Action Memorandum
- Procedures unique to IES for processing AABD Cash in IES are introduced.
- Responses to questions about benefits and disability determine creation of an AABD Cash EDG.
- Use AABD Income Calculation - First 30 Day Test & First Month of IPE (Form 391) (pdf) to calculate income to be used for initial eligibility periods.
- IES automatically deducts income disregards for all budgeting periods.
- The four components of the personal allowance: food, clothing, household supplies and personal essentials are all entered separately. Select $30 under Personal Essentials for the Shelter Care personal allowance.
- Combine the rent or property allowance with utility allowances, and enter total in Rent.
AABD Cash policy is not changing, but some procedures are different in IES. Some of those procedures are permanent, and others are only temporary until the system is enhanced and benefits are no longer issued through the Client Data Base (CDB).
Creation of AABD Cash Eligibility Determination Group (EDG)
The AABD Cash EDG is created based on responses to questions on relevant screens.
Register Individual - Individual
Fill in all applicable fields with special attention to:
- Does the individual have a Social Security Claim Number (SSCN) or Railroad Retirement Number (RRN)?
- Does the individual have a disability?
- Is the individual currently receiving Medicare, Social Security Disability, or SSI?
Aged/Disability Benefits - Details
Fill in all fields with special attention to:
- Circumstances Start/Change Date (CSCD) - date individual began receiving income.
- Date customer became aware - same as CSCD.
Disability - Details
Fill in all fields with special attention to:
- Circumstances Start/Change Date (CSCD) - date individual became disabled.
- Date customer became aware - same as CSCD.
NOTE: To create an AABD medical EDG instead of an ACA edge, you must answer "Yes" to question "Does the individual need help with activities of daily living through personal assistance services, a nursing home, or other medical facility?".
Income Deductions
Do not deduct the $25 income exemption which applies to earned and unearned income in any financial determination. It is automatically deducted by IES from each step of financial eligibilty, including the first 30-day test and IPE calculation. It is an income deduction, not an allowance. See PM 08-02-03.
IES also automatically deducts the earned income disregard which is dependent on whether the customer is aged, blind or disabled. See PM 08-02-03-a.
For full-month determinations, enter gross income. Enter expense amounts such as employment expenses or court-ordered support in separate fields.
Determining income to count for First 30-day test, and first month of IPE
IES is not designed to budget income for partial months. In IES, income received on any day of the month is counted for the entire month. Since the first 30 day test and IPE periods rarely start on the first day of a month, the worker must determine whether income should be counted for those periods.
If there is income to be counted for either of these periods, on the Questions - Shelter/Utility screen, answer "YES" to "Does the household have income received during IPE period for TANF/AABD cash or have actual utility expenses for AABD cash?". This brings up the detail screen for entering income for these periods.
The worker must deduct expense amounts for employment, self-employment and unearned income before entering income.
Use AABD Income Calculation - First 30 Day Test & First Month of IPE (Form 391) (pdf) to determine correct amounts to enter.
First 30-day income test
Cash policy counts income received in the first 30 day period beginning with date of application, which can be on any day of the month. The worker must determine whether or not income should be counted. Do this even if the date of application is on the first day of the month.
Example: Mr. A. receives his $721 SSI benefit on the 3rd day of every month. He applies for AABD cash on April 26th. The first 30 day test period is April 26 - May 25. Only the SSI received on May 3rd falls within that period, but IES would count both the April and May benefits, causing a denial due to income. The worker enters $721 as Unearned Income under "Cash First 30 Days Income".
First month of IPE
Cash policy counts income received during the IPE period. The worker must determine if income is received during the first month of the IPE period. Do this even if the first month of the IPE period begins on the first day of the month.
Why only the first month of IPE? Because if there is a second month, it will always be a full month and IES can make a correct determination.
Example: Mr. A.'s case is approved on May 26, effective for July regular roll. The IPE period begins May 26 and ends June 30. The worker is only responsible for entering income to be considered during the first partial month (May 26 - May 30). Since no income is received during those 5 days, no income is entered under "IPE Income for Initial Month of Eligibility". IES counts the June 3rd SSI benefit when calculating the IPE for June because it is a full month.
Answering "YES" to the question "Does the household have income received during IPE period for TANF/AABD cash or have actual utility expenses for AABD cash?" on the Questions - Shelter/Utility screen brings up the AABD allowance screen.
Drop down selections and maximum edits were added as much as possible to assist with following correct policy.
If the customer lives in a shared living arrangement, enter the prorated amount.
Personal Allowance
The four components of the personal allowance: food, clothing, household supplies and personal essentials are all entered separately.
Continue to use the number of persons eating together, and whether the person is active or bedfast to determine the correct amount (except sheltered care). See the personal allowance chart at WAG 11-01-01.
To authorize a $30 personal allowance for customers in sheltered care and homes not subject to licensing, and for LTC residents who have less than $30 income, select $30 from the Personal Essentials drop down.
At present, IES sends or "synchs" information entered in IES as legacy Item 80 codes, to the CDB. There is a limit to how many Item 80 codes the CDB can accept, so since the Personal Allowance is expanded to 4 individual codes, we must consolidate others as a temporary measure until IES replaces the CDB.
Add individual fuel and utility allowances to rent or property expense and enter total amount in Rent. Rent has a maximum edit of $171.95 which was designed to allow addition of shelter expenses not included in rent. You cannot enter more than $97 in Property, so even if the customer owns his or her home, enter property expenses, plus fuel and utility allowances in Rent.
To allow all allowances to pass to the CDB, add the following allowances to Rent. Do not enter in individual fields:
- Heating fuel
- Cooking fuel
- Electricity
- Water.
Refer to WAG 25-03-03 for fuel and utility allowances.
Note: The CDB is limited to 12 Item 80 codes, including SNAP codes. If necessary, other AABD allowances may need to be consolidated in order to successfully pass all information.
[signed copy on file]
Michelle R.B. Saddler
Secretary, Illinois Department of Human Services