August 16, 2013 Redeploy Illinois Oversight Board


Redeploy Illinois Oversight Board Members and Staff. The public is welcome to attend.


August 16, 2013, 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.


This meeting will be conducted via video conference with Chicago & Springfield Locations as follows:

  • Chicago: 401 Clinton Building, 7th Floor Executive video conference room.
  • Springfield: Harris Building, 3rd Floor Executive video conference room.


  1. Call to Order
  2. Approval of Minutes (May 2013)
  3. FY13 Final Funding Review
    1. Sites
    2. YNC
  4. ARRA Final Financial Close-Out Review
    1. Site
    2. Planning Grants
    3. Recidivism/Cost Benefit
    4. Expansion Analysis
    5. Staff
  5. FY14 Funding Status
    1. Sites
    2. Staff
    3. YNC and Focused
    4. Available for RFP
  6. Supplemental Funding Decisions (existing sites)
    1. LaSalle County
    2. Lee County
    3. Madison
    4. Second Circuit
    5. St. Clair County
  7. RFP Funding Decisions
  8. Implementation Plan Revision - Fourth Circuit
    If Time Permits
  9. ISU Report
  10. UIS Expansion Analysis/Discussion
  11. Next Meeting: September 20, 2013
  12. Adjournment


  1. Call to Order
    Meeting was called to order at 1:10pm. 
  2. Roll Call
    Chair: Anna D'Ascenzo (representing Secretary), Erica Hughes (representing Jack Cutrone), Betsy Clarke, Patricia Griffith, Jim McCarter, Peter Parry, Janet Ahern, George Timberlake, Paula Wolff, Chip Coldren, Arthur Bishop, Rick Velasquez and Athena Farmakis (representing Margaret Wood). Quorum declared present. 
    Staff and Guests: Karrie Rueter, Danielle Donovan, John Payne, Donna Taylor, Esther Franco-Payne, MaryAnn Dyer, Jessie LaChance and Kristin Knox (DHS Intern). 
  3. Approval of Minutes (May 2013)
    The RIOB discussed the meeting minutes from April and May 2013. Motion by Patricia Griffith to approve the April and May 2013 meeting minutes; Jim McCarter seconded. The Board approved the April and May 2013 minutes.
  4. FY13 Final Funding Review
    Karrie Rueter summarized the spending in FY13. Five sites lapsed a total of $73,469.92 with McLean County accounting for $53,428.00 of that total. McLean County lapsed the largest percentage of funds (32% of their total funding). Montgomery County lapsed 5% of funding; St. Clair County lapsed less than 2% of funding; and both Macon and Madison counties lapsed less than 1% of funding. McLean County has had a reoccurring issue with lapsing funds for the past couple fiscal years. However, the Director of this site has again reassured program staff that this will not be an issue this year. Members discussed the possibility of reducing the McLean County contract for FY14. Members of the board are requesting that the McLean County staff be present at the next RIOB Meeting to justify continuing to fund them at the current level.
  5. ARRA Final Financial Close-Out Review
    Karrie Rueter summarized the ARRA spending over the total grant period. IDHS was awarded $800,000.00 to implement the ARRA Project for three fiscal years. From that, only $747,985.86 was actually spent; consequently lapsed funding in the amount of $52,014.14 over the total grant period was returned to ICJIA. The University of Illinois, Center for Public Safety and Justice, lapsed the majority of the remaining funds with $40,748.46 of their award unspent. This is likely due to the late start to their grant.
  6. FY14 Funding Status
    Karrie Rueter summarized the funding status for this current fiscal year. With all sites at level funding, including LaSalle County, YNC Support and projected funding for one full-time staff person and intern, the anticipated expenditures for this fiscal year are about $2.67 million - leaving approximately $2.2 million available to annualize for new sites.
  7. Supplemental Funding Decisions
    Staff shared with the board five supplemental funding requests to consider from existing sites: LaSalle County, Lee County, Madison County, Second Judicial Circuit and St. Clair County have each asked for additional funding and/or increases to existing sites.
    1. LaSalle County: This site is proposing to bring in two additional counties and expand services in their current county. They are requesting an additional $124,000.00. This would effectively double their award. The board requested that they receive more information from this site before making a final decision (i.e. Numbers served from a cost-benefit perspective). 
      George Timberlake put forth the motion to table this request until staff has additional information to provide the RIOB; Jim McCarter seconded. The Board voted to table this request until further information can be provided.
    2. Lee County: The board reviewed this request and felt this site had proposed a strong request.  Motion by Jim McCarter to approve the supplemental funding request for up to $13,000.00; Chip Coldren seconded.  The Board voted to approve the Lee County supplemental funding request.  Patricia Griffith abstained.Motion passed.   
    3. Madison County: The board reviewed this request and felt this site had proposed a strong request. J Jim McCarter put forth the motion to approve the supplemental funding request in the amount of $29,000.00; Chip Coldren seconded.  The Board voted to approve the Madison County supplemental funding request.Patricia Griffith abstained.  Motion passed.   
    4. Second Judicial Circuit: The board reviewed this request and felt this site had proposed a strong request. Jim McCarter put forth the motion to approve the supplemental funding request in the amount of $66,020.00; Chip Coldren seconded.  The Board voted to approve the Second Judicial Circuit supplemental funding request.  Patricia Griffith abstained.  Motion passed. 
    5. St. Clair County: The board reviewed this request and felt this site had proposed a strong request.  Jim McCarter put forth the motion to approve the supplemental funding request in the amount of $29,000.00; Chip Coldren seconded.  The Board voted to approve the St. Clair County supplemental funding request.  Patricia Griffith abstained.  Motion passed. 
  8. RFP Funding Decisions
    Program Staff received four (4) applications for funding from this RFP. The RFP Review team (Chip Coldren, Erica Hughes, Danielle Hamilton, George Timberlake and Janet Ahern) presented their recommendations to the board on all four applications.
    1. Cook County: The average score for this applicant was 70 (the minimum score possible in order to be eligible for RFP Funding). The Review Team is NOT recommending this applicant for funding AT THIS TIME. The recommendation is to post-pone any funding decision for this applicant until clarification on several items within the application can be considered. After a very lengthy discussion, the board made a motion. 
      George Timberlake put forth the motion to conduct a face-face meeting with key representatives of the Cook County Application team (President's office, Chief Judge, Juvenile Judge, Judges from each of the four (4) Court Calendars, State's Attorney, Public Defender and Probation staff). Following such a meeting, the Review Team will be prepared to propose a funding recommendation to the full RIOB; Paula Wolff seconded.  The Board voted to post-pone a funding decision on this application until the following Board Members (Jim McCarter, George Timberlake, Janet Ahern and Anne Studzinski) have conducted the meeting with Cook County and key representatives. John Payne will serve as the liaison.  Peter Perry and Athena Farmakis abstained.Motion passed.   
    2. Winnebago County: The average score for this applicant was 91 and was recommended for funding by the Review Team. The Review Team further identified for staff three areas to target at an initial site visit to provide Technical Assistance, should they be funded. Those are as follows: Specify more clearly the services to be provided; Provide a deeper analysis of disproportionate minority contact; and Organizational Capacity - clearly define lead agency roles, etc. 
      Betsy Clarke put forth the motion to approve the RFP application; Rick Velasquez seconded.  The Board voted to approve the Winnebago County RFP Application.  Patricia Griffith abstained.  Motion passed.
    3. Kankakee County: The average score for this applicant was 85 and was recommended for funding by the Review Team. The Review Team identified four topics to be addressed by the site at an initial site visit to provide Technical Assistance, should they be funded. Those are as follows: Specify additional supports for Child Welfare Action Team; More aggressive timeline for service implementation; Provide a deeper analysis of disproportionate minority contact; and describe why the State's Attorney is NOT on board and how this will be addressed.Betsy Clarke put forth the motion to approve the RFP application; Arthur Bishop seconded.  The Board voted to approve the Kankakee County RFP Application.  Patricia Griffith abstained and Jim McCarter opposed.Motion passed.   
    4. Union County: The average score for this applicant was 82 and was recommended for funding by the Review Team. However, the funding decision will be contingent upon the applicant providing some clarification. The Review Team recommended that only one month in funding be released until the applicant provides the Review Team the information below by November 1, 2013. Once the Review Team receives, reviews and approves the clarifying information, the remainder of the grant funding will be made available.Betsy Clarke put forth the motion to approve the RFP application; Chip Coldren seconded.  The Board voted to approve the Union County RFP Application.  Patricia Griffith abstained and Jim McCarter opposed.  Motion passed. 
  9. Implementation Plan Revision (IPR) Response
    John Payne gave a summary of the two site assessments and what is expected from the IPR for each.
    1. Fourth Circuit: At the previous meeting John Payne asked to table this IPR in order to allow sufficient time for review. After having sufficient time to review this IPR Response, John Payne recommended the Board vote to approve. George Timberlake put forth the motion to approve the IPR Response in full from the Fourth Circuit; Jim McCarter seconded.  The Board voted to approve the Fourth Circuit IPR Response in full.  Motion passed. 
  10. Next Meeting
    The next meeting will be rescheduled from September 20 to September 6, 2013 at 1:00 - 3:00 pm.
  11. Adjournment
    Betsy Clarke motioned to adjourn, seconded by George Timberlake.  Meeting adjourned at 3:10 pm.