November 21, 2014 Redeploy Illinois Oversight Board


Redeploy Illinois Oversight Board Members and Staff. The public is welcome to attend.


November 21, 2014, 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.


This meeting will be conducted via video conference with Chicago & Springfield Locations as follows:

  • Chicago: 401 Clinton Building, 7th Floor Executive video conference room.
  • Springfield: Harris Building, 3rd Floor Executive video conference room.
  • Call In:  888-494-4032  Code:  5329547331#


  1. Call to Order
  2. Roll Call
  3. Approval of Minutes
    * October 10, 2014 and October 31, 2014
  4. Policy Change Consideration
    1. Serving Pre-Adjudicated Youth
  5. New Site Evaluation Update
  6. 1st Circuit Site Update
  7. FY15 Redeploy Funding Requests
    1. 1st Circuit Funding Request
    2. Sangamon County
  8. ICOY Redeploy Staff Update
  9. DHS Redeploy Staff Update
  10. Redeploy FY14 Program Data
  11. Next Meeting:
    * RIOB Meeting: January 16, 2014
  12. Adjourn


  1. Call to Order
    The meeting was called to order at 1:10 P.M.
  2. Roll Call
    Janet Ahern, Grace Hong Duffin, Pat Griffith, Jim McCarter, Mary Reynolds, Anne Studzinski, George Timberlake, Paula Wolff, Kent Holsopple (representing Pam Rodriguez), and Shamsideen Balogun (representing Jack Cutrone). Staff and Guests: Karrie Rueter, John Payne, Steve Sawyer, Esther Franco Payne, Lindsey LaPointe, Jazzalyn Lamadora, and Angie Jimenez.
  3. Approval of Minutes
    The RIOB discussed the minutes for October 10, 2014 and October 31, 2014.
    Motion: Paula Wolff motioned to approve the minutes with the attendance correction. George Timberlake seconded the motion.
    Decision: The Board approved the October 10, 2014 and October 31, 2014 minutes.
  4. Policy Change Consideration
    The Board discussed the current policy of serving pre-adjudicated youth. Sites have been instructed that they may continue to serve the pre-adjudicated youth currently participating in services but not to accept any new cases for pre-adjudicated youth. The Board spent time reviewing Retreat discussions as well as implications. Members suggested the Board reconsider and structure a policy and/or standards for serving this population. Additional information is still necessary. The Board is interested in seeing additional data information regarding current and anticipated practice as well as the sites success regarding the primary Redeploy targeted youth. Members suggested that the Board refrain from funding sites to serve pre-adjudicated youth until there is success in keeping youth from entering DJJ. The goal of Redeploy to reduce commitments to DJJ and ensure that sites operate in a manner in furtherance of that goal was reiterated. The Board agreed that further research through a working committee was necessary since the Board is still trying to understand the meaning and scope of serving pre-adjudicated youth. The committee would also include site representation. It was cautioned that if the RIOB were to deny services, it could damage the morale of the overall program. Motion: James McCarter motioned to form a "working committee" of select Board members and representatives from individual sites to develop a recommendation to the RIOB for serving pre-adjudicated youth. Paula Wolff seconded the motion. Decision: The Board approved the motion to form a working as described with a recommendation to be provided at the next meeting. In the meantime, sites may continue to serve this population until such time the RIOB issues a formal decision. Karrie Rueter will notify providers.
  5. New Site Evaluation Update
    Karrie Rueter has been in contact with the evaluation team discussed at the previous meeting - Armstrong & Webb. Currently employed at SHSU, formerly at SIUC. This is the same evaluation team that previously conducted new site evaluations. The RIOB was happy with their performance. The other previously funded evaluators were not contacted as the RIOB was not fully satisfied with the quality of their work products. She has shared with them the evaluation requirements and is currently awaiting a response.
  6. 1st Circuit Site Update
    Steve Sawyer went to Carbondale for a conference involving the advisory body that will have oversight on Redeploy in the 1st Circuit. There was a presentation on childhood trauma and a breakout session to discuss services. Steve observed variation in reactions and collaborations particularly between Jackson and Saline County probation officers. There was a general preference of FFT over MST. Steve is planning on going to Saline County to discuss how Redeploy can work collaboratively using current participating sites within the 1st Circuit as examples.
  7. FY15 Redeploy Funding Requests
    1. 1st Circuit Funding Request
      The 1st Circuit submitted a request for increased funding that would bring their total for the fiscal year to $311,836. Their original allotment was $238K with an increase needed for additional MST resources, ankle bracelets, and staff salary. The Board raised concerns about the increase because of the proposals lack of specificity, transparency, and its timing in the fiscal year. Anne Studzinski mentioned that the site was at risk of a penalty for not meeting their commitment reduction requirement and was concerned that they were asking for more money given their current performance situation. The Board struggled to make sense of the high funding increase, but acknowledged the site utilizing the most expensive program model (MST). Mrs. Wolff reflected on the role of the Board in setting standards and not becoming punitive encouraging the Board to send a clear message of supporting sites to become successful while explaining the standards.
      Motion: Paula Wolff motioned to approve the additional funding for the remainder of the current fiscal year following a site visit to the 1st Circuit to assess structure, notification of the necessity for them to expand into the non-participating counties in the circuit in the coming fiscal year, and by April/May have a more detailed budget for FY16 that the RIOB can consider, particularly in the area of programming. Mary Reynolds seconded the motion.
      Decision: The Board approved the motion. Sangamon County This matter was tabled for discussion as a revised request has not yet been submitted in lieu of the pending pre-adjudication matter.
  8. ICOY Redeploy Staff Update
    Angie Jimenez updated the Board on the vacant Redeploy Program Director position. ICOY has been interviewing potential candidates with a few more interviews scheduled in the upcoming weeks. Moving along and more information to come.
  9. DHS Redeploy Staff Update
    Karrie Rueter explained where the department was in the process and Grace explained that there may be a pause on hiring until further guidance due to potential change in direction and leadership with the new Governor-elect. DHS may need to hold off on some next steps.
  10. Redeploy FY14 Program Data
    The Board briefly reviewed FY14 Program Data and Performance Measures and Outcomes. A discussion on ethnicity/racial breakdown prompted further investigation and data comparison on general DJJ demographics to ensure the Board is properly serving the population committed to DJJ. Particularly, program data reflected the African American population at 17% in sites with a 38% redeploy participation. Several Board members and guests discussed willingness to obtain incarceration demographic data in sites for next meeting.
  11. Next Meeting RIOB Meeting
    January 16, 2014
  12. Adjourn
    Mary Reynolds made a motion to adjourn. Janet Ahern seconded the motion. The meeting was adjourned at 2:45pm.