DD Grants & Program Support – All Funds

FY14 Budget - Change by Line Item - All Funds

Staff (June 30th) - All Funds

FY13 Request FY13 Adj. FY13 EOY FY14 Adj. FY14 Request
Staff (June 30th) 4,173.3 (335.5) 3,837.8 (552.4) 3,285.4

Appropriations - All Funds

Appropriation Name FY13 Approp. FY13 Adj. FY13 Est. Exp. FY14 Adj. FY14 Request
Personal Services $7,789.8 $7,789.8 $306.9 $8,096.7
Social Security $580.3 $580.3 $22.9 $603.2
Subtotal $8,370.1 $8,370.1 $329.8 $8,699.9
Contractual $149.7 $149.7 $149.7
Travel $166.8 $166.8 $166.8
Commodities $16.8 $16.8 $16.8
Equipment $294.2 $294.2 $294.2
Telecommunications $66.3 $66.3 $66.3
State Operated Developmental Centers (SODCs) $269,201.4 $269,201.4 $10,490.0 $279,691.4
Subtotal $269,895.2 $269,895.2 $10,490.0 $280,385.2
ARC $386.1 $386.1 $386.1
Best Buddies $338.6 $338.6 $338.6
Project for Autism $4,181.6 $4,181.6 $4,181.6
DD Grants, PoC, & Long Term Care $936,373.4 $936,373.4 $114,858.5 $1,051,231.9
DD Grants, PoC, & Long Term Care - Cycle Reduction $10,653.7 $10,653.7
Special Services $7,740.0 $7,740.0 $4.6 $7,744.6
Home & Community Based Waiver $485.5 $485.5 $485.5
DD Transitions $14,486.6 $14,486.6 $14,486.6
DCFS CILAs $2,196.4 $2,196.4 $221.8 $2,418.2
DD Purchase of Care $9,965.6 $9,965.6 $9,965.6
DD Grants & POC (DD Medicaid Trust Fund) $35,000.0 $35,000.0 $15,000.0 $50,000.0
Autism Research Checkoff $100.0 $100.0 $100.0
DD Long Term Care (Assessment Fund) $52,000.0 $52,000.0 $52,000.0
Payments to Provider for Care $34,450.0 $34,450.0 $34,450.0
Autism Awareness Fund $100.0 $100.0 $100.0
Special Olympics IL Fund $100.0 $100.0 $100.0
Health Care Provider Relief Fund $100,000.0 $100,000.0 $100,000.0 $200,000.0
Subtotal $1,197,903.8 $1,197,903.8 $240,738.6 $1,438,642.4
Total Appropriation $1,476,169.1 $1,476,169.1 $251,558.4 $1,727,727.5

FY13 Staff - All Funds

Staff Description Amount
FY13 Reductions from the closure of Jacksonville Developmental Center (335.5)

FY14 Staff - All Funds

Staff Description Amount
FY14 Reductions from the closure of Murray Developmental Center (552.4)

FY14 Adjustments - All Funds

Adjustments Description Amount
Personal Services Assumes ratification of the AFSCME Contract $306.9
Social Security Annualized cost at current payout rates $22.9
State Operated Developmental Centers Assumes ratification of the AFSCME Contract $20,533.6, Operational reduction attributable to State Operated Developmental Center Closures Cost reduction from JDC closure ($25,525.8), SODC reallocation for JDC clients transitioned to other SODC of $8,374.6, reallocation from transition line $12,082.3 and Murray FY14 transitions of ($4,974.8) $10,490.0
DD Grants, PoC, and Long Term Care General Revenue Fund pick-up of one-time shift from the Healthcare Provider Relief Fund for CILA Fringe Benefit rate increase of $13,000.0,Funding shift from General Revenue Fund to the Comm DD Srvs Medicaid Trust Fund ($15,000.0), Community CILA cost for JDC transitions of $15,456.0, JDC Community Reinvestment for Ligas annualization of $1,695.2, Ligas costs annualization of $18,037.5, 700 New Ligas transitions for $12,795.8, CILA Fringe Benefit rate increase annualization $4,300.0, Annualize 1-4 Bed CILA rate increase $5,700.0 Funding realignment for DCFS Transitions of $2,196.3, DCFS Transitions annualization of $2,340.0, Funding to maintain Community payment cycle of $30,722.2 and to maintain DD Long Term Care payment cycle of $23,615.5 $114,858.5
DD Grants, PoC, & Long Term Care - Cycle Reduction Funds appropriated to reduce DD payment cycle in FY14 $10,653.7
DD Transactions Shift of FY13 SODC spending to SODC's lump ($12,082.3), 1/2 year phase for 100 new SODC Transitions $2,755.5, Cost for FY13/FY14 Murray Transition $9,326.8 - net change
Special Services Assumes ratification of the AFSCME Contract $4.6
DCFS CILAs Increase needed to fund 90 DCFS Transitions in FY14 $221.8
DD Grants & POC (DD Medicaid Trust Fund) Appropriation Authority Increase due to additional available resources $15,000.0
Healthcare Provider Relief Fund Appropriation Authority Increase for DD cycle reduction $100,000.0