3/12/2014 1:00 PM - 2:30 PM
The ADA National Network announces a new sessions for the ADA Legal Webinar Series, March 12, 2014 focusing on "The ADA and Religious Institutions." Although religious institutions are largely exempt from the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) there are situations where these entities are indeed covered by the law. What does this mean for religious entities that operate schools? Are employees of religious organizations covered by employment provisions under the ADA? Further, what about religious entities receiving federal funds such as faith-based grants? Does the ADA apply to those operating businesses open to the public? The presenter will also discuss some of the more recent cases and examples of these situations and whether the ADA applies. During this session we will examine how the ADA applies to religious institutions/organizations with regards to:
Registration is available on-line at http://www.ada-audio.org/Webinar/ADALegal/Schedule
ADA Conferences, Great Lakes ADA Center, 877-232-1990 (V/TTY)
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