Rehabilitation Services Bureaus – GRF

FY15 Budget - Change by Line Item - General Revenue Fund

Appropriations - GRF

Appropriation Name FY14 Approp. FY14 Adj. FY14 Est. Exp. FY15 Adj. FY15 Request
Support Service In-Service Training $15.2 $15.2 $1.0 $16.2
Case Services to Individuals $8,950.9 $8,950.9 $8,950.9
Case Services Migrant Workers $18.8 $18.8 ($1.0) $17.8
Independent Living Older Blind $4,296.5 $4,296.5 $4,296.5
Independent Living Centers $134.1 $134.1 $134.1
DRS Balancing Incentive Program (BIP) $0.0 $0.0 $3,578.5 $3,578.5
Total Appropriation $13,415.5 $13,415.5 $3,578.5 $16,994.0

FY15 Adjustments - GRF

Adjustments Description Amount
Support Service In-Service Training Neutral funding realignment from Case Services Migrant Workers $1.0
Case Services Migrant Workers Neutral funding realignment to Support Service In-Service Training ($1.0)
DRS Balancing Incentive Program (BIP) Funding to support the Employment First Initiative (Program supported by enhanced FFP from current waiver expenditures) $3,578.5