Team 4 - Profile and Provider Selection

The Profile and Provider Selection Team will continue efforts to develop a person-centered profile that describes individual abilities, preferences, goals and support needs. This team will also develop guidelines for assessment and development of the profile and determine training needed prior to requirement for service coordinators to develop the profile.

The following document template is utilized to create an Individual's Profile, and to identify his/her desired outcomes:

Individual Profile and Desired Outcomes Template (Microsoft Word) (docx)

Team Responsibilities

  1. Map out strategies for implementing key components of the change initiative.
  2. Identify and overcome any obstacles impeding successful implementation of the change initiative.
  3. Keep key stakeholders apprised of the progress of the change initiative by way of status reports to the Steering Committee.

Team Focus

  1. Service Option discussion - beyond the Waiver Services list
  2. Documentation of supports provided by natural relationships
  3. Guidance on how to write the personal profile document - what needs to change in the draft?
  4. Recruiting of new providers
  5. Training for families on how to select a provider

On the Table

  • Provider list updated regularly and frequently for accuracy
  • Consistency in documents --- one profile for all programs
  • Providers mentoring New Providers
  • Tool training is critical
  • PCP is a culture, not "the plan" - need the accountability built in, and updated routinely - evolves over time
  • Consistent manner for renewal, refresh, progress, changing needs, success noted.
  • 1st profile is introductory
  • Annual updates draw from other stakeholders across the state in progress now. Include natural supports
  • Unified plan across providers partnering with individual common elements


Name Organization Email Address
Facilitator: Mary Lou Bourne Support Development Associates
Co-Chairs Lisa Humke
Christine Myers
Livingston County Mental Health Board
Communicator: Roxy Kozyckyj Illinois Association of Rehabilitation Facilities
SODC Representative (To Be Determined)
Members: Ann Yaunches Southern Illinois Case Coordination Services
Lisa Humke Central Illinois Service Access
Christine Myers Livingston County Mental Health Board
Don Henzlik Guardian/Family
Wanda Sumlar Community Service Options
Kathy Carmody The Institute on Public Policy for People with Disabilities
Sheila Lullo Clearbrook
Jennifer Elders, Kevin Byrd, Jim Eddings Division of Developmental Disabilities/Bureau of Transitional Services,
Heidi Angeles Guardian/Family
Emily Vincent DHS, BALC