April 25, 2013 Communications Committe Meeting


Illinois Juvenile Justice Commission Communication Committee Members and Staff.  The public is welcome to attend.


April 25, 2013, 2:00p.m. to 4:00 p.m.


  • 2020 Metropolis
    30 West Monroe
    13th Floor
    Chicago, IL
  • 823 E Monroe
    Springfield, IL 


  1. Call to Order
  2. Roll Call
  3. Approval of minutes
  4. Status of Reports
    1. Annual Report
    2. Raise the Age Report
    3. Juvenile Sex Offender Study
    4. Juvenile Reentry Improvement Study
      1. Community Briefings
    5. Youth Engagement
    6. DJJ Vocational Education
    7. DMC Assessment
      1. Communications and Release
  5. Data Liaison
  6. Communications Strategies
    1. Website
  7. Other Items / Next Steps
  8. Next meeting date
    May 23, 2013
  9. Adjournment


  1. Call to Order
    Meeting was called to order at 2:33pm.
  2. Roll Call:
    Co-Chairmen Esther Franco-Payne and Julie Biehl. IJJC Vice Chairman Lisa Jacobs, IJJC Chairman George Timberlake and Shelley Davis. Quorum present. Guests: Leah Menzer, Stephanie Kollmann, Kanako Ishida, Jim Bray. Staff: Heidi Mueller, Julie Stremlau, Karima Douglas and Rob Vickery.
  3. Approval of Minutes
    Commissioner Jacobs motioned to approve the March minutes. Commissioner Biehl seconded. Minutes approved.
  4. Status of Reports
    1. Annual Report
      Jim Bray announced a copy of the Annual Report was sent on March 4th for review. IL is currently 3 years behind reporting, this is 2011 data. Planning and Grants will allocate funds to address this. The Annual Report has not been released. Commissioner Jacobs feels the report undermines the Commission's actions with Raise the Age (RtA) report. We need to resolve RtA. Stephanie Kollmann will edit and format for another review by May 1, 2013.
    2. Raise the Age Report (RtA)
      Report released in April and is moving forward.
    3. Juvenile Sex Offender Study
      Commissioner Jacobs gave the JSO update. Commissioner Jacobs and Anita Weinberg will be presenting at the Sex Offender conference. Jim Bray does not believe the JSO study will be completed in time for Session. Commissioner Franco-Payne and Jim are working on the JSO release. Commissioner Biehl added that the Commission needs to think strategically about education on this issue.
    4. Juvenile Reentry Improvement Study
      Heidi Mueller explained that the numbers reported for parole from ICJIA are not the same numbers IDJJ verified. The numbers of kids on parole in 2000-2010 were off. Erica Hughes and other data staff are working on fixing this.
      1. Community Briefings
    5. Youth Engagement
      Rob Vickery gave the youth overview. Everything with the advocacy group is going smoothly and they have another presentation this week.
    6. DJJ Vocational Education
    7. DMC Assessment
      1. Communications and Release Karima Douglas, DMC Coordinator gave the DMC update. She explained that we must be aware of our communities. We are looking at St. Clair and Cook but need statewide organizations such as ICOY, we need Outreach. Jim Bray explained that this Assessment needs to be released. The report is being reformatted for public consumption and a strategy for release must be established. Commissioner Jacobs explained there is $14 million in funding available for community engagement. Models for Change is involved and looking at this as a third piece to Reentry. There are 24 communities receiving money for Reentry. We need to ensure youth of color are participating.
  5. Data Liaison
    Commissioner Weiner can assist in three areas: (1) helping sort through Reentry data needs; (2) broader DJJ data questions; (3) ICJIA data grant (continue with current approach or give ICJIA a list of indicators on which data should be collected).
  6. Communication Strategies
    1. Website
      No updates noted.
  7. Other Items/Next Steps
    CPRD's white paper on positive youth outcomes will be discussed at the next meeting.
  8. Next Meeting Date
    May 23, 2013
  9. Adjournment
    Commissioner Jacobs motioned to adjourn the meeting. Commissioner Biehl seconded the motion. Meeting adjourned at 4:06pm.