January 8, 2014 Planning and Grants Committee


Planning and Grants Members and Staff.  The public is welcome to attend. 


January 8, 2014, 9:00am to 11:00am


  • 160 N LaSalle, 10th Floor-Chicago, IL
  • 823 E Monroe - Springfield, IL


  1. Call to Order
  2. Roll Call
  3. Approval of Minutes
  4. Grant/Project Updates
    1. Reentry Grant Review Presentation
      1. Review of Proposed Goals
      2. Implementation Status
      3. Implementation Barriers and Issues
      4. Service Data
      5. Evaluation Status
      6. Project Continuation/Close-Out
    2. Commission Project Implementation Updates
      1. Statewide Conference
      2. JJ Councils
      3. DMC CASP
      4. Raise the Age Implementation
      5. AOIC Projects
  5. Fiscal Updates
  6. Fiscal and Strategic Planning
    1. FY15 Project Review and Planning Process Check-In
  7. New Business
    1. Kane County Bridge Funding Request
  8. Adjourn


  1. Call to Order
    The meeting was called to order at 9:10am.
  2. Roll Call
    Chairman, Lisa Jacobs. Commissioners: Julie Biehl, George Hill, Esther Franco-Payne, Rick Velasquez and IJJC Chairman, George Timberlake. Quorum present.
    Guests: Kanako Ishida, Juvenile Justice Initiative (JJI); Jamie Noto, Youth Outreach Services (YOS).
    Staff: Executive Director-Heidi Mueller, Rob Vickery, Julie Stremlau, Michele Landers, Ann Hungerford and Emily Rose.
  3. Approval of Minutes
    Commissioner Biehl motioned to approve minutes of November 13, 2013 and December 11, 2013. Commissioner Hill seconded the motion. All in favor, minutes approved.
  4. Grant/Project Updates
    1. Reentry Grant Review Presentation
      1. Review of Proposed Goals
      2. Implementation Status
      3. Implementation Barriers and Issues
      4. Service Data
      5. Evaluation Status
      6. Project Continuation/Close-Out
        Jamie Noto of Youth Outreach Services (YOS) gave their Reentry update, along with YOS Executive Director, Rick Velasquez. She explained they piloted the Aftercare Services in the community. YOS averages about 5 referrals a month but got 17 last month, which is a great improvement. Commissioner Jacobs added that she believes we should be in a better situation than we are with the Reentry projects. The IDJJ should have a better data management system and should have already addressed and fixed the referral issues that they have been aware of since the onset of the program. Jamie explained that they have also had issues with IDJJ not supplying data printouts and lack of and/or no response from IDJJ Aftercare Specialists when they have called or emailed. But YOS is more optimistic given the recent increase in referrals.
        Commissioner Velasquez stated he would like to fund a qualitative evaluation of the project, using YOS unexpended grant funds. A proposal has been solicited from Chapin Hall, and they have already revised their evaluation plan based on input from YOS, CHASI, DJJ, and Rob Vickery. Commissioner Biehl believes if we did fund such an evaluation that those doing the evaluation should have the right focus; she requested further discussion of the issue. Commissioner Jacobs noted the plan indicates a start date of March 1st. The group discussed giving the Executive Committee or the Planning and Grants committee the ability to approve. Finally, the group decided that they could wait until the March IJJC meeting. It will be discussed again at the February Planning and Grants committee. The full IJJC in March can enable the Executive Committee to approve recommendations if time becomes a factor. Also, due to the current issues with the program, the Planning and Grants Committee will review the obligated allocation of funding for Reentry and ensure it still remains accurate.
    2. Commission Project Implementation Updates
      1. Statewide Conference
        Rob Vickery gave the update on the Reconnecting the Pathways Conference (May 14-15, 2014) which is moving along nicely. The budget was approved by the conference committee and they voted to cover transportation costs. There will be a $50 registration fee and scholarships will be offered. The conference focus is best practices. Please note there is a need for conference facilitators. The Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE) is on the planning committee. School to Prison Pipeline is a focus of the conference.
      2. JJ Councils
        Executive Director, Heidi Mueller explained that the CAAFs have been finalized for the nine participating JJ Council sites. There is a meeting Friday with the Chicago Mayor's Deputy of Public Safety. The counties of Winnebago and DuPage are currently on pause as potential sites but not considered completely out.
      3. DMC CASP
        DMC Coordinator, Karima Douglas updated the group. The project will provide DMC 101 training to 8 sites. More intensive training will be provided at 2 to 3 sites; these will be considered the CASP sites. Sites will be selected from those already participating in the JJ Councils project. The curriculum for DMC reduction was recently received and has a lot of flexibility. Representatives from Illinois will be trained by OJJDP in March and then they will train others. We need to build this curriculum into our DMC Planning for sustainability. The Youth Law Enforcement Partnership proposal will be voted on by the full Commission next meeting.
      4. Raise the Age (RtA) Implementation
        It is our intent to use SFY15 funding and to allocate money for RtA so contracts are in place for July 1st. We need to be clear about what we are funding.
      5. AOIC Projects
        We continue to pursue a project with AOIC to either improve use of YASI or develop a statewide detention screening instrument.
  5. Fiscal Updates
  6. Fiscal and Strategic Planning
    1. FY15 Project Review and Planning Process Check-In
      Heidi explained the projections for FY14 and FY15. The JABG contracts have been executed, the transfer is complete and funds will be available very soon. The CASP Grant expenditures will follow the OJJDP guidelines with a focus on community. Again, the SFY15 estimates depend upon current contracts, planning, as well as future funding tables. We need to ensure the disbursement and expenditures of all allocated funds. We must do our best to gauge what the federal government will concentrate on in the future and ensure the IJJC's goals and principles align to that focus.
  7. New Business
    1. Kane County Bridge Funding Request
      The IJJC has been asked to approve an increase of $17,200 of discretionary JABG money allotted to Kane County. When JABG changed fiscal agents from ICJIA to IJJC this caused a budgeting issue. This allocation will cover the budgeting expenses and allow the programs to continue until the next JABG grant funding cycle. Commissioner Velasquez motioned to approve the increase, Commissioner Hill seconded the motion. All in favor, motion passed.
  8. Adjourn
    Motion to adjourn made by Commissioner Velasquez, seconded by Commissioner Biehl. Meeting adjourned at 11:21am.