The Reduction of Infant Mortality in Illinois
2012 Annual Report
Illinois' integrated maternal and child health program for the reduction of infant mortality is supported by a combination of state and federal resources. The SFY'09 through SFY'13 budgets by program component are presented in Table 1.
Table 1 - Budget for Integrated Infant Mortality Reduction Strategy by Program Component and Fiscal Year ($000s)
Program/Fiscal Year |
SFY09 |
SFY10 |
SFY11 |
SFY12 |
SFY13 |
WIC (all sources) |
$296,950.00 |
$304,500.00 |
$318,091.69 |
$310,500.00 |
$310,000.00 |
$44,234.22 |
$42,742.17 |
$39,572.30 |
$36,776.69 |
$38,470.68 |
$4,958.20 |
$4284.75 |
$3,761.77 |
$3,407.13 |
N/A |
$1,775.00 |
$1,775.00 |
$1,443.98 |
$1,443.98 |
$1,438.86 |
$347,917.42 |
$353,301.92 |
$362,869.74 |
$352,127.80 |
$349,909.54 |
The WIC budget includes funds for program operations at the state and local levels (referred to as Nutrition Services and Administration, or NSA) and for the purchase of food. The food funds include an award from the USDA and rebates on the purchase of infant formula from Mead-Johnson. Rebates add an average of $80 million to the program's food budget each year. Grant awards to local agencies are based on estimated caseload.
The FCM program is supported by several funding sources: General Revenue Fund, Title V -Maternal and Child Health Services Block Grant, and Title XX - Social Services Block Grant. Local health departments also add their own funds for the operation of the program. Federal matching funds supplement the state and federal appropriations. The Department has worked closely with the IDHFS since 1990 to obtain federal matching funds through the Medicaid program for FCM expenditures. Further, as units of local government, local health departments may receive federal match for the local funds they expend in support of the FCM program. This has increased the total amount of funds available for the FCM program by about $14 million per year without an increase in the Department's appropriation for the FCM program. However, as presented in Table 1, state support for Case Management has eroded from FY2009 to FY2012; 17 percent less funding was directed to this service. The increase in FY2013 is attributed to the incorporation of TIPCM funds into the FCM budget. The TIPCM program ceased to exist as a separate program after FY2012.