State of Illinois
Department of Human Services
Message from the Chair
On behalf of the members of the State Rehabilitation Council (SRC) and individuals with disabilities in Illinois, we are proud to present the Illinois Department of Human Services' Division of Rehabilitation Services (IDHS/DRS) Annual Report for Fiscal Year 2013!
In the following pages we have provided program service data along different categorical characteristics and included a program summary identifying outcomes and trends for both the Vocational Rehabilitation and Home Services programs.
A primary function of the State Rehabilitation Council is to provide true customer input into the current and future vocational rehabilitation (VR) process and assure that people with disabilities have the opportunities to achieve the most independent lifestyle in terms of employment and full participation in society.
Council members are particularly pleased that DRS reported more than 5,000 Successful Employment Outcomes and supports program initiatives to expand the vocational training program currently offered to transition aged customers (up to age 24); continue to expand outreach efforts to minorities with disabilities; and opening Order of Selection to serve even more individuals with disabilities.
I invite you to visit the DRS SUCCESS website at and read success stories related to our customers, community and business partners, view videos, and locate helpful resources.
Having the pleasure of serving as Chair of the SRC, I am proud of the Councils efforts and look forward to the ongoing partnership with IDHS, DRS, consumers, and community stakeholders to provide services and advocacy that result in equality for Illinoisans with disabilities.
Greg Polman
Illinois State Rehabilitation Council
Message from the Secretary and Director
At the Illinois Department of Human Services' Division of Rehabilitation Services (IDHS/DRS), our vision promotes customer driven programs and services that work together to overcome barriers to employment. In Fiscal Year 2013, we are pleased to report that DRS assisted more than 5,000 individuals with disabilities in gaining Competitive Employment Outcomes, a bench-mark that has not been achieved in over five (5) years.
Working in partnership, DRS helped over 40,000 customers achieve their goals in the areas of employment, education, and independent living. Of this total, almost 20,000 were 20 years old or younger and initiatives to serve this population have been expanded to include Self-Employment and Entrepreneurial opportunities.
Additional initiatives to expand programs and services include extending the Community College Initiative (CCI) to increase enrollment of people with disabilities in academic and vocational programs, and opening the Significant Disability category under Order of Selection to serve even more individuals with disabilities.
The Division of Rehabilitation Services continues to expand outreach efforts to minorities and is confident that models such as the Asians with Disabilities Outreach Project Think-Tank (ADOPT) and the Federacion Jaliscienses known as (FEDEJAL), can be replicated to provide effective outreach and VR employment services to people of all ethnicities and backgrounds who have disabilities.
We sincerely appreciate the support of Governor Pat Quinn, the Congressional Delegation, and the members of the Illinois General Assembly. In addition, we wish to commend the IDHS/DRS staff, our community and business partners, and especially our customers for their dedication and continued commitment to full participation in society.
Michelle R.B. Saddler
Illinois Department of Human Services
David Hanson
Division of Rehabilitation Services
DHS/DRS Vocational Rehabilitation Program
FY 2013 Final Data Summary
Service Data
Category |
Referrals |
Applications |
New Plans |
Total Served |
Outcomes |
Region 1 |
7,099 |
4,391 |
3,366 |
12,012 |
1,231 |
Region 2 |
4,850 |
3,531 |
2,746 |
9,841 |
1,175 |
Region 3 |
3,856 |
2,977 |
2,145 |
7,370 |
1,049 |
Region 4 |
2,503 |
1,852 |
1,190 |
4,380 |
565 |
Region 5 |
2,801 |
2,293 |
1,387 |
5,125 |
725 |
1,556 |
1,060 |
824 |
2,965 |
266 |
Statewide Total |
22,665 |
16,104 |
11,658 |
41,693 |
5,011 |
Customers By Service Category
Category |
Non-STEP |
Transition |
College |
Region 1 |
2465 |
251 |
2716 |
685 |
459 |
Region 2 |
2652 |
289 |
2981 |
404 |
299 |
Region 3 |
1262 |
148 |
1410 |
279 |
416 |
Region 4 |
770 |
159 |
929 |
50 |
168 |
Region 5 |
949 |
114 |
1063 |
109 |
294 |
BBS Total |
47 |
53 |
100 |
26 |
133 |
Statewide Total |
8145 |
1014 |
9159 |
1553 |
1769 |
Customer by Age Group
Age Group |
Served |
Outcomes |
< 20 years |
19,980 |
2,021 |
21-30 years |
6,179 |
941 |
31-40 years |
4,412 |
634 |
41-50 years |
5,476 |
686 |
51-60 years |
4,585 |
585 |
61 or more years |
1,035 |
144 |
VR Total |
41,667 |
5,011 |
Earnings Data
Average Earnings |
Weekly |
Monthly |
Annual |
Case Opening |
$64.87 |
$281.08 |
$3,372.98 |
Case Closure |
$304.71 |
$1,320.31 |
$15,843.70 |
Average Increase |
$239.84 |
$1,039.23 |
$12,470.72 |
Total Increase |
$1,201,838.00 |
$5,207,565.00 |
$62,490,781.00 |
Estimated Taxes |
$5,504,813.00 |
Estimated Tax Percent |
8.809% |
Customers By Disability Category
Disability Category |
Served |
Outcomes |
Blind-Visual Impairment |
3,041 |
275 |
Deaf-Hard of Hearing |
2,804 |
451 |
Physical Disability |
4,027 |
428 |
Mental Illness |
5,548 |
695 |
Intellectual Disability |
5,414 |
598 |
Learning Disability |
10,832 |
1,441 |
Brain Injury |
589 |
80 |
Other Condition |
9,412 |
1,043 |
VR Total |
41,667 |
5,011 |
Customers By Race/Ethnic Group
Race/Ethnic Group |
Served |
Outcomes |
White |
25,092 |
3,414 |
African American |
11,375 |
1,034 |
Hispanic/Latino |
3,984 |
442 |
Asian |
580 |
57 |
Hawaiian/Pacific Islander |
52 |
4 |
American Indian |
88 |
13 |
Multi Racial |
496 |
47 |
VR Total |
41,667 |
5,011 |
Comparison of Data By Race/Ethnic Group, FY 2005 to FY 2013
Competitive Employment Outcomes
Race/Ethnic Group |
FY2005 |
FY2013 |
Percent Difference |
White |
4,042 |
3,414 |
-15.5 |
African American |
1,356 |
1,034 |
-23.7 |
Hispanic/Latino |
373 |
442 |
18.5 |
Asian |
75 |
57 |
-24.0 |
Hawaiian/Pacific Islander |
6 |
4 |
-33.3 |
American Indian |
12 |
13 |
8.3 |
Multi Racial |
11 |
32 |
190.9 |
Total |
5,875 |
5,011 |
-14.7 |
Average Monthly Earnings
Race/Ethnic Group |
FY2005 |
FY2013 |
Percent Difference |
White |
$1,217 |
$1,299 |
6.7 |
African American |
$1,190 |
$1,267 |
6.5 |
Hispanic/Latino |
$1,274 |
$1,181 |
-7.3 |
Asian |
$1,114 |
$1,300 |
16.7 |
Hawaiian/Pacific Islander |
$1,158 |
$1,997 |
72.5 |
American Indian |
$1,189 |
$1,331 |
11.9 |
Multi Racial |
$1,409 |
$1,033 |
-26.7 |
Total |
$1,213 |
$1,280 |
5.5 |
Rehabilitation Rate
Race/Ethnic Group |
FY2005 |
FY2013 |
Percent |
White |
63.0 |
58.9 |
-6.5 |
African American |
45.8 |
42.5 |
-7.2 |
Hispanic/Latino |
52.3 |
53.0 |
1.3 |
Asian/Pacific Islander |
54.3 |
50.8 |
-6.4 |
American Indian |
57.1 |
43.8 |
-23.3 |
Multi Racial |
64.0 |
52.1 |
-18.6 |
Total |
57.5 |
53.7 |
-6.6 |
Vocational Rehabilitation Program
Race/Ethnic Group |
FY 2005 |
FY 2013 |
Percent Difference |
White |
30,730 |
25,092 |
-18.3 |
African American |
14,584 |
11,375 |
-22.0 |
Hispanic/Latino |
3,832 |
3,984 |
4.0 |
Asian |
611 |
580 |
-5.1 |
Hawaiian/Pacific Islander |
65 |
52 |
-20.0 |
American Indian |
142 |
88 |
-38.0 |
Multi Racial |
190 |
496 |
161.1 |
Total |
50,154 |
41,667 |
-16.9 |
Home Services Program
Race/Ethnic Group |
FY 2005 |
FY 2013 |
Percent Difference |
White |
18,475 |
16,220 |
-12.2 |
African American |
14,455 |
16,802 |
16.2 |
Hispanic/Latino |
2,067 |
2,634 |
27.4 |
Asian |
425 |
530 |
24.7 |
Hawaiian/Pacific Islander |
25 |
36 |
44.0 |
American Indian |
134 |
118 |
-11.9 |
Multi Racial |
63 |
277 |
339.7 |
Total |
35,644 |
36,617 |
2.7 |
Data Summary
Vocational Rehabilitation Services
In FY2013 the DRS vocational rehabilitation program assisted 5,011 people with disabilities in achieving a competitive employment outcome, an increase of 1.2 percent over the previous year and the second consecutive year with positive growth in outcomes. These individuals earned an average of $15,844 at case closure, an increase of $12,471 over earnings at case opening. Taken together, this equals annual increased earnings of $62.5 million, which resulted in an estimated additional $5.5 million in taxes paid as a result of employment.
A total of 2,021 outcomes were achieved by individuals who began receiving services prior to age 20, or 40.3 percent of all outcomes. This demonstrates the continuing emphasis of the DRS VR program on serving transition age youth with disabilities. Transition youth represented 48 percent of all persons served in FY2013.
Demographic changes in Illinois are reflected in the competitive outcome data, with 32 percent of competitive outcomes achieved by minority customers, an increase from 28 percent in the previous year. Notably the number of Latinos achieving a competitive outcome increased from 330 in FY2012 to 442 in FY2013, an increase of 34 percent.
Home Services
The total number of persons served in HSP declined by 5.3 in FY2013 compared to the previous year. The number served in the general waiver program decreased by 4.8 percent to 29,301 individuals. The number of persons served in the AIDS waiver was relatively unchanged at 1,739, while the number served in the brain injury waiver declined by 8.9 percent to 5,577. This is the result of the transfer of individuals to the general waiver based on reduced need for specialized services. A total of 145 individuals were moved from nursing homes into the community through reintegration efforts of DRS contractors. This number was 12 percent less than the number for the previous year.
The department is an equal opportunity employer and practices affirmative action and reasonable accommodation programs.
DHS 4195 (N-01-14) DRS Annual Report 400 copies
Printed by the Authority of the State of Illinois $0.24 cost per copy PO #14-1065