August 15, 2014 Redeploy Illinois Oversight Board


Redeploy Illinois Oversight Board Members and Staff. The public is welcome to attend.


August 15, 2014, 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Conference Call Number: (888) 494-4032; Pass Code: 532.954.7331


This meeting will be conducted via video conference with Chicago & Springfield Locations as follows:

  • Chicago: 401 Clinton Building, 7th Floor Executive video conference room.
  • Springfield: Harris Building, 3rd Floor Executive video conference room.


  1. Call to Order
  2. Roll Call
  3. Approval of Minutes
    * July 18, 2014
  4. Redeploy Staff Update
  5. Redeploy Planning Retreat Committee Update
  6. FY15 Redeploy Funding Requests
    1. 1st Circuit site visit update
    2. Winnebago County request for increased base funding
    3. Sangamon County site request
  7. RIOB Executive Committee
    1. Decision to Create
    2. Role/Responsibility/Authority
    3. Membership
  8. eCornerstone Update
  9. Social Impact Bonds Presentation by Janet Ahern and Patricia Griffith
  10. Next Meeting: September 19, 2014
  11. Adjourn


  1. Call to Order
    Meeting was called to order at 1:00 P.M.
  2. Roll Call
    Grace Hong-Duffin, Betsy Clarke, Margie Groot, Jim McCarter, Peter Parry, George Timberlake, Paula Wolff, Mary Reynolds, Shamsideen Balogun (representing Jack Cutrone). Staff and Guests: Karrie Rueter, John Payne, Esther Franco-Payne, Angie Jimenez, and Emily Rose. Pamela Rodriguez, Erica Hughes and MaryAnn Dyar participated via teleconference.
  3. Approval of Minutes
    The RIOB discussed the minutes for July 18, 2014. Motion: Jim McCarter motioned to approve the July 18, 2014 meeting minutes. Mary Reynolds seconded the motion. Decision: The Board voted to approve the July 18, 2014 meeting minutes.
  4. Redeploy Staff Update
    John Payne introduced Stephen Sawyer to the Board. Judge Payne has been considering reduced hours and YNC has identified Stephen Sawyer as a possible new consultant for the program that would work in conjunction with John. Judge Sawyer is a retired chief judge from the 2nd Circuit It is envisioned that they would share responsibility for the state considering primarily geographic factors. John is located north central and Steven is located south central.
    Judge Sawyer introduced himself and discussed his background. He served as a judge for 21 years, retiring from the court system last December. He was a state's attorney for a number of years and has always been involved in the welfare of children. He is presently a board member of Illinois Association of Problem Solving Courts and is the President of Illinois Association of Juvenile Justice Councils. He is currently employed with the Wells Center 30 hours a week and they are amendable to him working 20 per week if he becomes a Redeploy Consultant. (Resume provided as a handout).
    Karrie Rueter explained that there is sufficient funds through Youth Network Council to provide for this and they they believe that they will be able to cover his costs with the same funds allocated currently to John. YNC would like to ensure the Board is supportive of this decision and the candidate before they contract with him.  Motion: Mr. McCarter made a motion to approve the proposed decision to split the consultants time and work and to approve candidate - Judge Sawyer. Peter Perry seconded the motion. Margie Groot abstained.  Decision: The Board approved the decision to hire a second consultant to split the Redeploy consulting work.
    Ms. Rueter is still waiting for personnel to identify a candidate for the Executive II Redeploy Coordinator position and has asked the appropriate people to look into it. Grace Hong-Duffin provided an update on the merit comp position she has been working to establish for Redeploy. She indicated that she is still waiting on HR and anticipates the process will be a long one. Betsy Clarke, Paula Wolff, and George Timberlake volunteered to recruit possible candidates for that position. Ms. Rueter stated that YNC was looking to add additional Redeploy staff support and has asked the Board to consider the anticipated support needs and to review job duties to ensure there is not any conflict with the job description that Grace is working on with DHS.
  5. Redeploy Planning Retreat Committee Update
    Ms. Rueter stated that she would like to identify a small number of members to aid in the development of the retreat agenda. Emily will email folks next week and ask for volunteers. Staff are struggling to identify a date. The dates in September did not work for folks so we are now looking to October. We are now looking at the Lodge in Oakbrook because the first location was not responsive. Folks are currently responding as to their date preferences and we expect to have the date finalized next week.  With the Retreat now in October, we will have a RIOB meeting in September and we will cancel the October RIOB.
  6. FY15 Redeploy Funding Requests
    1. 1st Circuit site visit update: Judge Payne stated that there have been ongoing issues with the first circuit. Judge Payne, Judge Timberlake, and Karrie Rueter conducted a site visit with representatives of the 1st circuit. All representatives expressed that they were very appreciative of the Redeploy services but have had frustrations with the director of the program, much of which have been communication related. Their program consists of MST and WAIT and folks are frustrated with that. They feel that other services should also be available as all youth do not need those services. They are in the process of setting up a Juvenile Justice Council but it is not scheduled meet for the first time until October. The hope is that the council will act as oversight for the program. Complaints that our staff have received from the various representatives did not come up at the meeting. Judge Timberlake stated that this is a new program and that probation was not involved in the design of the program. There are serious communication issues between the coordinator and probation. From the conversation we were able to determine that nobody had any input and it was a one person design. This one person did not have enough information on how Redeploy functions in other counties.  1st Circuit will be getting back to staff on how they want to revise their previously submitted request. September may be the earliest time we see something if not the following month.  Motion: Ms. Clarke motioned to table the consideration of the application until such time a revised request is received. Ms. Wolff seconded the motion. Ms. Groot abstained. Decision: The 1st Circuit funding increase request will be tabled until staff receive a revised request.
    2. Winnebago County request for increased base funding: Ms. Rueter stated that Winnebago is a new site and that the amount they projected with their Planning Grant final report was not sufficient and they would need an additional $20,000. These additional funds would primarily be utilized to implement the Parenting with Love and Limits program. Board members were concerned that this amount would not be sufficient for the program. Members asked staff to discuss with the site and determine if this is an appropriate amount so as to avoid a potential future request for additional funding for the PLL program. Motion: Ms. Wolff made a motion to have Staff work with the site to determine if the amount is sufficient. Ms. Wolff further made a motion to have the FY14 Expansion Funding committee be reestablished for FY15, with the same membership, and ask them to make the final decision on this funding request. Judge Timberlake seconded the motions. Ms. Groot abstained.  Decision: The FY14 Expansion Funding committee is re-established for FY15, with the same membership. They will be delegated the authority to make a final decision on the Winnebago funding request.
    3. Sangamon County site request: The Board reviewed the Sangamon County application to be a full Redeploy site. Members needed more information to make a decision. Several questions/concerns needed to be first addressed. See list below. 
      Staff can meet with representatives from the county to discuss concerns and recommend they provide additional information Motion: Mr. McCarter made a motion to table the application in an effort to get further information. Ms. Clarke seconded the motion. Decision: The Board tabled the request until further information is obtained.
      1. 20% admin costs going to the juvenile center.
      2. Concerns about why they are choosing a facility that is, in part, a detention center.
      3. What is the program going to be?
      4. Ensure they are not supplanting existing programs with redeploy money. How is it different and how would the money flow?
      5. If Sangamon would bring on additional people, how they would handle existing Detention Center staff. 
  7. RIOB Executive Committee
    Ms. Rueter reviewed the draft charter that was provided as a handout. The group discussed the various elements and recommended further changes, edits, and clarifications. 
    Motion: Ms. Wolff made a motion to table the decision until such time staff have revised the draft accordingly. The revised document will be reconsidered at the next meeting. McCarter seconded the motion.
    Decision: To table the decision until staff have an opportunity to make suggested revisions.
  8. eCornerstone Update
    Ms. Rueter provided a very brief update indicating that the first phase of the new system went into place July 1, 2014. Providers have been given user ID's, staff have held user group meetings and trainings and will continue to do so. Providers will begin enrolling youth into the system back to July 1, 2014. To date it has been well received by providers. Ms. Rueter would like to provide a more detailed overview of the various data elements etc. being collected at a future meeting or possibly the Retreat.
  9. Social Impact Bonds Presentation by Janet Ahern and Patricia Griffith
    Tabled due to time constraints
  10. Next Meeting
    September 19, 2014
  11. Adjourn
    Motion: Judge Timberlake made a motion to adjourn. Mr. McCarter seconded the motion. Decision: The meeting was adjourned at 3:00pm.