May 23, 2013 Communications Committee Meeting


Illinois Juvenile Justice Commission Communication Committee Members and Staff.  The public is welcome to attend.


May 23, 2013, 2:00p.m. to 4:00 p.m.


  • 2020 Metropolis
    30 West Monroe
    13th Floor
    Chicago, IL
  • 823 E Monroe
    Springfield, IL 


  1. Call to Order
  2. Roll Call
  3. Approval of minutes
  4. Status of Reports
    1. Annual Report
    2. Raise the Age Report
    3. Juvenile Sex Offender Study
    4. Juvenile Reentry Improvement Study
      1. Community Briefings
    5. Youth Engagement
    6. DJJ Vocational Education
    7. DMC Assessment
      1. Communications and Release
  5. Data Liaison
  6. Communications Strategies
    1. Website
  7. Other Items / Next Steps
  8. Next meeting date
    June 27, 2013
  9. Adjournment


  1. Call to Order
    The meeting was called to order at 2:07pm.
  2. Roll Call
    Co-Chairmen Julie Biehl and Esther Franco-Payne, Lisa Jacobs, Shelley Davis. Quorum declared present at 2:20pm. Staff: Heidi Mueller, Julie Stremlau. Guests: Jim Bray, Donna Taylor, Stephanie Kollmann. Kanako Ishida on phone.
  3. Approval of minutes
    Commissioner Davis moved to approve the minutes. Commissioner Jacobs seconded the motion, minutes approved.
  4. Status of Reports
    1. Annual Report
      Report is finished. Planning for release.
    2. Raise the Age Report
      Group discussed the signing of Raise the Age bill and how it needs to be signed in a timely manner. Jim Bray recommended a signing ceremony. Will continue to resolve this issue.
    3. Juvenile Sex Offender Study
      JSO study will be reviewed by DHS and the Commission before release. Study will be complete very soon.
    4. Juvenile Reentry Improvement Study
      1. Community Briefings
        It was noted that the more current term for DMC is racial and ethnic disparity in the juvenile justice system. The committee discussed how to link community briefings to tangible asks of participants.
    5. Youth Engagement
      Donna Taylor reported that the Commission needs one more youth commissioner. The Governor's office was asked about the last application submitted in February, no answer at this time. Youth Engagement meetings continue to go as planned and showing continued participation and success.
    6. DJJ Vocational Education
      Commissioner Franco-Payne reported they have shared a complete set of recommendations, best practices and strategies for statewide programs. The focus is on on-line services. The question remains, how we move forward nationally. They are waiting on a cost analysis.
    7. DMC Assessment
      1. Communications and Release
        DMC Coordinator, Karima Douglas noted the problems with the data contained in the DMC assessment. The DMC committee was to develop strategies and implement a plan based on the assessment, but with the data issues it is difficult to direct program areas. Commissioner Jacobs recommended seeking technical assistance from the Burns Institute. Karima reported that the DMC Committee needs more assistance and participation from the full Commission to achieve DMC reduction goals.
  5. Data Liaison
    No update.  
  6. Communications Strategies
    1. Website
      Donna Taylor updated the group on the IJJC website. The group discussed an IJJC Facebook page. Commissioner Franco-Payne asked who would monitor the site. Executive Director, Heidi Mueller further explained that if we had such a site then we must ensure the website reflects the ideals of the IJJC and DHS. There must be set guidelines and someone to monitor the information shared. The issue will be explored further.
  7. Other Items / Next Steps
    None noted.
  8. Next meeting date
    June 27, 2013
  9. Adjournment
    Commissioner Biehl moved to adjourn, Commissioner Davis seconded the motion, meeting adjourned at 3:52pm.