Pilot Program: Fit to Stand Trial Final Report: PA97-1020 (SB2559)

Pilot Program: Fit to Stand Trial Final Report: PA97-1020 (SB2559)

October 1, 2013


October 24, 2013

Department DHS/DMH

Final Report: PA97-1020 (SB2559)

Please be informed of the Final Report on the Impact of the provisions of subsection (c) of Section 104-18 of the Code of Criminal Procedure 1963. This report covers the period of September 1, 2012 through September 1, 2013.

Reporting Areas

  1. Number of Admissions during period:
    Result: 558
  2. Number of Delayed admissions:
    The definition for delayed admissions is any individual waiting in jail beyond the thirty day statutory period under which DHS has to provide an initial report to the jurisdictional court.
    Result: 305 court ordered referrals were delayed beyond the thirty day period in which a report by DHS is due to the jurisdictional court.
  3. Number of Persons Returned under the Provisions of subsection (c) of Section 104-18:
    Result: 558 were requested to be immediately returned. 114 were returned in 14 Days or less according to the time frame for immediate return in the amended state. Based on this data County courts during the reporting period were not consistently responding to requests for immediate transport.
  4. Concerns and Issues County Sheriffs are having with returns
    The Sheriff's Association would like DHS to provide them with ongoing reports so they can provide a response in the upcoming 12 month period.
  5. Recommendation to continue the pilot:
    It is recommended by DHS to continue the pilot under this amended statute in order to compare improvements in responsiveness to the immediate request for transport over another 12 month period. The Sheriff's Association recommends that the pilot continue for another year. They also recommend that legislation be amended to sunset on September 1, 2014, and that the Department provide them with the empirical data for analysis.


Dr. Anderson Freeman

Forensic Director

Division of Mental Health\Department of Human Services