Electronic Visit Verification (EVV)

The Illinois Department of Human Services Division of Rehabilitation Services (DHS/DRS) began using an "Electronic Visit Verification" (EVV) system for its Home Services Program (HSP) on January 1, 2014. This system will help make timekeeping for individual providers, homemakers and home health care agencies faster, easier, and more accurate.

If you are a Home Services customer, individual provider, homemaker or home health agency, see below for more information on what you need to know to use the system.

  • Providers, please call in & out, record the exact times of your calls on your time sheet, and submit it to your DRS office.

EVV and Timesheet update:

Santrax (EVV) Readback Feature

Please watch this brief message from the HSP Bureau Chief on the new Santrax ID readback feature!

When an Individual Provider (IP) performs a call in/out through EVV, he or she will now hear the Santrax ID they entered read back to them for approval.

If the IP approves the Santrax ID readback as correct, the call will continue as normal.

If the IP declines the Santrax ID readback as incorrect, the IP will be given two more chances to enter the correct Santrax ID.

If the IP incorrectly enters the Santrax ID three times, the visit will not be successfully recorded.

Timesheet Update

As DRS Local Offices remain closed during the COVID-19 National State of Emergency (NSOE), the Home Services Program would like to provide a timesheet update.

  • Individual Providers working for HSP Customers are still required to use Santrax (EVV) to clock in and out for each shift worked and to record those times on a timesheet. Timesheets can be a 3-ply traditional timesheet or the PDF version posted on this website under Printable Time Sheets and Provider Employment Packet.
  • Timesheets can be mailed to the local office, put into a drop box at the local office or emailed to the Counselor or Coordinator at any time.
  • Individual Providers who think their paycheck is inaccurate and want to dispute the paycheck, the HSP Customer should email or call the Counselor. Please follow the prompts when calling the local DRS Office.


If you are a Customer of the Home Services Program receiving personal assistance, homemaker, or healthcare services in your home, please see:

En Español:


If you work for a Agency providing homemaker or home healthcare services for customers of the Home Services Program, please see: