
    • The direct care staff are required to review that plan and be trained on it.
  • Authorization process
    • In own role, define the least amount of steps needed for authorization of a service plan.
    • Greg-need to outline all the authorization processes.