WAG 17-01-02-b
Application for SNAP only or SNAP and Medical
If the application is for SNAP only or for Medical and SNAP, ABE Call Center staff will run eligibility and review the Combined Application Form (CAF).
If the applicant has an existing SNAP case and is requesting medical, the ABE Call Center worker registers and processes the medical application in IES. The ABE Call Center worker will notify the office with the active SNAP case that an application for medical assistance has been filed. The FCRC will review the medical CAF for changes that affect the SNAP eligibility or benefit amount. The medical and SNAP cases will be converted to one IES case in Phase 2.
Pending Application
ABE Call Center is responsible for pending the application until disposition.
Timely Disposition of Telephonic Applications
ABE Call Center is responsible for ensuring the timely disposition of the application including any denials.
Approving Medical only
Medical-only applications in which all Eligibility Determination Groups (EDGs) are eligible are to be transferred to the FCRC or All Kids Unit prior to approval.
Approving a SNAP only application or a Medical with SNAP application
For SNAP only cases or for SNAP and medical approvals, the call center worker must certify the approval on the case in IES. The following business day, the same worker transfers the case in IPACS to the FCRC that will maintain the case. The SNAP case or medical case with SNAP cannot be transferred to the FCRC prior to approval.
After certifying the approval, allow 1 business day prior to the transfer to the FCRC. This is to ensure any mercury issuances will be available on the correct EBT account.
Expedited SNAP Application Approval
If a SNAP application is determined eligible for expedited processing, ABE Customer Call Center staff explain to the applicant their options to obtain the LINK card. Expedited approvals are not centrally mailed a LINK card. The customer may choose to have the card mailed to their home address or the worker can refer the customer to their Office of Choice FCRC to pick up a LINK card.
Under no circumstances will customers be allowed to go to the Broadway Central FCRC to pick up a LINK card. The Broadway Central FCRC does not issue LINK cards.
If an appeal is filed, the FCRC or All Kids Unit that has the active case will handle the appeal throughout the entire appeal process.
An appeal of the denial action will be the responsibility of ABE Customer Call Center staff.