Open to the Public
2/28/2013 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM
Division of Rehabilitation Services 207 South Prospect Bloomington, IL 61704
February 28, 2013 at 1:00 p.m.
Division of Rehabilitation Services Office 207 South Prospect Bloomington, IL
Present: Susan Keegan, Chairperson; Ginny Conlee; Ed Baker; Thane Dykstra; Acting Inspector General Michael McCotter; Deputy Inspector General Robert Furniss; and Chris Milbrandt
Absent: Untress Quinn and Cathy Contarino
Discussion on House Bills: Deputy Inspector General (DIG) Furniss summarized three bills. We were just informed about HB 2997 yesterday. It was introduced by Representative Kay. It is our position to oppose the Bill. It calls for OIG/DHS to contract with an appointed auditor to conduct audits of the TANF program, supplemental nutritional program, and another program, none of which we have any responsibility for. We are presenting an opposition paper to this bill. It is not supported by any statutes that govern us. Also, there is nothing mentioned about monetary support. We were estimating this would cost between $50,000 and $70,000 to do this.
HB 1508 - At the last meeting Dan Dyslin talked about the Executive Order concerning OIG's responsibilities in which a person in our Domestic Abuse Program, or alleged victim in a domestic case, died before we could complete an assessment. This says we would directly make referrals to law enforcement and the coroner's office. Let's say a call was made on a Tuesday from a hospital about a person with a questionable injury and the person expires that day or the next. Our question is what kind of a report is going to be generated in that case because the person would not have spoken to anyone.
HB 0948 - There has been a concerted effort to come up with a structure in which the Domestic Abuse Program, the Elder Abuse Program, and certain other programs would be merged into an Adult Protective Services (APS) entity. That is the thrust of 0948. The APS Bill is decentralized, if not fragmented. The people involved in this felt that Department of Aging had the most desirable framework to handle this in which they contract out to various community entities to provide various services to adults.
There are various issues in our position paper that have not been resolved. The effective date is July 1, 2013. The Bill is absolutely silent on what happens on July 1st. Does this mean on July 1st we give them all of our old and open files? Question: Do they have jurisdiction over anyone who is not considered elderly or above a certain age? Response: No. We informed Aging that on July 1st, at any given time, our Domestic Abuse Program has between 200 - 300 open cases. The Bill is silent on what happens with those cases because this Bill repeals the enabling statute of Rule 51. The real issue here is there is absolutely nothing in the statute about who is going to be responsible for these individuals on this date. They have six months to get a hotline set up. They have repealed Rule 51. Does that mean we are going to continue handling hotline calls related to this?
There are more problems. The Bill also talks about under Rule 50, if someone has a substantiated physical abuse case or egregious neglect case, they are referred to the Health Care Worker Registry (HCWR). This Bill would also refer the caregiver to the HCWR in cases of significant abuse and neglect. There is a completely different legal standard between putting someone on the registry in domestic cases. We have reason to believe. There has to be a preponderance on the cases to be put on the registry. Only about 10% of the domestic cases that we handle involve a paid caregiver. Most of the time, it is a grandmother, mother, sister or brother doing it out of family responsibility. In these cases, many of these people are overwhelmed. They just can't handle it. They aren't vicious. They aren't paid. You are putting up a wanted poster on a caregiver (private citizen) that is overwhelmed.
Illinois Department of Human ServicesJB Pritzker, Governor · Dulce M. Quintero, Secretary
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