Family & Community Services - Operations - All Funds

FY14 Budget - Change by Line Item - All Funds

Staff (June 30th) - All Funds

FY13 Request FY13 Adj. FY13 EOY FY14 Adj. FY14 Request
Staff (June 30th) 3,017.0 235.0 3,252.0 600.0 3,852.0

Appropriations - All Funds

Appropriation Name FY13 Approp. FY13 Adj. FY13Est. Exp. FY14 Adj. FY14 Request
Personal Services $180,081.1 $180,081.1 $39,210.4 $219,291.5
Social Security $13,416.0 $13,416.0 $2,968.2 $16,384.2
Subtotal $193,497.1 $193,497.1 $42,178.6 $235,675.7
Contractual $9,968.7 $9,968.7 $9,968.7
Contractual - Electronic Funds Transfer $13,300.0 $13,300.0 $13,300.0
Travel $394.8 $394.8 $394.8
Commodities $26.6 $26.6 $26.6
Equipment $95.2 $95.2 $95.2
Telecommunications $2,128.0 $2,128.0 $489.3 $2,617.3
Addiction Prevention $1,000.0 $1,000.0 $1,000.0
Project Cornerstone $425.2 $425.2 $8.3 $433.5
Payments for Alcoholic Liquors $150.0 $150.0 $150.0
Operations of Federal Employment $10,231.5 $10,231.5 $448.9 $10,680.4
Public Health Programs $368.0 $368.0 $368.0
Maternal/Child Health Programs $4,437.1 $4,437.1 $411.0 $4,848.1
Subtotal $42,525.1 $42,525.1 $1,357.5 $43,882.6
Total Appropriation $236,022.2 $236,022.2 $43,536.1 $279,558.3

FY13 Staff - All Funds

Staff Description Amount
FY13 Headcount - 200 headcount were added in FY13 for Enhanced Eligibility Verification (EEV) 35 headcount were added for the Cook County 1115 Waiver Expansion (funding for these staff are paid for by Cook County Health and Hospital System thru HFS) 235.0

FY14 Staff - All Funds

Staff Description Amount
FY14 Headcount - 300 headcount will be added to handle the newly-eligible population under ACA and 300 headcount to cover severely understaffed offices 600.0

FY14 Adjustments - All Funds

Adjustments Description Amount
Personal Services Assumes ratification of the AFSCME Contract $15,800.2 Annualization of FY13 200 headcount $ 10,850.4 and cost to phase in 600 headcount in FY14 $12,559.8  $39,210.4
Social Security Annualized cost at current payout rates $1,177.2 Annualization of FY13 200 headcount $830.1 and cost to phase in 600 headcount in FY14 $960.9 $2,968.2
Telecommunications Covers current shortfall and increase in services due to staff increases $489.3
Project Cornerstone Assumes ratification of the AFSCME Contract $8.3
Operations of Federal Employment Assumes ratification of the AFSCME Contract $448.9
Maternal/Child Health Programs Assumes ratification of the AFSCME Contract $411.0