State of Illinois
Department of Human Services
Independent Living means different things to different people. For those steeped in the Independent Living Movement, it means having control of one's life. Living independently does not mean doing everything for one's self, but being in control of decisions made about one's self. This is the foundation from which Centers for Independent Living (CILs) are founded.
A Center for Independent Living is a private, non-residential, community-based, not-for-profit, consumer-controlled organization that is mandated to provide four core services: Advocacy, Peer Support, Independent Living Skills Development and Information and Referral. Staff serve as role models, demonstrating that people with disabilities can be independent and productive. Their knowledge, support and guidance help to create informed choice options that give consumers the confidence to pursue their own independence and to realize their dreams and aspirations.
In contrast to more traditional medical models in which the "client" or "patient" is highly dependent on "experts," a CIL's emphasis is on "consumer" self-direction and control. CILs promote a positive self-image, which is important to developing significant peer relationships.
What truly distinguishes and set CILs apart from other organizations is the fact that consumer control exists on every level, where at least fifty one percent of staff, management staff and the Board of Directors must be persons with disabilities. Having consumer control in decision-making positions is paramount to maintaining the integrity of what a CIL should and must be. The most challenging barrier for people with disabilities to overcome is attitude. To gradually dismantle this barrier, CILs advocate for changes in legislation, provide disability awareness-related activities, develop technical assistance initiatives regarding the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and work in a committed fashion to deinstitutionalize people with disabilities who can and want to live independently.
Clearly, CILs are not social service agencies, but agents for social change.
Illinois Network of Centers for Independent Living
February 2013
Dear Colleague:
The Department of Human Services (DHS), Division of Rehabilitation Services (DRS) is happy to share the 2012 Annual Report on Independent Living in Illinois. This report reflects the active cooperation and support of the Illinois Network of Centers for Independent Living (INCIL), whose programmatic contributions make this year's report a vivid record of what independent living means to Illinoisans with disabilities as well as the Disability Rights Movement.
Illinois' 23 Centers for Independent Living (CILs), in accordance with their mission, provided services to 66,835 Illinois citizens with disabilities in federal fiscal year 2012. These citizens received information and referral as well as direct services in their communities from CIL staff. The majority of staff are persons with disabilities who demonstrate on a daily basis that persons with disabilities can, and do, lead independent and productive lives.
We commend the CILs for the work on the Community Reintegration Program. This year, 154 persons reintegrated from nursing homes into the community with the assistance of CILs. Money Follows the Person (MFP) is also an initiative to move nursing home residents into community living settings. In 2012, CIL staff assisted moving 99 persons with disabilities out of nursing homes and into the community using MFP funding.
In addition, the Statewide Independent Living Council (SILC) was established 19 years ago, in compliance with the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 as amended, and given authority for the planning of independent living services and policy activities. The approved three year State Plan for Independent Living which determines how independent living services will be provided in Illinois over three years (FFY'11 thru FFY'13) contains six major goals that are being implemented by INCIL and community partners under the guidance of SILC:
- Housing (educating the homebuilding industry of universal design housing, advocate for continued funding of rental house vouchers for low income persons with disabilities, advocate for the continuation of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) initiatives for home ownership, etc.)
- Transportation (advocate for the inclusion of persons with disabilities in decision making for all modes of travel, etc.)
- Employment (provide social security incentive training to consumers, advocate for continued funding of Work Incentives Planning and Assistance (WIPA), etc.)
- Access to Communication (educate hospitals of strategies to communicate with Deaf and hard of hearing customers, etc.)
- Advocacy (Support the closure of state operated facilities, monitor Medicaid integrated care (managed care) in Illinois),
- Standardizing CILs' Consumer Satisfaction Surveys
We will continue to work in partnership with INCIL and SILC to explore and implement effective strategies that improve the quality of life for all persons with disabilities in Illinois.
Michelle R.B. Saddler
Illinois Department of Human Services
David Hanson
Division of Rehabilitation Services
Independent Living Unit - Program Highlights - FY '12
- CILs served 93 of Illinois' 102 counties
- Direct services and Information and Referral contact combined for FFY'12 was 66,835
- The percentage of persons with disabilities on boards of directors for FFY'12 was 74 percent
- The percentage of persons with disabilities on the administrative staff (decision making) of CILs for FFY '12 was 84 percent
- The percentage of persons with disabilities on staff for FFY'12 was 74 percent, which is a one percent increase from FFY'11
- On 7/1/12, DuPage County CIL added Kane and Kendall Counties to its service area
- On 7/1/12, Lake County CIL added McHenry County to its service area
Legislative Internship Project
Legislative Internship Project for Minorities with Disabilities and Individuals with Disabilities from Rural Communities
The Division of Rehabilitation Services' Independent Living Unit first awarded Legislative Internship grants to CILs to develop this project in FY 1998. This project provides opportunities for minorities, youth and those living in rural communities who have disabilities to learn about the legislative process. These opportunities enable participants to develop leadership and decision-making skills that enhance their ability to address legislative issues that impact them and their respective communities.
By engaging in and learning the basic components of the legislative process, individuals with disabilities can develop more effective interpersonal and communication skills while becoming more familiar with the process. Ultimately, participants will enhance their ability to self advocate and therefore, increase their potential for growth and independence.
From Institutionalization to Reintegration
More than 10,000 people in Illinois nursing homes have the capability to live independently within the community. For many years, CILs have worked with limited resources, to move persons with disabilities out of nursing homes and other institutions back into community-based independent living situations. To address this deficiency, the Home Services Program developed the Community Reintegration Program (CRP), which awarded grants to 21 CILs in Illinois. These grants provided centers with the necessary resources to offer the start-up essentials (i.e., first month's rent, furniture, cooking equipment, peer support) to help individuals successfully transition back into the community.
Over the life of the CRP, Centers for Independent Living have increased the quality of life for more than 2,054 individuals and saved the state millions of taxpayer dollars. In 2012, there were 154 individuals successfully reintegrated.
Access Living of Metropolitan Chicago
115 West Chicago Avenue
Chicago, Illinois
312-640-2100 (V)
888-253-7003 (TTY)
Serving: City of Chicago
- AL helped 627 people find, maintain and retain housing. Of the many examples, these efforts included finding accessible housing for a deaf couple. Before working with Access Living, the deaf parents were forced to carry their son, who uses a wheelchair,up and down a set of steps in order to access the apartment.
- AL empowered 58 people with disabilities with the tools to transition from institutions into their own apartments.
- During the Spring 2011 Legislative Session, about 160 staff and consumer advocates traveled to the State Capitol, where they raised awareness around Medicaid and community based services, and rallied against cuts that threatened the independence of people with disabilities.
- AL legal staff, along with lead counsel SNR Denton, and co-counsel Equip for Equality and the ACLU of Illinois, reached an agreement with the State of Illinois defendants to settle the Colbert case, an Olmstead class action, and obtained court approval for that settlement. As a result, in the first 30 months of implementation, 1,100 people with disabilities living in Cook County nursing facilities will transition into the community.
- AL educated thousands of individuals about the fair housing rights of people with disabilities, including staff at the Illinois Facilities Fund, the Illinois Department of Human Rights, and Metropolitan Tenants Organization, and consumers at the Mexican Consulate and the Chicago Rents Right Expo.
Advocates for Access
4450 N. Prospect Road, Suite C8
Peoria Heights, Illinois
309-682-3500 (V)
309-682-3567 (TTY)
Serving: Fulton, Peoria, Tazewell, Woodford
Advocates for Access, through the use of federal grant funds were able to complete the following tasks:
- A4A moved four individuals from an institutional setting to the community.
- Two high schools bring their students age 18-22 to use our conference room one to two times a month for Life Skills. The students prepare mailings and assist with packaging promotional items for the Amplified Phone program.
- A4A completed its 3rd annual Wheel-A-Thon.
- A4A's Deaf Advisory Committee demonstrated in front of a local hospital due to the hospital relying exclusively on Video Remote Interpreting (VRI) for interpreting purposes.
- Youth aged 14-22 completed a service project to send to the men and women fighting in Afghanistan.
- A4A was invited to provide training to the Central Illinois Agency on Aging regarding the Independent Living Philosophy and services that it provides.
- A4A provided a presentation to the Aging and Disability Resource Center (ADRC) on Independent Living Philosophy.
Dupage Center for Independent Living
739 Roosevelt Road, Building 8, Suite 109
Glen Ellyn, Illinois
630-469-2300 (V/TTY)
Serving: DuPage, Kane and Kendall
- DCIL has taken on services in Kane and Kendall counties beginning in July of 2012. In the upcoming months a satellite office in Kane County will be opened.
- DCIL continues to be a partner with both Illinois Area Agency on Aging as well as Age Options to provide services to the aging population throughout DuPage County and more recently throughout Kane County as well.
- DCIL provided nine presentations and provided information and referral through such avenues as phone, in person and through an online database to be used throughout the county. As a result of these collaborations, DCIL opened four new active consumers.
- DCIL held a Visually Impaired Awareness Day that included 42 vendors and over 170 participants.
- DCIL continues to have a certified SHIP (Senior Healthcare Insurance Provider) on staff to educate consumers about health insurance options.
FITE Center for Independent Living
1230 Larkin Avenue
Elgin, Illinois
847-695-5818 (V/TTY)
Serving: Kane, Kendall, McHenry
From July 1, 2011 through June 30, 2012, FITE CIL provided:
- Direct Services to 106 consumers.
- Information and Referral to 1,269 individuals requesting that service.
- Reintegrated 2 consumers through the Money Follows the Person Program.
Illinois-Iowa Center for Independent Living
3708 11th Street
P.O. Box 6156
Rock Island, Illinois
309-793-0090 (V)
309-793-0693 (TTY)
Serving: Henry, Mercer, Rock Island in Illinois, Clinton, Muscatine, Scott in Iowa
- IICIL hosted two ADA Events - A 20th Celebration and Press Conference - July 23, 2010 at the IICIL. 400 people attended.
- 3000 people attended a River Bandits baseball game at Modern Woodman Park on July 28th. The Sparkles cheerleaders with disabilities performed and a deaf group signed, while a woman that was blind sang the anthem.
- 300 people attended our Disability and Senior Expo with 50 vendors having booths. We distributed low tech devices and offered health screenings. We hosted 3 H1N1 vaccination clinics through a grant from the IDPH and INCIL.
- The Holiday Carnival was held in December and children received gifts and a picture with Santa.
Illinois Valley Center for Independent Living
18 Gunia Drive
LaSalle, Illinois
815-224-3126 (V)
815-224-8271 (TTY)
Serving: Bureau, LaSalle, Marshall, Putnam, Stark
- With IVCIL's assistance, two individuals moved from institutional settings into their own apartments/homes.
- Through IVCIL's programs, 188 people with disabilities acquired assistive technology/devices such as amplified phones; magnifiers, large print/talking devices, or other low vision aids; and mobility equipment such as wheelchairs or walkers.
- IVCIL conducted disability awareness and disability etiquette presentations and activities at which over 456 community members, including over 283 children/youth, increased their understanding of how to interact with people with disabilities.
- Through IVCIL's advocacy, 28 businesses/service providers increased compliance with accessibility standards or improved program accessibility.
- Through IVCIL's Interpreter Referral Program, individuals who are deaf experienced increased communication access on 50 occasions, including access in medical and school settings.
- 45 housing providers, builders, contractors, realtors, and bankers in the IVCIL's service area gained an understanding of the need for and improved knowledge of accessible housing through presentations on universal design/visitable homes.
Impact Center for Independent Living
2735 East Broadway
Alton, Illinois
618-462-1411 (V)
618-474-5308 (TTY)
Serving: Calhoun, Greene, Jersey, Macoupin, Madison, Bond
- IMPACT CIL has been very involved in "Get Out the Vote" efforts. Three workshops were held on "Voting Matters to People with Disabilities" to educate people with disabilities on the importance of voting and the voting process. The Madison County Clerk provided voting equipment demonstrations to support groups and during "Get Out The Vote" workshops. IMPACT CIL also has four staff members who are trained as Deputy Registrars and were able to register individuals to vote in Madison County.
- IMPACT CIL reintegrated six people through the Community Reintegration Program/Money Follows the Person Program by assisting them in moving out of nursing homes into apartments and/or homes with appropriate supports, products, services, transitional costs, and environmental modifications. We were able to continue our outreach to the social workers in the nursing homes to answer any questions they may have about the program.
- IMPACT CIL assisted over 100 people to obtain their medication for no cost or low cost through our pharmaceutical program. The purpose of the program is to reduce the paperwork for physicians and their staff who are willing to participate in helping people with disabilities to obtain their medication. Recently, many pharmaceutical companies will allow assistance for people with Medicare D when they are in the "donut hole".
Jacksonville Area Center for Independent Living
15 Permac Road
Jacksonville, Illinois
217-245-8371 (V/TTY)
Serving: Mason, Scott, Cass, Morgan
- JACIL has offered a variety of American Sign Language (ASL) classes to the general public and for local human service agencies and businesses.
- JACIL's newly-developed Citizens Advocating for Real Equality (CARE) program was offered for the first time to prepare individuals to influence local and statewide policymaking; expanded sessions are schedule for the new year.
- JACIL began coordinating a Respite Program for parents who have a child with an Autism Spectrum Disorder in collaboration with Illinois College.
- JACIL has provided a monthly class on computer technology and accessibility software, as well as individualized instruction, through a volunteer who is a retired tech instructor.
- Over 30 people attended the first two sessions of JACIL's new Knowledge is Power (KIP) Café format, which provides information over a light lunch, supported in part by the Shopko Foundation.
Lake County Center for Independent Living
377 North Seymour Avenue
Mundelein, Illinois
847-949-4440 (V/TTY)
Serving: Lake
- LCCIL assisted six consumers who previously resided in a nursing home to transition into their own home.
- LCCIL served 96 consumers in our Employment Readiness programs. In addition an adult employment readiness class was provided at the Center for Enriched Living to teach additional adults in the program.
- LCCIL's Youth Leadership Program served 62 students from seven area high schools and transition centers.
- LCCIL provided assistance to a total of 262 individuals who are hard of hearing in selecting devices.
- LCCIL took their experience teaching our Youth Leadership class and created a curriculum that is in the process of being published. This creates opportunities for other Centers for Independent Living and schools across the country to utilize this material. LCCIL has received inquiries from across the U.S. wanting to purchase this curriculum.
- LCCIL planned the Options Transition Resource Fair. Approximately 200 families and school professionals attended the fair.
- LCCIL created a Training Guide for Community Organizing for CILS and used it to develop new leaders in the disability community across the state skills.
Living Independence For Everyone
2201 Eastland Drive, Suite 1
Bloomington, Illinois
309-663-5433 (V)
309-663-0054 (TTY)
Serving: Dewitt, Ford, Livingston, McLean
- Housing: LIFE Center advocated for housing authority accessibility and helped people obtain ramps and home mortgages.
- Communication: A LIFE staff person chairs the Interpreter Licensure Board and leads statewide efforts to educate hospitals about accessible communication technology.
- Transportation and Healthcare: LIFE Center advocates for accessible rural transportation and for mandated insurance coverage for hearing aids.
- Education: LIFE Center teaches parents of students with disabilities how to advocate for their children's educational rights.
- Community Reintegration: LIFE Center moved six people from nursing homes to their own homes.
- Boards and Commissions: LIFE Center staff serve on 43 statewide, regional, county and community boards, planning committees and collaborative action groups, often in leadership roles. Two staff people were appointed by the Governor to statewide Boards and Commissions.
LINC Center for Independent Living
#1 Emerald Terrace, Suite 200
Swansea, Illinois
618-235-9988 (V)
618-235-0451 (TTY)
Serving: St. Clair, Monroe, Randolph
- LINC provided 81 community presentations reaching over 1,009 people.
- LINC provided five trainings on disability awareness to local police officers and cadets attending Law Enforcement Academy.
- LINC made 54 contacts with state and federal legislator's advocating for people with disabilities.
- LINC staff attended 103 community meetings and 36 community events to represent the needs of people with disabilities.
- LINC's Assistive Technology Program assisted 41 consumers in receiving durable medical equipment.
- LINC provided Medicare D information and enrollment assistance to 85 people and assisted 105 people with Circuit Breaker applications.
- LINC provided 41 occasions of Peer led Support Groups with 255 people participating.
- LINC participated in the U.S. Department of State's (DOS) International Visitor Leadership project entitled "Disability Rights and Issues" for the following countries: North Africa (10 participants) Algeria (5 participants) and Honduras (4 participants).
- LINC moved one individual from a nursing home this past year and has 16 others waiting on housing and improvement of health issues.
Northwestern Illinois Center for Independent Living
229 First Avenue, Suite 2
Rock Falls, Illinois
815- 625-7860 (V)
815-625-7863 (TTY)
Serving: Carroll, Lee, Ogle, JoDaviess, Whiteside
- NICIL's PLUS young adult cross disability peer group in Ogle County has six active members and is expanding.
- NICIL hosted their 7th annual Walk-N-Roll awareness event with over 50 participants.
- NICIL advocated for students with disabilities by participating in over 60 Individualized Education Plan (IEP) meetings throughout our five counties.
- NICIL's Personal Assistant Program successfully trained 99 PA's in our five counties.
- NICIL's P.E.A.C.E. cross disability group in Whiteside County has increased its numbers to over 50 members who meet on a monthly basis.
- NICIL staff have done disability awareness presentations to schools in two of our counties reaching over 900 students and teachers.
- NICIL partnered with local agencies to provide information and resources for children with disabilities and their families reaching 1500 parents and children.
- NICIL's Community Reintegration Program successfully transitioned six people from nursing homes back into the community.
Opportunities for Access
4206 Williamson Place, Suite 3
Mount Vernon, Illinois
618-244-9212 (V)
618-244-9575 (TTY)
Serving: Clay, Clinton, Effingham, Fayette,asper, Jefferson, Marion, Washington, Wayne, White, Edwards, Hamilton, and Wabash
- OFA CIL's Community Reintegration Program moved six consumers from nursing homes and advocated with them to regain their freedom.
- OFA CIL continues to provide a third party service that enables 53 Division of Rehabilitation Services Vocational Rehabilitation customers to obtain quick payment for necessary items to further their education, job search or employment opportunities.
- OFA CIL attended 43 individual education plans (IEP) meeting with students with disabilities and their family to obtain educational rights and/or transition services.
- OFA CIL sent 10 youth with disabilities to summer camps with funds obtained from a Walgreens grant.
- OFA CIL enabled 30 persons with disabilities to stay free of nursing homes and other institutions through its Social Security Program.
- OFA CIL assisted 86 consumers with its Pharmaceutical Procurement Program.
Options Center for Independent Living
22 Heritage Drive, Suite 107
Bourbonnais, Illinois
815-936-0100 (V)
815-936-0132 (TTY)
Serving: Kankakee, Iroquois
- As a result of Options' advocacy work, six consumers were approved for disability benefits resulting in greater access to healthcare and independent living.
- As a result of Options CIL's reintegration efforts, two consumers left the nursing homes to enjoy independent living in the community. With the assistance of personal attendants and community resources, 54 consumers avoided institutionalization and continued to live independently.
- As a result of Options' collaboration activities, 10 consumers acquired new ramps, two had their ramps modified, and one received a recycled and reconstructed ramp at their homes.
- Options collaborated with South Suburban Housing Center to investigate and resolve five complaints from persons with disabilities. Options staff mailed Fair Housing materials to 149 consumers, 132 contractors and architects, and 20 code enforcement officials to advise them of complying with the Fair Housing Act.
- Through Options' collaboration, publication, community education, and advocacy efforts, 30 youth with disabilities learned job search and readiness skills
- As a result of Options' independent living skills training and community education, 16 youth and young adults with disabilities participated in job shadowing at 12 businesses; seven were matched with mentors for job search, attainment, and retention skills; and six gained employment.
Persons Assuming Control of their Environment
1317 East Florida Ave #27
Urbana, Illinois
217-344-5433 (V)
217-344-5024 (TTY)
Serving: Champaign, Douglas, Edgar, Piatt, Vermilion
- PACE successfully moved seven consumers from nursing homes back into their respective communities.
- Ten PACE consumers participated in the Legislative Internship Training 2012.
- PACE's Deaf Advisory Committee introduced Deaf Self-Advocacy Training.
- PACE's Deaf Services Coordinator presented at the University of Illinois Big Broadband discussion (UC2B) about how the deaf community depends on the Internet for communication
- The PACE Opportunities for Independence program offered seven Wellness workshops for people with intellectual/developmental disabilities.
- PACE, Division of Rehabilitation Services, Developmental Services Center, Community Elements and other colleagues in the Champaign County Imagines Project completed and are beginning distribution of the response card. This is a laminated card with appropriate guidelines for emergency personnel to follow when they work with victims of sexual assault/violence who have disabilities.
- PACE, as part of the Illinois Family Violence Coordinating Council Disabilities Committee, has written part of the state law enforcement protocol to teach first responders how to work with and accommodate people with disabilities and are now working on a prosecutors' protocol.
Progress Center for Independent Living
7521 Madison Street
Forest Park, Illinois
708-209-1500 (V)
708-209-1827 (TTY)
Serving: Suburban Chicago
- PCIL's Executive Director taught Basic Braille to 17 students, who were mostly parents of children who are blind or visually impaired.
- World-renowned guitarist, Tony Melendez, performed to over 200 people at a fundraising event in south suburban Blue Island. Melendez, who plays guitar using only his feet, dazzled the crowd for over two hours.
- Eight people with disabilities were moved from area nursing homes into the community through PCIL's Community Reintegration Program.
- PCIL's Personal Assistant team built a database of over 30 deaf/hard-of-hearing personal assistants ready for referral to people with disabilities using Home Services who communicate via sign language.
- Through a collaboration with AgeOptions, PCIL provided benefits screenings to over 300 people with disabilities as one of 11 "Benefits Enrollment Centers" throughout suburban Cook County.
Regional Access and Mobilization Project
202 Market Street
Rockford, Illinois
815-968-7567 (V)
815-968-2401 (TTY)
Serving: Boone, Dekalb, Stephenson, Winnebago
- RAMP assisted 1,032 people with disabilities to live independently.
- RAMP served 172 Traumatic Brain Injury Consumers.
- Youth Education Advocates assisted 357 children.
- Over the past year RAMP logged 23,756 Community Service Hours while educating the community.
- RAMP's four Wheel-A-Than events raised over a total net of $104,000.
- Stephenson County RAMP presented the iBelong program to 90 students in the Freeport school district. The iBelong program provides disability awareness activities for youth with and without disabilities Pre-K-6" grades.
- RAMP reintegrated 16 people back into the community through its Community Reintegration Program.
- RAMP's Annual Luncheon was a hit again this year with Stevie Hopkins from 3E Love as the keynote speaker.
Southern Illinois Center for Independent Living
2135 West Ramada Lane
Carbondale, Illinois
618-457-3318 (V/TTY)
Serving: Franklin, Jackson, Perry, Williamson, Gallatin, Hardin, Saline
- SICIL assisted a 96-year-old woman who is blind with magnification and lighting to continue her love of art work. She was able to provide art for her church's 100th anniversary, as well as continue to do the church bulletin. She also subsidizes her income with self-made embroidery products. Low cost adaptive aids have allowed her to continue with the activities she loves.
- SICIL provided vocational support to middle aged man with a spotty work history, enabling him to locate a part time job at a local recycling center. After just a few months it was evident he had learned the skills necessary to be successful at the job and was asked by the employer to go to full time. He continues to be gainfully employed in his home community.
- A middle-aged woman with severe mental health issues contacted the center to assist her in locating a physician to meet her growing medical needs. Unfortunately a history of outbursts and inconsistent behaviors had resulted in the majority of physicians refusing to treat her. After an exhaustive search, and tireless advocacy, SICIL staff was able to assist the consumer to be accepted by a physician and receive the medical treatment so urgently needed.
- SICIL assisted six individuals to move from nursing homes into the community this report year.
Soyland Access for Independent Living
2449 Federal Drive
Decatur, Illinois
217-876-8888 (V/TTY)
Serving: Macon, Moultrie, Shelby, Cumberland, Clark, Coles
- SAIL staff, Board and volunteers hosted a successful Americans with Disabilities Act Celebration with hands-on disability awareness activities for 194 children from daycare facilities.
- SAIL staff conducted nine different Deaf Awareness presentations to 210 members of the community to increase knowledge of accommodations and issues related to people deaf and hard of hearing.
- SAIL provided leadership for the advocacy effort that obtained public transportation services for residents of rural Macon County.
- 139 of the 150 consumers in the SAIL Visual Service program continued to live in their own homes because of the Independent Living Skills and Assistive Technology the program provided.
- SAIL collaborated with community groups to start a Community Housing Development Organization (CHDO) to increase accessible, affordable housing options for consumers.
- SAIL provided training on working with people with vision and hearing disabilities in the medical setting to three groups of student nurses and a group of home care workers from a local agency.
- SAIL staff participated and provided leadership in four transportation groups in the six-county service area as advocates for improved transportation options for people with disabilities.
- Four consumers moved to their own homes from nursing homes with assistance from SAIL Community Reintegration Program/Money Follow the Person staff.
Springfield Center for Independent Living
330 South Grand Avenue West
Springfield, Illinois
217-523-2587 (V)
217-523-4032 (TTY)
Serving: Christian, Logan, Menard, Montgomery, Sangamon
- SCIL's application for U.S. Department of Education American Recovery and Reinvestment Act Part C funds to provide direct services to the rural regions of our five county service area was approved.
- Working in cooperation with the Division of Rehabilitation Services and School District 186, SCIL provided real work experience for four local students during FY 2010.
- As a result of a contract between the Illinois Network of Centers for Independent Living and the Illinois Department of Public Health (IDPH), SCIL received funding to host two H1N1 flu vaccine clinics.
- Thirteen consumers were reintegrated into the community from nursing homes: two utilizing Money Follows the Person and three via Rapid Reintegration Program.
Stone-Hayes Center for Independent Living
39 North Prairie
Galesburg, Illinois
Serving: Henderson, Knox, Warren
- SHCIL provided 3,539 consumer contacts, 4,436 hours of consumer service, 62,771 outreach/networking participants, and 1,175 community hours.
- SHCIL collaborated with the Knox County Emergency Management Agency and was asked to participate in the Emergency Operations Plan. In the event of an emergency, this plan will be activated and SHCIL will be called to the command center.
- SHCIL collaborated with Knox County Health Department, which provided a free dental clinic with 400 adults served.
- SHCIL collaborated with the Galesburg Fire Department (GFD) by presenting three sessions to all GFD shifts on communicating with persons who are deaf or hearing impaired in crisis situations.
West Central Illinois Center for Independent Living
639 York, Suite 204
Quincy, Illinois
217-223-0400 (V)
217-223-0475 (TTY)
Serving: Adams, Pike, Brown, Schuyler, Hancock, McDonough
- WCICIL this year combined its Annual Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Celebration with the Quincy Senior and Family Centers "Senior Expo". Since the number of people that attend this event was about double what WCICIL has had at its ADA in the past, it gave them the ability to reach out to a greater population and explain our services.
- WCICIL's Annual Wheelchair Basketball fundraiser is another highlight of the 2012 year. The number of teams that participated grew from the prior year as well as the attendance. The number of sponsorships also increased providing WCICIL with a very successful fundraiser.
- WCICIL reintegrated eight people from nursing homes this fiscal year. This not only allows them the much desired independence that they wanted but continues to save the state of Illinois money.
- This year WCICIL worked with the Quincy Fire Department on an issue of concern for persons with disabilities that leave their home in a power chair or scooter and become stranded because their chair battery runs out. Disability etiquette trainings were done for all first responders and options were discussed. This is an ongoing issue that WCICIL will continue to work on and bring more awareness to within its service area.
Will/Grundy Center for Independent Living
2415 A West Jefferson Street
Joliet, Illinois
815-729-0162 (V)
815-729-2085 (TTY)
Serving: Will, Grundy
- 18 people with disabilities were reintegrated into the community.
- 23 children with disabilities received assistive technology devices.
- 270 people with hearing loss received amplified phones.
- WGCIL collaborated with regional organizations and held a supportive housing action.
- 28 high school students with disabilities participated in WGCIL's Legislative Internship.
- 41 high school students with disabilities took part in Disability Mentoring Day.
Overall Individual CIL Operational Funding - FY 2012
VR 110 |
Totals |
Part C |
Grant |
AL |
$308,877 |
$0 |
$83,198 |
$0 |
$392,075 |
$333,337 |
$725,412 |
$222,330 |
$54,577 |
$22,550 |
$0 |
$299,457 |
$23,702 |
$323,159 |
$188,102 |
$0 |
$51,714 |
$0 |
$239,816 |
$23,702 |
$263,518 |
$259,416 |
$35,676 |
$25,799 |
$0 |
$320,891 |
$0 |
$320,891 |
$86,960 |
$7,176 |
$40,772 |
$0 |
$134,908 |
$291,785 |
$426,693 |
$280,180 |
$0 |
$0 |
$0 |
$280,180 |
$23,702 |
$303,882 |
$303,171 |
$7,176 |
$23,063 |
$104,913 |
$438,323 |
$23,702 |
$462,025 |
$152,603 |
$0 |
$11,701 |
$0 |
$164,304 |
$156,143 |
$320,447 |
$36,979 |
$7,176 |
$29,490 |
$0 |
$73,645 |
$243,289 |
$316,934 |
$181,685 |
$50,525 |
$21,554 |
$0 |
$253,764 |
$99,485 |
$353,249 |
$166,588 |
$7,176 |
$65,305 |
$0 |
$239,069 |
$92,001 |
$331,070 |
$220,232 |
$43,177 |
$21,330 |
$0 |
$284,739 |
$0 |
$284,739 |
$417,989 |
$7,176 |
$74,538 |
$0 |
$499,703 |
$152,810 |
$652,513 |
$97,214 |
$57,176 |
$10,250 |
$0 |
$164,640 |
$159,655 |
$324,295 |
$199,258 |
$34,850 |
$21,054 |
$0 |
$255,162 |
$23,702 |
$278,864 |
$371,735 |
$7,176 |
$32,031 |
$0 |
$410,942 |
$0 |
$410,942 |
$156,882 |
$45,377 |
$36,243 |
$0 |
$238,502 |
$228,948 |
$467,450 |
$126,216 |
$0 |
$21,323 |
$0 |
$147,539 |
$244,189 |
$391,728 |
$287,689 |
$0 |
$33,322 |
$99,496 |
$420,507 |
$23,702 |
$444,209 |
$154,482 |
$85,050 |
$18,407 |
$0 |
$257,939 |
$152,314 |
$410,253 |
$23,929 |
$0 |
$13,325 |
$0 |
$37,254 |
$225,306 |
$262,560 |
$151,873 |
$7,176 |
$5,520 |
$0 |
$164,569 |
$130,634 |
$295,203 |
$81,210 |
$7,176 |
$33,994 |
$0 |
$122,380 |
$240,184 |
$362,564 |
Total |
$4,475,600 |
$463,816 |
$696,483 |
$204,409 |
$5,840,308 |
$2,892,292 |
$8,732,600 |
Age of Consumers Receiving Direct Services - FY 2012
Under 5 |
5-19 |
20-24 |
25-59 |
60 & Over |
Unknown |
Total |
AL |
11 |
52 |
78 |
1,104 |
254 |
0 |
1,499 |
0 |
7 |
9 |
55 |
26 |
0 |
97 |
0 |
13 |
34 |
58 |
5 |
1 |
111 |
3 |
7 |
11 |
46 |
39 |
0 |
106 |
0 |
10 |
15 |
178 |
136 |
0 |
339 |
2 |
34 |
3 |
51 |
11 |
0 |
101 |
3 |
24 |
28 |
169 |
228 |
0 |
452 |
0 |
14 |
15 |
44 |
51 |
0 |
124 |
2 |
170 |
35 |
125 |
57 |
0 |
389 |
0 |
3 |
7 |
76 |
113 |
0 |
199 |
4 |
86 |
5 |
82 |
38 |
1 |
216 |
5 |
106 |
19 |
169 |
51 |
0 |
350 |
11 |
120 |
34 |
363 |
111 |
0 |
639 |
0 |
33 |
23 |
135 |
120 |
0 |
311 |
0 |
16 |
11 |
160 |
265 |
0 |
452 |
2 |
8 |
8 |
207 |
362 |
5 |
592 |
20 |
344 |
59 |
429 |
180 |
0 |
1,032 |
1 |
9 |
12 |
244 |
127 |
1 |
394 |
0 |
9 |
17 |
109 |
25 |
0 |
160 |
0 |
39 |
45 |
153 |
83 |
0 |
320 |
1 |
34 |
11 |
141 |
28 |
1 |
216 |
4 |
43 |
9 |
153 |
33 |
0 |
242 |
3 |
11 |
21 |
106 |
16 |
0 |
157 |
Total |
72 |
1,192 |
509 |
4,357 |
2,359 |
9 |
8,498 |
Percent |
1% |
14% |
6% |
51% |
28% |
0% |
100% |
Direct Service by Major Primary Disability - FY 2012
Cognitive |
Mental |
Physical |
Hearing |
Visual |
Multi-Disability |
Other |
Total |
AL |
136 |
197 |
1039 |
53 |
61 |
2 |
11 |
1,499 |
12 |
9 |
36 |
15 |
2 |
19 |
4 |
97 |
16 |
10 |
26 |
11 |
5 |
43 |
0 |
111 |
8 |
5 |
64 |
16 |
1 |
12 |
0 |
106 |
4 |
35 |
72 |
42 |
102 |
84 |
0 |
339 |
14 |
6 |
13 |
4 |
0 |
63 |
1 |
101 |
40 |
21 |
103 |
26 |
198 |
64 |
0 |
452 |
11 |
26 |
17 |
25 |
44 |
1 |
0 |
124 |
86 |
58 |
37 |
10 |
25 |
173 |
0 |
389 |
31 |
14 |
24 |
2 |
111 |
8 |
9 |
199 |
17 |
82 |
80 |
31 |
6 |
0 |
0 |
216 |
87 |
28 |
111 |
2 |
6 |
115 |
1 |
350 |
29 |
10 |
38 |
4 |
25 |
533 |
0 |
639 |
50 |
19 |
74 |
5 |
86 |
67 |
10 |
311 |
15 |
0 |
20 |
49 |
90 |
266 |
12 |
452 |
16 |
17 |
113 |
367 |
7 |
62 |
10 |
592 |
381 |
190 |
401 |
32 |
15 |
0 |
13 |
1,032 |
14 |
49 |
99 |
16 |
82 |
128 |
6 |
394 |
28 |
19 |
39 |
3 |
3 |
67 |
1 |
160 |
103 |
53 |
44 |
20 |
77 |
23 |
0 |
320 |
60 |
20 |
71 |
1 |
7 |
57 |
0 |
216 |
28 |
13 |
79 |
2 |
5 |
112 |
3 |
242 |
26 |
30 |
51 |
8 |
4 |
38 |
0 |
157 |
Total |
1,212 |
911 |
2,651 |
744 |
962 |
1,937 |
81 |
8,498 |
Percent |
14% |
11% |
31% |
9% |
11% |
23% |
1% |
100% |
Consumers Receiving I & R and Direct Services by Gender - FY 2012
Number of
I & R Responses |
Number of
Consumers Served
Direct Services |
Number of
Males Served
Direct Services |
Number of
Females Served
Direct Services |
AL |
1,927 |
1,499 |
656 |
843 |
4,851 |
97 |
36 |
61 |
2,295 |
111 |
61 |
50 |
405 |
106 |
56 |
50 |
17,235 |
339 |
140 |
199 |
612 |
101 |
49 |
52 |
3,381 |
452 |
163 |
289 |
303 |
124 |
55 |
69 |
1,286 |
389 |
192 |
197 |
3,492 |
199 |
60 |
139 |
1,163 |
216 |
117 |
99 |
4,513 |
350 |
175 |
175 |
1,452 |
639 |
305 |
334 |
1,370 |
311 |
128 |
183 |
1,351 |
452 |
158 |
294 |
1,491 |
592 |
281 |
311 |
4,412 |
1,032 |
569 |
463 |
1,159 |
394 |
160 |
234 |
1,908 |
160 |
85 |
75 |
558 |
320 |
154 |
166 |
294 |
216 |
111 |
105 |
1,094 |
242 |
104 |
138 |
1,785 |
157 |
71 |
86 |
Total |
58,337 |
8,498 |
3,886 |
4,612 |
County Coverage - FY 2012
No. Counties
Served |
No. Served
Home County |
No. Served
Outlying Counties |
Total |
Home |
Outlying |
AL |
Chicago |
1,482 |
17 |
1,499 |
99% |
1% |
4 |
56 |
41 |
97 |
58% |
42% |
3 |
91 |
20 |
111 |
82% |
18% |
3 |
106 |
0 |
106 |
100% |
0% |
3 |
286 |
53 |
339 |
84% |
16% |
5 |
62 |
39 |
101 |
61% |
39% |
6 |
347 |
105 |
452 |
77% |
23% |
4 |
78 |
46 |
124 |
63% |
37% |
2 |
373 |
16 |
389 |
96% |
4% |
4 |
131 |
68 |
199 |
66% |
34% |
3 |
178 |
38 |
216 |
82% |
18% |
5 |
184 |
166 |
350 |
53% |
47% |
13 |
147 |
492 |
639 |
23% |
77% |
2 |
211 |
100 |
311 |
68% |
32% |
5 |
277 |
175 |
452 |
61% |
39% |
1 |
575 |
17 |
592 |
97% |
3% |
4 |
401 |
631 |
1,032 |
39% |
61% |
8 |
255 |
139 |
394 |
65% |
35% |
5 |
146 |
14 |
160 |
91% |
9% |
7 |
105 |
215 |
320 |
33% |
67% |
3 |
167 |
49 |
216 |
77% |
23% |
6 |
118 |
124 |
242 |
49% |
51% |
2 |
150 |
7 |
157 |
96% |
4% |
Total |
98 |
5,926 |
2,572 |
8,498 |
70% |
30% |
Ethnicity of Consumers Receiving Direct Service in FY 2012
Indian |
Asian |
American |
Hispanic |
Hawaiian |
White |
Other |
Total |
AL |
9 |
16 |
1,076 |
122 |
2 |
259 |
15 |
1,499 |
0 |
0 |
19 |
2 |
0 |
76 |
0 |
97 |
0 |
2 |
16 |
8 |
0 |
85 |
0 |
111 |
1 |
2 |
6 |
72 |
0 |
23 |
2 |
106 |
1 |
1 |
65 |
7 |
0 |
259 |
6 |
339 |
1 |
0 |
1 |
6 |
0 |
93 |
0 |
101 |
0 |
1 |
51 |
5 |
0 |
391 |
4 |
452 |
0 |
1 |
4 |
1 |
0 |
114 |
4 |
124 |
3 |
11 |
73 |
26 |
1 |
259 |
16 |
389 |
1 |
0 |
12 |
5 |
0 |
178 |
3 |
199 |
0 |
2 |
58 |
2 |
0 |
154 |
0 |
216 |
1 |
0 |
5 |
21 |
0 |
307 |
16 |
350 |
4 |
2 |
18 |
2 |
1 |
608 |
4 |
639 |
0 |
0 |
34 |
3 |
0 |
262 |
12 |
311 |
1 |
5 |
59 |
3 |
0 |
379 |
5 |
452 |
3 |
8 |
156 |
61 |
0 |
357 |
7 |
592 |
7 |
11 |
157 |
58 |
0 |
774 |
25 |
1,032 |
1 |
0 |
78 |
1 |
0 |
309 |
5 |
394 |
0 |
0 |
34 |
3 |
1 |
119 |
3 |
160 |
1 |
0 |
55 |
1 |
0 |
263 |
0 |
320 |
1 |
1 |
18 |
3 |
0 |
191 |
2 |
216 |
0 |
0 |
18 |
2 |
0 |
215 |
7 |
242 |
0 |
0 |
39 |
7 |
0 |
107 |
4 |
157 |
Total |
35 |
63 |
2,052 |
421 |
5 |
5,782 |
140 |
8,498 |
Percent |
0.41% |
0.74% |
24.15% |
4.95% |
0.06% |
68.04% |
1.65% |
100% |
Overall Consumer Involvement - FY 2012
No. and Percentage of
Persons with Disabilities
on Board of Directors |
No. and Percentage of
Persons with Disabilities
on Administrative Staff |
No. and Percentage of
Persons with Disabilities
on Program Staff |
Number |
Percent |
Number |
Percent |
Number |
Percent |
AL |
17 |
65% |
10 |
67% |
47 |
55% |
5 |
50% |
2 |
67% |
4 |
100% |
8 |
89% |
2 |
67% |
10 |
90% |
3 |
100% |
3 |
100% |
5 |
40% |
9 |
82% |
9 |
90% |
10 |
90% |
7 |
88% |
2 |
100% |
5 |
80% |
7 |
58% |
3 |
100% |
10 |
45% |
10 |
83% |
2 |
67% |
9 |
89% |
7 |
78% |
4 |
100% |
12 |
83% |
10 |
71% |
2 |
100% |
8.73 |
79% |
10 |
67% |
2 |
67% |
7 |
71% |
6 |
75% |
2 |
100% |
5 |
100% |
4 |
80% |
1 |
100% |
12 |
58% |
6 |
75% |
2 |
100% |
10 |
90% |
13 |
100% |
2 |
100% |
8 |
75% |
7 |
58% |
6 |
86% |
11.5 |
91% |
6 |
55% |
4 |
50% |
20 |
60% |
7 |
78% |
1 |
100% |
14.4 |
59% |
9 |
75% |
3 |
100% |
9 |
67% |
5 |
100% |
5 |
56% |
15 |
53% |
6 |
67% |
2 |
100% |
7 |
100% |
5 |
71% |
2 |
67% |
5 |
60% |
7 |
47% |
1 |
50% |
7 |
71% |
Average |
8 |
74% |
3 |
84% |
74% |
DHS: Illinois Department of Human Services
401 South Clinton Street, Chicago, Illinois 60607
100 South Grand Avenue, East, Springfield, Illinois 62762
Programs, activities and employment opportunities in the Illinois Department of Human Services are open and accessible to any individual or group without regard to age, sex, race, sexual orientation, disability, ethnic origin or religion. The department is an equal opportunity employer and practices affirmative action and reasonable accommodation programs.