July 18, 2014 Redeploy Illinois Oversight Board


Redeploy Illinois Oversight Board Members and Staff. The public is welcome to attend.


July 18, 2014, 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.


This meeting will be conducted via video conference with Chicago and Springfield locations as follows:

  • Chicago: 401 Clinton Building, 7th Floor - Executive Video Conference Room
  • Springfield: Harris Building, 100 South Grand Avenue, East - 3rd Floor Executive Video Conference Room
  • Conference Call:  (888) 494-4032 and Pass Code:  5329547331#


  1. Approval of Minutes
    1. February 21, 2014
    2. May 16, 2014
  2. Mental Health Juvenile Justice Presentation by Sharon Coleman
  3. Social Impact Bonds Presentation by Janet Ahern and Patricia Griffith
  4. FY14 Redeploy Illinois Funding Update
    1. Site Expenditures
    2. Cook County Planning Grant Update
    3. YNC Year End Funding Update
      1. Redeploy Focused Update/FY14 Close Out
      2. IAJJC Survey/Report
      3. JJ Conference Support
      4. Crossroads Training
      5. Other TTA&S Spending Funding Updates
  5. FY15 Redeploy Funding
    1. FY15 Initial Contracts Update
    2. FY15 Funding Requests: Current Providers
      1. Peoria expansion to Tazewell
      2. St. Clair request for increased base funding
      3. 1st Circuit request for increased base funding
    3. Redeploy Focused FY15 Allocation Decision
  6. eCornerstone Update
  7. Redeploy Planning Retreat Committee Assignment
  8. Next Meeting: August 15, 2014


  1. Call to Order
    Meeting was called to order at 1:10pm.
  2. Roll Call
    Grace Hong-Duffin, Vice Chair: Anne Studzinski, Betsy Clarke, Peter Parry, Pamela Rodriquez, Janet Ahern, George Timberlake, Rick Velasquez, Patricia Griffith, Mary Reynolds, Esther Franco-Payne (representing Paula Wolff), Shamsideen Balogun (representing Jack Cutrone). Staff and Guests: Karrie Rueter, John Payne, Barbara Dawkins, Emily Rose, Angie Jimenez, Candice Cuevas, and Sharon Coleman (presenters from Mental Health Juvenile Justice). Paula Wolff and Erica Hughes participated via teleconference.
  3. Approval of minutes
    Approval of minutes for February and May 2014: The RIOB discussed the meeting minutes from February 2014 and May 2014.  Motion: Mary Reynolds motioned to approve the February and May 2014 meeting minutes. George Timberlake seconded the motion.  Decision: The Board voted to approve the February and May 2014 minutes.
  4. Mental Health Presentation
    Representatives, Sharon Coleman and Candice Cuevas, of the Mental Health Juvenile Justice Program provided a presentation on the MHJJ Project. This is a voluntary 6 month program that serves youth ages 10-18. The state contracts with agencies to provide juvenile mental health liaisons. The liaison links them to community resources based on their needs and strengths and monitors them for appropriate care and services. This includes those who are at risk for juvenile justice involvement. MHJJ and Redeploy can work together to help the youth. Redeploy has funding where MHJJ does not. Karrie Rueter stated that there are currently 6 Redeploy counties where these services are located. Two of them are current contractors for Redeploy sites.
  5. Social Impact Bonds Presentation
    Social Impact Bonds Presentation by Janet Ahern and Patricia Griffith: This presentation will take place at the August RIOB meeting.
  6. FY14 Redeploy Illinois Funding Update
    1. Site Expenditures: Karrie reviewed the site Expenditure Summary document. Staff received all of the site's expenditures for FY14 and they are presented in the document. Board members were able to see the amount and percentage of funds expended by site. McLean County demonstrated significant improvements over the past few years as they spent 95% of their award. Kankakee spent the smallest percentage however, as a new site it is understandable. They experienced multiple delays in start up at the beginning of the award period. Kankakee is on track and staff do not anticipate any concerns for FY15.
    2. Redeploy Monthly Schedule of Funds: Ms. Rueter provided an overview of the handout explaining that the report reflects expenditures by site by month and also includes the number of Redeploy eligible commitments for the corresponding month. This document was prepared at the request of the RIOB. Ms. Rueter further explained that the commitment numbers are all self-reported numbers. The Board was asked if they would like to continue to receive this report and if they would like to see any changes. The Board liked the document and indicated it is informative. Ms. Rueter suggested combining the two documents for FY15. The Board was in agreement and suggested a few additional changes.  Ms. Rueter stated that in the future, she and Ms. Reynolds will be able to provide these numbers to the Board using IDJJ data, but for now the providers will continue to provide the numbers.
    3. Redeploy History of Lapsed Funds: Ms. Rueter provided an overview of the handout explaining that only the sites that actually lapsed funding were displayed. The report was interesting and provided a good perspective that should be considered when making decisions to fund providers that have a history of lapsing funds.
    4. YNC Year End Funding Update: Mr. Vickery and Ms. Jimenez reviewed the expenditures that were laid out in a handout provided to the Board. Mr. Vickery broke down the amounts for the Crossroads Training, the JJ Conference, various trainings etc. that took place late in the fiscal year. ICOY staff will provide regular spending updates to the RIOB in FY15. 
      The Redeploy Focused program services were only utilized by two counties during the fiscal year. Ms. Clarke again discussed that we do not have clear mechanics in place that ensure judges and public defenders etc. are aware and understand how to directly access the program. There should be a number they can call to access Focus services. The same is true for CCBYS services. It was suggested we bring this up to judges at the justice committee. It was also suggested we send out a note to them every 3-4 months reminding them about the Focus program. If and when the judges get a kid in the county they should also get a letter about Redeploy Focus and how the youth might be eligible for the program. A resource guide could be posted on their bench. Diminimis orders were suggested. This should be a goal for this year.
    5. Cook County Planning Grant: The Cook Planning Grant final report was due to DHS and the RIOB on July 15th. However, Staff learned that although progress had been made, the Cook County Board did not approve the Planning Grant until June 18th. Therefore, there was insufficient time to get a subcontract agreement in place for the collection and assessment of data. As a result, no monies were expended under this FY14 award. The Board was asked to consider issuing another Planning Grant for Cook County in FY15. The Board discussed whether or not a new grant would need to go back in front of the Cook County Board if the amount and purpose was the same. Ms. Rueter indicated that it was her understanding from Mr. Bernard that it would, and that it does not meet again until September.
      Motion: Ann Studzinski made a motion to issue Cook County a new Planning Grant with the expectation that the plan would be substantially completed by the end of November; that the amount remains $24,500; and the RIOB would receive the final report in early 2015. Ms. Rueter will work with representatives from the County to determine an exact date. Mary Reynolds seconded the motion.
      Decision: The Board approved the motion to issue Cook County a Planning Grant in FY15 in the amount of $24,500 with the above stipulations.
  7. FY15 Redeploy Funding
    1. FY15 Initial Contacts Update: Ms. Rueter reviewed the FY15 Redeploy Funding Projections Handout. All existing and new sites were funded at current and projected levels. Before considering the additional requests in front of the board at this time, the remaining unobligated balance is nearly $700,000.
    2. FY15 Funding Requests: Current Providers
      1. St. Clair: St. Clair submitted a request for an increase to their base funding of $7,300. This was necessary because when they originally prepared their funding request to expand to the additional 4 counties, they neglected to include administrative costs in their budget.  Motion: Mr. Timberlake made a motion to approve the additional funding of $7,300 to St. Clair. Ms. Studzinski seconded the motion.Decision: The Board approved the additional funding request of $7,300 for St. Clair.
      2. Peoria expansion to Tazewell: An expansion request was received by Peoria County to expand services into Tazewell County. Peoria County is currently conducting an internal administrative study to determine administrative costs for Peoria to support the Tazewell County program. It is not expected that these costs will exceed the 20% max mandated by the grant but rather would be much less. Ms. Rueter ran the numbers to estimate the maximum award amount should the administrative portion be the max 20%. These amounts are $81,000 for the prorated year (FY14) and $97,200 is the annualized cost for FY15. These are total amounts inclusive of the max admin costs. This was prepared so that the Board, should they choose to do so, could consider an "up to" vote to fund this expansion site at this time instead of postponing to the next RIOB meeting.  A few Board members questioned their proposed programming and it was suggested that they come to a Board meeting after they have kids in their program and discuss the program.  Motion: Ms. Rodriguez made a motion to approve the Peoria County expansion request to add Tazewell County for up to the amounts provided by Ms. Rueter. Ms. Clarke seconded the motion. Ms. Griffith abstained. Decision: The Motion was approved.
      3. 1st Circuit: The 1st Circuit submitted a request to increase their base funding. Their request explained that the amount needed to operate their program for a full 12 months was not sufficient as originally projected at the end of their Planning Grant. Their original annual request was $238,626 (this is currently their FY15 award amount). They requested an additional $43,304 to do MST. An additional $52,404 to do MST and the WAIT. To do MST, WAIT and provide ankle monitors they need an additional $62,404. Board members were not comfortable going forward with this decision. Ms. Studzinski suggested that we put this off until August and staff will work with 1st Circuit to get more information in justifying this increase and looking at other options.  Decision: Tabling the request. Staff will conduct a site visit to gather and request more information justifying the increase amount.
    3. Redeploy Focused FY15 Allocation Decision
      The RIOB needs to make a funding allocation for the Redeploy Focused program for FY15. The amount allocated in FY14 was $125,000. Members suggested that this year we not wait until the 3rd quarter as the statues dictates, rather that we begin considering or reconsidering the allocated amount in January 2015.  Motion: Ms. Studzinski made a motion to allocate $125,000 in Redeploy Focus funds for FY15 through YNC/ICOY. Peter Parry seconded the motion.  Decision: The motion was approved.
  8. Retreat
    Redeploy staff are attempting to schedule the Redeploy Board Retreat for the week of the September 15th at Pheasant Run. Board members are requested to help with planning and the agenda for the retreat. Ms. Griffith stated she is willing to help. Ms. Jimenez will put out an e-mail with a request for help and the proposed dates for Board members to respond as to their ability to attend.
    The Board discussed the possibility for the meeting schedule to be less frequent. The Board discussed the possibility meeting every other month and establish an executive committee to meet when necessary. However, it will still be necessary to meet in August as the Board will need to review the 1st Circuit request, the Winnebago that was received too late to put on the Agenda per the OMA and staff believes that the RIOB will have the Sangamon County application to consider. 
  9. Adjourn
    Motion: Ms. Reynolds made a motion to adjourn. Ms. Griffith seconded the motion.  Decision: The meeting was adjourned at 3:20 pm.