Treatment and Detention Facility – GRF

FY14 Budget - Change by Line Item - General Revenue Fund

Staff (June 30th) - GRF

FY13 Request FY13 Adj. FY13 EOY FY14 Adj. FY14 Request
Staff (June 30th) 201.4 201.4 25.0 226.4

Appropriations - GRF

Appropriation Name FY13 Approp. FY13 Adj. FY13 Est. Exp. FY14 Adj. FY14 Request
Personal Services $12,195.6 $12,195.6 $2,554.3 $14,749.9
Social Security $908.6 $908.6 $193.3 $1,101.9
Subtotal $13,104.2 $13,104.2 $2,747.6 $15,851.8
Contractual $7,803.4 $7,803.4 $3,711.0 $11,514.4
Travel $33.7 $33.7 $1.0 $34.7
Commodities $517.0 $517.0 $29.6 $546.6
Printing $9.8 $9.8 $9.8
Equipment $61.1 $61.1 $61.1
Telecommunications $95.0 $95.0 $95.0
Op of Automotive $60.4 $60.4 $70.6 $131.0
Conditional Release Program $1,597.0 $1,597.0 $791.8 $2,388.8
Subtotal $10,177.4 $10,177.4 $4,604.0 $14,781.4
Total Appropriation $23,281.6 $23,281.6 $7,351.6 $30,633.2

FY14 Adjustments - GRF

Adjustments Description Amount
Staff Staff associated with the addition of 96 beds at the Treatment and Detention Facility in Rushville 25.0
Personal Services

Assumes ratification of the AFSCME Contract $1,014.3

Costs for additional 25.0 FTEs associated with the physical plant addition of 96 beds at the Treatment and Detention Facility in Rushville $1,540.0

Social Security Costs for additional 25.0 FTEs associated with the physical plant addition of 96 beds at the Treatment and Detention Facility in Rushville $117.8 and annualized cost at current payout rates $75.5 $193.3
Contractual Services Re-alignment of funding from MH Grants, Transitions, and Related Expenditures appropriation $2,619.0, and annualization of FY13 costs and increase costs associated with census growth $1,092.0 $3,711.0
Travel Annualization of FY13 costs and increase costs associated with census growth $1.0
Commodities Annualization of FY13 costs and increase costs associated with census growth $29.6
Op of Automotive Annualization of FY13 costs and increase costs associated with census growth $70.6
Conditional Release Program Re-alignment of funding from MH Grants, Transitions, and Related Expenditures appropriation $381.0, and annualization of FY13 costs and increase costs associated with census growth $410.8 $791.8